Tong Anyang listened to his arrangements while thinking about his own affairs.

She has the skills to make money, so she doesn't have to worry about food and drink, but she can't handle high-tech things at all, and she is a group of people who have been eliminated.

In the 21st century, people all know that learning is a lifelong thing!

In the past, she did not have the conditions to study. After graduating from junior high school, she went to the countryside to join the team in place of her stepsister.

I remembered that she was doing small business through thick and thin, trying to make ends meet. One day in the city center, she met her step-sister who was accompanying her husband on a business trip.

It was impossible for her to say that there was no envy, jealousy, hatred and resentment in her heart.

She couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Han Yiming, do you think I, who have graduated from junior high school for four years and have not touched any textbooks and returned all my knowledge to the teacher, can keep up with your progress?"

Han Yiming was stunned for a moment and asked slightly excitedly: "Daughter-in-law, do you want to join us and study together?"

Tong Anyang nodded, "I think so. Since I know that in late October this year, it is very likely that there will be news about the resumption of the college entrance examination."

"Would it be a pity if I miss this opportunity? There will be a big difference between workers' and peasants college students and students who passed the college entrance examination in the future."

"And the market usually opens from five or six in the morning until ten or eleven, so I have most of the day to study!"

Han Yiming smiled and said: "With you here, others can't get into college, and you can return to Kyoto as a college student."

Listening to his words, Tong Anyang felt inexplicably excited.

Without her as a dragster, Tong's father and the others would have lived a very comfortable life.

The last thing they want is for her to go back, right?Especially since she is doing better than them!

Tong Anyang said firmly: "Then I will join you. I will use all my time to study."

She was sure that the college entrance examination was about to resume. This was Han Yiming's opportunity, so why wasn't it hers?
Han Yiming chuckled and suggested: "Daughter-in-law, since you believe the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination, why not just sprint forward without caring about anything in the past few months..."

"It's easy to make bean curd. I'll make the bean curd and ask our brothers to help sell it... It's just a matter of adding some seasoning, so we don't need to stay at the market for a long time..."

Tong Anyang also understands.She was determined to study for the college entrance examination, so she could not be occupied by other things.

How many opportunities can we have to fight in life?
If she could be reborn, she would have to take another path that she couldn't even imagine!
If she is the first college student after the college entrance examination is resumed, then their lives will be smoother in the future, right?

When they arrived at the Han family's old house, everyone was present.

There are two wolfdogs raised here in the old house. They study in the house, and there are two dogs on guard outside.

Everyone brought their own kerosene lamps and matzas, and the table was their legs or the edge of the bed.

Han Yiming stood in the middle of the room and lowered his voice and said, "Thank you very much for your trust and support in me, Han Yiming."

"We are going to have a three-month training here... We are all family members, and I don't hide it anymore. This is the case. When I went to the black market in the provincial capital to buy things, I heard a particularly shocking one. The news is that the college entrance examination is very likely to be resumed..."

As soon as he said this, everyone became excited.

"Yiming, is the news reliable?"

"This is definitely not groundless, right?"

"Yes, dawn is coming, so it will be a matter of time before the college entrance examination resumes..."

"But how many years has this news been spread? What if it is false again?" Tong Anyang blinked, but he did not expect that Han Yiming would use this method to make everyone more motivated to study and treat this review correctly.

In doing so, he took her off perfectly.

Han Yiming smiled and let everyone discuss as much as they wanted, after they all stopped.

He continued in a low voice: "There are more and more determined voices this time. I think, even if it doesn't resume this year, it will definitely resume next year and the year after that! Do you agree?"

They all raised their fists: "I agree, our country is getting better day by day."

"Examinations can screen out more outstanding talents. We are now in the stage of economic and technological development and construction, and all walks of life are short of talents..."

"Many university teachers have returned to their posts... The university has resumed its original learning and living order. Can't college students continue to be recommended or recommended? We ordinary people must be given a chance..."

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Everyone is right. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared."

"I just happened to find so many study materials, so I formed a study group with everyone... Let's work hard quietly..."

"In three months, even if we don't wait for news about the resumption of the college entrance examination, I guarantee that as long as you pass the exam, I can get your high school diploma!"

After hearing this, what worries do you guys have?

Han Yiming continued: "As for me, I am still a little smart in my studies. I have formulated a relatively intense and efficient study plan for everyone. As long as you keep up with my pace and grit your teeth, I guarantee that you will benefit a lot throughout your life!"

Three months and a lifetime, everyone will make the right choice.

When Han Yiming selects people, in addition to their age and academic qualifications, they are also his close relatives, so he keeps this secret secret.

And they are all down-to-earth and hard-working people. If he points out the direction for them, then they can run towards it with all their strength.

After telling everyone a few key points, Han Yiming looked at Tong Anyang and said with a smile: "My wife, Tong Anyang, is our school committee."

"She is responsible for checking and supervising everyone's learning progress. Come on, please give us a few words from our school committee!"

Everyone whispered and clapped their hands.

This was the first time that Tong Anyang spoke in front of so many people.

She was a little nervous, and her cheeks were filled with warmth.

Han Yiming patted her shoulder and whispered: "Daughter-in-law, these are our relatives and friends. No one dares to laugh at you even if you stumble."

"Anyone who says anything to you will be punched with your fist!"

Tong Anyang couldn't help but laugh.He didn't treat his relatives and friends as human beings, and he still punched them.

But now her mood softened, she cleared her throat and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am your future school committee member."

"I hope you will come here with a clear goal. Let's take three months as the deadline."

"You have to gain something when you come here. It is better to give up from the beginning than to waste time... I will closely follow Comrade Han Yiming's study tasks..."

As she spoke, she took out samples of various stationery from her bag: "It's boring for everyone to just immerse themselves in studying, so we can play a learning game of chasing each other within these three months... Anyone who passes the exam can , you will get prizes, such as pencils, erasers, scripts, notebooks, pens, etc..."

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