Han Yiming emphasized seriously: "Daughter-in-law, you can't call me Comrade Han anymore."

"We are husband and wife. Have you ever seen a couple so unfamiliar?"

"Don't make any distinction between public and private, just choose a name and call it smooth... You know, those people from the Educated Youth Institute are waiting to catch us!"

Tong Anyang was touched in his heart.

She is not a truly innocent little girl. She pretended to be asleep just now, so she could truly feel his strong love even after suppressing it.

But he was afraid that she would know that she was now using this poor excuse to seek benefits for himself.

Tong Anyang looked at him as if he were looking at a junior, with indulgence and helplessness, "Yi Ming?"

Han Yiming frowned, "Call me Brother Yiming, or Brother Ming! I will protect you from now on in the village."

Tong Anyang took a deep breath. Although, he was indeed older than her, but she was over 60 years old inside. How could an old lady call a young man?
She wanted to kick him out of bed, and she almost succeeded, but why didn't she know how to stop when she was ready?

She pretended she didn't hear him and got up quickly, but she stood up violently. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she was about to fall forward.

It was Han Yiming who quickly scooped the person up into his arms with his quick eyes and hands. He rolled with the force and the two of them moved up and down again.

This time Han Yiming didn't dare to experience it too much, mainly because his body didn't allow it. If he kept going, he would really transform!

Because they were going to the provincial capital, they ate in a hurry, asked the village chief to get a certificate, and took a watermelon cart to the town.

There is no direct bus from the town to the provincial capital, so they have to take another trip when they get to the city.

The interior environment of passenger cars in this era was very poor, with a strong smell of gasoline and various strange smells, and the car was bumpy.

Tong Anyang stood at the door of the car, and his head began to hurt.She forgot that she was motion sick!

"Why don't you get in the car?" Han Yiming asked in a low voice.

Tong Anyang's face fell, "I'm carsick and can't smell the smell in the car. I'll get in when the train departs."

"You go up and take a seat first..."

Han Yiming rubbed her head and said, "Okay, let's get something to occupy a seat first. You wait here while I buy some food and some motion sickness pills for you."

Tong Anyang hummed and continued to stare at the bus with bitter hatred.

Only then did she feel that she would face economic and technological setbacks after her rebirth.

Later, the car drove smoothly, the air in the car was clean and fresh, and it was spacious. Her motion sickness was greatly alleviated.

She even forgot how car sick she had been!
Not long after, Han Yiming bought a pack of things, "This is motion sickness medicine, take it half an hour before getting in the car... I bought Fengyoujing, you can smell it later... and mints, the salesperson said this will also work... "

Tong Anyang first took a motion sickness pill, and when the car started to start, he slowly got into the car with a mint in his mouth and wind oil essence in one hand.

I don't know if these methods worked. Anyway, she fell asleep on Han Yiming's shoulder not long after, and she didn't even realize that she was changing trains in the middle.

When they were approaching the provincial capital, the vehicle stopped to let the passengers take a rest and solve their physical problems.

Tong Anyang then opened her eyes and walked down the stream of people. She felt that her feet were floating.

By the time we arrived at the provincial capital, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon!

Han Yiming saw that her little face was sallow and her whole body was wilted, and he couldn't help but regretted letting her follow him.

"Let's go to the guest house to settle down first, and then go out for a walk tomorrow?" Tong Anyang hummed, "I'm resting in the guest house, and you go to the bookstore to find college entrance examination review materials. Well, there seems to be a set of materials called "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry" …”

"But this set of information has been out of print for many years... You may not be able to buy it in bookstores. You can try your luck at the scrapyard. There are seventeen books in total..."

"Forget it, I'm much more comfortable now, I'd better go with you!"

She was afraid that Han Yiming did not realize the urgency of resuming the college entrance examination, and just wanted to coax her to play, and might not be able to search seriously.

Han Yiming frowned, "If you don't feel well, just take a good rest. Even if I turn over all the scrap stations I created, I still have to get this set of information together. Is that okay?"

Tong Anyang nodded, "Then you do what you say! We came to the provincial capital just for this set of information."

Han Yiming smiled and said: "This is related to my future, of course I will take it seriously."

Although he didn't know why Tong Anyang was so sure, but she liked him to learn, so he would learn from her.

At least there's no harm in learning.

Tong Anyang looked at Han Yiming and said, "Remember to put on a straw hat, wrap your face around it, and put on the old clothes I asked you to bring..."

Han Yiming was a little funny: "Is it so mysterious? Do I need to be fully armed?"

Tong Anyang nodded: "I'm afraid that after the news spreads, someone will recognize you and ask you to share information."

"Well, I think since the college entrance examination has been suspended for ten years, the questions will definitely not be difficult after the sudden resumption, and many people who take the college entrance examination are cramming and cannot get good results..."

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows: "Daughter-in-law, what exactly do you want to say?"

Tong Anyang said with a smile: "Mobilize the intellectuals among our family and friends who have finished junior high school to secretly join in the study together."

Han Yiming held his forehead, he couldn't just accompany her to fool around, how about a few more big-headed soldiers to follow her orders?
He couldn't help but fight for those poor relatives and friends: "Daughter-in-law, our Han family is farmers, and our relatives and friends are almost all farmers."

"The fields are busy at the moment. How can they waste time and energy on studying?"

"When they were young, they didn't work so hard, and when they grow up, they are even more reluctant to touch books, right?"

Tong Anyang looked at him seriously, "So, you still don't believe that news about the resumption of the college entrance examination will be announced in late October?"

Han Yiming glanced at her and took a deep breath, "Okay, no matter whether this news is true or false, even if there is a half chance, I think everyone is willing to go all out and give it a try!"

Tong Anyang nodded happily: "Your efforts will definitely be rewarded ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times."

"Hurry up and go, if you continue to delay, the scrap station will close."

"When we find all seventeen books, we'll make a few more copies..."

Han Yiming naturally responded to her words. "Okay, listen to my wife!"

He told Tong Anyang to lock the doors and windows and never open the door unless he himself.

Tong Anyang is a little funny. In fact, when she was young, she was afraid of the danger of living alone, so she studied Sanda non-stop for more than 20 years.

Later, when she got older, she still exercised every day. Unfortunately, she could hit several big men with her fists, but she couldn't get rid of the virus.

After leaving the guest house, Han Yiming found a few locals, inquired about the addresses of the bookstore and scrap station, and went straight there.

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