Not to mention them, Mother Han herself was so excited that her hands were trembling.

With a little eagerness but restraint, she carefully opened the paper and flattened it. After reading the words on it clearly, she said with a smile: "It is pancake fruit. You need a spatula and a stove. The ingredients for making pancake fruit are easy to find. It is very suitable for me, old lady." of!"

The most important thing is that the pancakes and fruits need a stove. Xia Tian is suffering. She can just bear it, but she can't bear to have several daughters-in-law.

She gave birth to six sons to the Han family, but none of them were considerate. Therefore, she treated her daughter-in-law as her own daughter-in-law.

The wives of the Han family drew lots one by one in order.

When they grabbed one, they were urged to open it by the big guy.

On the contrary, the formula Tong Anyang got was the remaining one.

The first room got jelly, the second room got rice balls, the third room got the recipe for stinky tofu, the fourth room got oden, the fifth room roasted gluten, and Tong Anyang made beancurd!

Everyone was quite satisfied with the formula they got and felt it was the one that suited them best.

They are all action types. After confirming their formula, they all looked eagerly at Tong Anyang and asked her to help explain it.

Tong Anyang combed them one by one.

The Han family's daughter-in-law's best education is junior high school, but they all know how to read. They asked for pens and paper from their children and carefully memorized key points.

After they learned it, they pondered it in their minds for a while and then started to try it.

The number of pots and stoves at home was limited, so they sent men to people with whom they had good connections to bring pots, and built some simple stoves in the yard, strictly following the steps written by Tong Anyang.

They are all good at working at home, quick at work, and their cooking skills are quite satisfactory. However, they have not studied seriously with the master, and they have all learned on their own based on more than ten years of experience.

The formula Tong Anyang gave them was claimed to have zero failure on a certain website, and she made fine adjustments to the formula, ensuring that as long as they followed the correct steps and were skilled in operation, there would be no possibility of failure!
For example, Dafang's jelly is made from potatoes. The most indispensable thing in farm households is potatoes. Especially in winter, every household eats radish, potatoes and cabbage in turn.

Potatoes have large yields, strong adaptability, and are resistant to hunger. They are one of the vegetables grown in large quantities besides food crops.

Potato flour is easy to make. Just peel the potatoes, grate them into shreds, mash them into puree, put them in water and rub them repeatedly. When the water turns cloudy, change the water and continue kneading until the starch in the potatoes is completely washed out.Pour all the water used for washing potatoes together and let it stand. Pour out the water and dry and knead the starch slurry below.

With potato flour, it is easier to make jelly.

Cut the jelly into strips, add cucumber shreds, chopped peanuts, chives, garlic, etc., and top with the prepared sauce. It is refreshing and chewy, especially suitable for summer!

Another example is Erfang's rice balls. Although they are not wrapped in seaweed, they can use rice dumpling leaves, bamboo tubes, bamboo roller blinds, etc. to make them.You don’t have to use white rice, you can also use millet, multi-grain rice, some glutinous rice, and various ingredients wrapped in it.The standard ingredients are cucumber sticks, carrot sticks and homemade pickles, plus sauce, chopped peanuts and sprinkles.

According to the customer's request, they can also add salted duck egg yolk, bacon, eggs, etc.

The novel food, rice balls with good texture and taste can naturally win over a group of diners.

Not to mention pancakes, stinky tofu, grilled gluten and oden, a mess of snacks that are popular from south to north!
Almost every tourist attraction has their presence.

The bean curd served by Tong Anyang is also an essential delicacy in summer.In the process of making tofu from soybeans, soy milk comes out first, followed by tofu curd, followed by tofu curd, and finally tofu.

Beancurd is easier to shape and strong.There are two main ways to eat tofu pudding, sweet tofu pudding and salty tofu pudding, and there is also "Tai Chi tofu pudding" with black sesame seeds.It can be said that there are many ways to eat tofu pudding, and she has prepared several kinds. Anyway, it is not difficult to prepare the ingredients.

After the women came back from work every day, they began to practice their cooking skills. During the week, the Han family had to taste these seven kinds of food three to five times every day...

With Tong Anyang in charge, the Han family's wives became more and more skilled in their craftsmanship, and the food they cooked was extremely authentic, which was unanimously approved by the entire Han family!

During this week, Han Yiming also assembled the review team.

There are five relatives on Han's father's side, seven close relatives on Han's mother's side, and among the six brothers in the Han family, only Han Yiming and his fifth brother meet the educational and age requirements.

And Han Yiming, the four brothers in the village and in the city, can trust each other's back.

In other words, their starting review army has a total of 18 people!
When their family members heard that they wanted to study without delaying work in the fields or going to work, they all agreed. Some family members even wished that they could study around the clock.

Han Yiming is recognized as a top student. He has formulated a relatively systematic and complete review plan for three months.

During the day, everyone used scattered time to study and preview. At night, they gathered together, and Han Yiming led everyone to study.

Their tasks are very heavy. They have to learn the five majors of Chinese, Mathematics, Foreign Affairs, and Science. Chinese, foreign languages, and politics are studied and recited during the day, and mathematics, physics, and chemistry are studied at night.

Han Yiming felt the pressure when he made the plan!
Their study place was at the old residence of the Han family in Houshan.

The Han family was originally from Orion. They moved down from the mountains one after another more than 20 years ago and worked together with the villagers.

The houses on the mountain were built with stones and were relatively solid. The fifth uncle of the Han family moved to an empty house in the village the year before last.

At this time, it just provides everyone with a relatively secluded, clean and cool place to study.

Moreover, the back mountain is not far from the town, and they do not pass through the village when going back and forth. Almost no one noticed their learning activities.

"Daughter-in-law, today is our first night of study. Why don't you go give us a speech and cheer us up?" Han Yiming moved the study materials out of the house.

His fifth brother, Han Yiyang, put the materials on the cart and spread a layer of straw on top.

Tong Anyang hummed, "Bring some more stationery as an encouragement to everyone."

As soon as the Han family left the house, they were directly on the road to the back mountain. At this moment, everyone was returning home from work, and smoke was rising from the chimneys of every house.

Han Yiyang pushed the car and walked in front.

Han Yiming told Tong Anyang about the review plan he had made, "Those seventeen books seemed like a lot, but I briefly browsed through them. In fact, they are not difficult. They are all step-by-step... As long as I take the big guys and give them examples Do it a few more times to figure out how to do the questions. Basically, everyone will know this type of questions..."

Tong Anyang listened carefully.She didn't know much about studying, so she had a headache when she saw the various formulas in the book.

However, times are progressing, and the economy and technology are developing rapidly. She is still so young, does she need to learn more?

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