No matter how good-looking she originally looked, people would always hate her with this scar.

Even though she has always had thick bangs, she still couldn't straighten her back and was afraid of being ridiculed.

Especially when she gets older, there is no mention of a 60-year-old lady still having bangs, right?
She is good at cooking food, but because of her appearance, there are not many customers who come to her stall, and most of them are bold.

"Isn't it ugly?" Tong Anyang asked, turning his head slightly.

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Not ugly, it is a medal for your decisive temper. You will never bow to bad elements."

"I think you hit a wall and you hit their heart."

But no, if something happens to her, the comrades in the bureau will definitely be alarmed.

How can people who cause harm not feel guilty and fearful?
Tong Anyang lowered his eyes slightly, "You don't need to lie to me."

Han Yiming really didn't want to lie to her. The woman was already beautiful and delicate, and the light-colored cloth around her forehead made her even more frail and pretty!

He took off the cloth, and the blood from the wound stuck to the cloth, making it extremely painful to tear off.

Listening to the woman's hissing voice, Han Yiming felt distressed and a little imaginative.

Sweat started to form on his forehead again, and he rinsed it off little by little with liquid medicine. It took five or six minutes just to take off the cloth from Tong Anyang's head.

The wound no longer bleeds, but the weather is hot in summer and it is wrapped tightly with ordinary cotton cloth, which makes it a little inflamed!

Moreover, Han Yiming frowned slightly, "Daughter-in-law, have you been unconscious since you were injured? Do you know who bandaged you and what was applied?"

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, "I'm not very familiar with the other people in the Educated Youth Institute. Only my roommate Hu Laiying has a good relationship with me."

"It was either the doctor at the health center or her. But I was knocked unconscious. There was no way they wouldn't send me to the clinic."

Han Yiming came closer and sniffed gently.

There was still a punch's distance between the two of them. Tong Anyang froze in place, almost holding his breath.

She couldn't help but recite the meditation mantra silently.

Who says only men lust after women?She was an old lady who had never been married. Now that she had a different body, she couldn't control her beating heart.

Han Yiming smelled a very faint salty smell, and his face turned extremely cold, "Someone put soy sauce on you!"

Tong Anyang's expression also changed.After most people are injured, doctors will advise them to eat something light, especially during wound recovery, and eat less soy sauce.

She was not allowed to eat more, not to mention that her wounds were smeared with soy sauce.

How much does this person hate her to think of ruining her appearance!

"Is it serious?" The good days have just begun, and she doesn't want to become a girl who can't get married because of her appearance.

Han Yiming pursed his lips and shook his head: "I'm not sure about this either. I'll clean you up later and apply some medicine... The weather is hot now and your wound has stopped bleeding. There's no need to bandage it anymore..."

"When we go to the provincial capital tomorrow, let's go to the hospital to see the doctor and get some medicine to apply... I don't think it's a big problem!"

Tong Anyang pursed his lips with annoyance on his face, why was he so impulsive?

If only she was reborn before hitting the wall.

Who doesn't want to look good?

Han Yiming couldn't help but tap her forehead with his hand, "Now you know you are afraid and regret it?"

"Let's see if you dare to joke with your own life in the future!"

"Daughter-in-law, you have to learn to grow up and be more open-minded. Except for life and death, everything else is trivial." "Look, people have to experience a lot of things in life, and some of them make you feel sad, sad, desperate, etc. Yes, at that time you will feel that this obstacle is unbearable."

"But in fact, after you grit your teeth and get through it, you can only look back and see what happened. Look now, are you still thinking of using extreme means to solve the problem?"

Tong Anyang glared at him and said in frustration: "But some mistakes have been made and cannot be undone."

Han Yiming chuckled and said, "No, you are still so young. This wound will heal in a few months without any traces being visible."

"Here, look at my, is there a hole if you don't look carefully?"

He thrust his face in front of Tong Anyang's eyes, "I was naughty when I was a child. When the adults weren't paying attention, the four-year-old child ran up the back hill and rolled down. His face hit a stone and he was bleeding. The roar..."

"Think about it, how deep the tip of the stone pierced into your cheek, but now there is only a shallow pit..."

Tong Anyang smiled, he could do whatever he wanted, just let nature take its course.

In her last life, her wound got worse and worse. She used cotton cloth to cover the wound tightly in the summer. Hu Laiying said that there were many mosquitoes in summer and she was afraid of wound infection.

Besides, who would think about going to the hospital to get medicine to apply it if they have a wound?
Half of people just wait for the wound to heal on its own.

At that time, she was also waiting, but she did not expect that the wound would become inflamed and spread.

After applying the potion, the two of them lay flat on the bed with a thick quilt in between.

"Go to sleep quickly. Let's get up early to catch the bus tomorrow," Han Yiming said calmly, lying down and closing his eyes.

But those who know him know that the calmer he is, the more magnificent, choppy and stormy his heart becomes...

Today is the night of his bridal chamber, and lying next to him is the girl he fell in love with at first sight, fell in love with at second sight, and yearned for the girl he would not marry unless he saw her.

But he couldn't touch her. He could only think silently in his heart, how could he impress her and make her willing to be his wife?

Soon the little girl next to me fell asleep soundly, her breathing regular and gentle.

He carefully turned sideways and looked at her greedily through the bright moonlight outside the window.

Han Yiming couldn't help but quietly reached out his hand and pushed aside her fallen hair.

Tong Anyang felt a little itchy and moved. Han Yiming was so frightened that he quickly lay down and held his breath.

But after waiting for half a minute, the little woman was still sleeping soundly.

Han Yiming then turned sideways and looked curiously.

He was also very busy today. When he couldn't resist the sleepiness, the little woman actually turned over the obstacle in the middle and fell into his arms.

Han Yiming hugged her excitedly, kissed her forehead lightly, and slept with his wife in his arms contentedly!
The next morning, Tong Anyang opened his eyes, looked at the man's strong chest muscles, and his face turned red.

No wonder she dreamed last night that she went diving in the sea and was tied up by an octopus.

She has never been married, but she has read novels and TV shows and knows that it is impossible to seduce men in the morning.

She didn't dare to move and continued to pretend to sleep with her eyes closed.

Fortunately, Han Yiming woke up quickly and stared at her for a long time. He saw the woman's eyelashes trembling slightly and her eyes occasionally moving.

He raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips, approached and kissed her forehead gently, "Daughter-in-law, get up quickly."

Tong Anyang slowly opened his eyes, his fair face flushed with crimson, and whispered: "Good morning, Comrade Han."

The smile on Han Yiming's face froze for a moment, and he hummed: "Good morning, wife!"

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