Except for Han Yiming, a few friends in the city may not be too rare about these stationery, but others' eyes lit up when they heard this.

When they were in school, their notebooks were written on the front instead of the back, and their pencils were as short as the length of their fingers. People in junior high school may not be able to use a low-quality pen.

We are no longer children, and we understand that Han Yiming and his wife are doing this for everyone's good.

They were moved in their hearts and felt that it was only three months of hard work. Even if they were allowed to sleep four or five hours a day, they would still be able to grit their teeth and hold on.

Han Yiming made a lot of money and didn't care about the money.

Rewards are rewards, but in order not to delay progress, Tong Anyang gave everyone a notebook to write study summaries, a stack of acting herbs, a bundle of pencils, five erasers, a set of rulers and compasses, and a schoolbag and other stationery.

Who doesn’t love using new stationery?Everyone is more motivated to learn.

After a brief meeting, Han Yiming led the group to start studying, "Let me first talk about the content about Chinese, foreign languages ​​and politics that you need to recite during the day tomorrow...one course in the morning, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. It's not too difficult, right?" ?”

It's just about memory. Everyone nodded, "No! I can recite it even when I'm working."

Tong Anyang also carefully wrote down the tasks in his notebook.

Han Yiming then began to take the big guys to learn algebra.Although he had graduated a few years ago, he had very good grades in science and a flexible mind. In addition, when he gathered his friends and made plans this week, he had already started reading and studying, so he could find the way for everyone in advance.

With his in-depth and simple guidance, everyone who was not good at math and was like a headless fly suddenly gained a sense of direction and had a sense of clarity and clarity that cleared away the clouds!

Han Yiming took the guys to study for a full two hours.He does not teach from a book, but picks out examples that closely combine knowledge points. There is a very clear sense of hierarchy with increasing difficulty and comprehensiveness.

When you study the next question, you can always use the ideas or formulas from the previous question again.

Moreover, Han Yiming adheres to the concept of teaching people to fish rather than teaching them to fish. Rather than explaining example questions, it is better to talk about how he uses his brain after getting the questions, how to use theorems and formulas to solve problems, how many ways to solve problems, etc.

After two hours, everyone present, including Tong Anyang, understood everything. As for how much they can digest, it depends on their individual abilities.

"In the following time, you will think about the formulas, theorems and examples I just taught. After reading the book twice, you can take this test paper..."

Han Yiming took out a piece of A2-sized paper, on which he wrote the topic with a fine brush, and asked everyone to copy it down later.

Everyone had clear tasks and focused on studying.

Tong Anyang didn't know whether his experience and learning ability had improved after he had relived his life, or whether it was because his body was young, his memory was good, and his mind was flexible.

Anyway, it was much easier for her to learn than she thought!
Regardless of whether they are young or old, as long as they can see results in their studies, they will definitely be motivated to study.

Tong Anyang was like this, and so were everyone who was enlightened by Han Yiming.

From around seven o'clock, they studied until eleven o'clock, and then they started walking home one after another.

Those who were far away slept directly in the Han family's old house.

Just now, Tong Anyang was concentrating on studying. He reviewed the knowledge points twice and organized them in his notebook before consolidating and testing the test papers.

The questions Han Yiming asked were particularly representative. They were similar to the example questions and had appeared in college entrance examinations in previous years.

His thinking is very clear. The college entrance examination is a particularly important exam. It is a test for students who have been in poverty for ten years. It is also the golden gate through which the fish leaps through the dragon's gate.

How can a single test be used to identify the best among students?
The test papers must be of a high standard!The questions are comprehensive, of certain depth and difficulty. Only students who study solidly and apply knowledge flexibly can pass successfully.

In addition, they didn't have much time, so Han Yiming only focused on the real college entrance examination questions and let everyone practice them over and over again!Tong Anyang tried to do the questions for the first time and got an excellent result.

She was extremely happy, but at the same time she also felt a kind of exhaustion. From her old house to home, only seven or eight hundred meters away, her eyes had already started to tremble.

Han Yiming smiled fondly and shook his head, walked to her and squatted down.

Tong Anyang didn't even react before he tripped over and fell on his back.

After she was stunned, Han Yiming quickly put her arms in position, grabbed her legs and stood up.

"Daughter-in-law, be good and don't make trouble. The road is not easy to walk at night... When you are tired, just lie on my shoulder and rest. You will be home soon..."

Tong Anyang pursed her lips tightly.In her previous life, she had very little trust in people. Even when she saw a child, she couldn't help but put up a strong wall for fear that she would be hurt.

She had almost no social interaction, let alone physical contact with people.

Looking at the stalwart and strong back in front of him, Tong Anyang couldn't help but lean closer to him. He felt warm and safe.

Her eyes were a little moist, and she couldn't help but tell Han Yiming about her childhood: "I almost forgot. When I was five years old, our family of three was walking back after watching a movie at night, and the night was so late..."

"I rubbed my eyes and acted coquettishly and said I was sleepy, and then he carried me on his back and walked slowly home with my mother...I was very excited at first, but then I actually fell asleep on his back..."

"Later, my mother fell ill and left me forever, and I never felt the love from him again."

"It turns out that I also had a happy family and was cared for and loved by others..."

She sighed in a very low voice.

Han Yiming paused and said with a smile: "I will be your family from now on. Can I love you and protect you?"

He pretended to express his feelings, suppressing what he wanted to say more passionately.

Tong Anyang chuckled and nodded: "Okay, I quite like the atmosphere of your home."

"People say that our Xia Hua has the most difficult relationship with mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and aunt-in-law since ancient times."

"I didn't expect your family to be so harmonious. Your mother has a good personality. She drinks a bowl of water evenly and never scolds others... The sisters-in-law are also well-educated and sensible. They discuss things with each other and never blush..."

Han Yiming smiled so hard that his lips almost reached his ears, "As long as you like it."

He didn't dare to say more.

Tong Anyang also smiled silently.

Tonight, she really felt Han Yiming's intelligence and leadership ability.

In the past, like other educated youths, she felt that the people in the village might not have much knowledge, thought that high school students were rare, and pursued Han Yiming a little too much.

But Han Yiming could even teach her, an old lady, and he was indeed very capable.

This time, he is no longer locked in an iron cage. Can he be like an eagle and soar into the sky after recovering from the college entrance examination? (End of chapter)

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