Han Yiming listened carefully.

These words are the wisdom of life gained by Mother Han after decades of experience.

He told Tong Anyang that it was a fake marriage, but he never thought of letting her go. At least he wanted to fight for himself.

If she never loves him as much as a woman loves a man, then when she meets the man she likes, he will take the initiative to let him go.

It was getting late, and everyone was tired after a busy day, so they went back to their houses to sleep.

The Han family has a large population, and everyone in the house is occupied. When Tong Anyang returned to the house, Han Yiming was lying on the table, lighting a kerosene lamp and writing something.

Nervous, she couldn't help but curiously stepped forward to take a look.

Han Yiming smiled and showed her the diary he had written:

"My parents are very strict with me. They don't care how I mess around during the day. If I don't like to work, I won't work. As long as I don't ask for money from my family or cheat, then it's up to me."

"But when the sun goes down, I have to go home on time without any valid reason."

"When I came into the house so early, I had nothing to do, so I developed the habit of writing a diary every day..."

As soon as he heard that it was his diary, Tong Anyang immediately looked away.

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows, "Don't you appreciate my writing style?"

Tong Anyang said with a smile: "Everyone has their own little secret, but I still won't read it."

Han Yiming felt a little regretful.He praised her a lot in his diary, and when he was writing just now, he felt like he was experiencing such a surprising day again.

At this moment, he was still filled with uncontrollable excitement and joy.

It is said that beauty is seen under the lamp, and the bright and dark light did not dare to disturb her. She restrained her teeth and claws, like a time camera, keeping such breathtaking beauty in his memory.

Epiphyllum is not as gentle as her bowing her head!

Thinking of the two of them sharing the same bed later, Han Yiming wished he could jump up.

However, even though he had received the certificate from her, he did not dare to reveal a trace of his friendship for her in a sober manner in front of her.

He took the initiative and said: "Daughter-in-law, it's not that I don't want to lay a floor, but the conditions at home are limited. We don't have cement floors like in the city."

"The room is relatively humid, and there are often centipedes on the ground...so I have to force you to sleep in the same bed with me..."

Tong Anyang felt a wave of heat on his face, and whispered softly: "This is what it should be."

The house is not big, and there is a lot of furniture. The young man is tall and tall, especially when illuminated by the kerosene lamp, his shadow almost covers the entire roof, making the space even more cramped.

What's more, he was wearing a white racer-shaped vest, and the muscle lines on his arms were smooth and full of explosive power. The slim-fitting vest also showed beautiful eight-pack abs!

Tong Anyang didn't dare to look around, feeling that the air was even hotter than during the day.

At this time, Mother Han knocked on the door.

She hurried over and opened it.

Mother Han walked in with a smile and put the gift list written by her relatives during the day on the table. "Although our Han family is a farmer, we do not treat our daughter-in-law harshly."

"Everything in the family is prosperous. When everyone is considerate and thoughtful of each other, and when they are happy and happy, the family will be prosperous... So, after our daughter-in-law of the Han family comes in, after deducting the number of seats from the gift money received today, It will be handed over to the new person exactly as it is."

"You two, save some money in your hands, so that your life can be enjoyable..."

"Xiao Liu, go to my house and bring the four baskets of things...I left most of the common foods such as eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, noodles, brown sugar and so on..." Before Tong Anyang could say anything, Han Yiming didn't know how to be polite at all and rushed out to move things!
Tong Anyang couldn't laugh or cry, "Mom, if you and Dad went to give gifts to others before, it's your and dad's money that we shouldn't accept."

Mother Han said with a smile: "When the five sisters-in-law before you came through the door, we came the same way. Since I gave it, it must be the acquiescence of everyone."

"If you don't want it, then you are out of touch."

When the words came to this point, Tong Anyang could only smile and nod in agreement.

Anyway, she made up her mind to teach women, including Han Mu, one or two profitable delicacies.

Not long after, Han Yiming started to cry. With the help of Han's father, he moved the four bamboo baskets back to the small compartment of his house. There was almost no place to stand.

As soon as Father Han and Mother Han left, Han Yiming asked Tong Anyang to help clean up.

They took a nap during the day and afternoon, and now they were not sleepy at all. Rather than lying on the bed and looking at the roof, they might as well find something to do to relieve the embarrassment of being alone in a room.

The gifts given by everyone are quite messy, but Mother Han has already sorted through them.

They only need to put the things that have been classified into the corresponding locations.

A pile of fabrics of various colors and materials, pillow covers, towels, scarves, thermos, enamel basins, etc., as well as some high-end food.

If they can use it themselves, if the quality is good, they will put it aside; if the quality is average, they can use it to give gifts to others in return.

Anyway, the people in the village are not particular about it. One thing has passed through the hands of many people.

By the time they finished cleaning up, they were all sweating.

Tong Anyang picked two pieces of soft floral cloth, clicked them with scissors a few times, found a needle and thread, and sewed pajamas for himself under the kerosene lamp.

Han Yiming tidied up the house and made her a cup of milk powder. "Daughter-in-law, people in the city say that drinking a cup of milk before going to bed will help you sleep."

"After drinking, let's go to bed. We have to get up early tomorrow to catch the bus to the provincial capital."

"If there is any work, we can do it tomorrow morning."

Even if Tong Anyang makes clothes now, he still has to wash them before putting them on.

She put the things in the sewing basket and held the cup, "Didn't you make yourself a cup?"

Han Yiming smiled and waved his hand, "Why should I, a grown man, drink milk? If someone finds out, I will laugh out loud."

Tong Anyang said with a smile: "Don't men drink breast milk after birth? Why do we need to drink milk? It is to replenish the calcium that is constantly flowing out of our bodies."

"Calcium supplementation is not something only the elderly need. We have to start from now on."

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows, "My wife knows so much."

He treats her as a daughter-in-law who loves him.He happily poured himself a glass and drank it three or two times without tasting anything.

After a brief wash, Tong Anyang wiped his body twice with a towel in the cubicle, feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Han Yiming took out the ointment and asked her to sit down.

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment. From the moment he woke up to when he agreed to Han Yiming's marriage, his mind kept spinning, but he forgot that he had hit a wall that day in order to prove his innocence.

Although she did not die, the scar on her forehead became inflamed and pus spread due to being mixed with some foreign matter and not properly taken care of.

After she was cured, she found a large brown scar on her forehead and a broken eyebrow...

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