The more Tong Anyang knows about Han Yiming and the Han family, the more he feels he owes them.

The Han family is such a happy, positive and united family. There were so many shortcomings in the last life because of her appearance.

"Han Yiming, this time, you said you have to take the college entrance examination and go to Kyoto!"

Tong Anyang whispered in his ear.

Han Yiming smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will go wherever you go."

"I'm from a rural area. I've never been to a big city and I don't have any acquaintances around. I feel flustered."

He struggled to find steps for himself.

Tong Anyang pursed her lips and couldn't help but ask: "Han Yiming, am I okay like this?"

Han Yiming's eyes trembled and he hummed softly, "Maybe you think it's ridiculous, but the first time I saw you, I felt that my wife is just like you."

"I really can't imagine myself marrying anyone other than you. It's either you or not!"

"Anyang, the promise I made to you before still stands. If, if one day you meet someone you like, just tell me and I won't pester you."

Tong Anyang's heart tightened, "What then?"

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Then I see you happy. I am a stubborn person and don't like to give in."

Tong Anyang said helplessly: "Fool, is there any love in this world that you can't do without?"

"You must have seen very few girls in places like Kyoto. Then you will know how ordinary I am!"

Han Yiming smiled: "But they are not you."

Tong Anyang's heart was sore after what he said, and she really wanted to give up her struggle and become a real couple with him.

"You are so good, but I am not good enough for you." She sighed, expressing her own feelings.

Han Yiming was stunned for a moment, "Daughter-in-law, do you have a wrong understanding of yourself?"

"Why are you not worthy of me? You are beautiful, have a good personality, are diligent and kind, and your smile is like the spring breeze blowing over the hills, making people uncontrollably attracted to you."

"I never knew that I was a superficial person, but I was willing to be captured by you."

"I'm the only one who's afraid that you'll dislike me and don't want me...Why do you think you're not worthy of me?"

"Why do you think so? Where do you think you are not worthy of me? I will change it and keep the same pace as you..."

Tong Anyang gently placed her cheek on his shoulder, her forehead almost touching the crook of his neck.

Han Yiming didn't know if he should walk faster or slower.

"Don't change, you are fine now." Tong Anyang said with a chuckle: "If we can get into a city, then we can try to fall in love, okay?"

Although the words were spoken by her, Tong Anyang still felt a little ashamed.

Han Yiming nodded heavily: "You said this! I will follow you to whichever city you apply for."

It was rare to feel the little woman's dependence on him on his shoulders, so Han Yiming walked slowly home.

By the time he reached the door of his house, Tong Anyang had already fallen asleep on his back from exhaustion.

Early the next morning, Han Yiming got up and started making bean curd. When Tong Anyang got up, they were the only ones left in the bustling Han family!

"Where are the people?" Tong Anyang had a guess, but she still asked.

Han Yiming sat under the porch and endorsed the book. He smiled and said, "Today, all the men, women, and children of the Han family went to the market."

"Daughter-in-law, did you sleep well last night? After you wash up and have dinner, let's go to the market and have a look?" "I got up early in the morning and made tofu cakes, and asked a few brothers and sisters-in-law to help us sell some... …”

Tong Anyang thought for a while and shook his head: "No, my parents, brother and sister-in-law are all safe people. There is nothing we can do to help."

"I'll study after eating!"

They only have three months longer than everyone else.Tong Anyang must put in a lot of effort if he wants to pass the Kyoto exam.

It was almost noon when the Han family came back one after another excitedly.

Mother Han stepped forward and took Tong Anyang's hand, "Xiao Liu, you are the wealth of our family..." The word "God" was silenced by her.

"Everything we brought today has been sold out. Anyone who has bought food from our family can't help but buy a second portion..."

"More and more people are crowding around our stall...the wallet I sewed is so full..."

This was the first time she had made so much money. The feeling made her so excited that she wished she could count the money with Tong Anyang.

The eldest sister-in-law of the Han family also said happily: "The jelly is cheap and delicious. Many people want to buy a bowl for their children or wives... We went to the opening and I never stopped..."

"Hey, my shoulders and neck are still a little sore, but I'm so happy..."

Others also commented on how many customers their stalls had.

Tong Anyang listened with a smile.

Father Han took out a bulging cloth bag and stuffed it into Han Yiming's arms, "I earned this from selling beancurd for you. You give the money to your wife to keep."

Han Yiming was not polite either.They now have a lot of gold bars in their hands and have exchanged ten of them for cash. But if they have no way to make money, how will they explain when they buy a house in Kyoto and are noticed by interested people?

Judging from today's situation, all seven Han's stalls are particularly popular.

The family will not be short of money in the future.

He opened the cloth bag, took out two big unity sheets from it, and stuffed them into Han's father's hand: "Dad, this is for your hard work."

Father Han also smiled and put it away, saying that he was lucky.

Mother Han and the daughters-in-law of the Han family couldn't wait to enter the house and count the money.

The commune has a big gathering on Saturdays, and a small gathering on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.Their commune has a large population, and the small gatherings are comparable in size to the large gatherings in other communes.

There are a lot of people coming to the market, and with a large base, there will be more people going to Han's stall to spend money.

The Han family's prices for delicacies are relatively reasonable. Anyone who loves their children and has a greedy mouth will buy one or two kinds.

Mother Han counted back and forth several times, but determined the exact number.

She trotted out of the house excitedly, walked to Tong Anyang and shared with him: "Xiao Liu daughter-in-law, guess how much money I made today!"

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, then thought for a moment and said, "Two pieces?"

Mother Han shook her head with a mysterious smile: "No, keep guessing!"

She can earn [-] cents for every standard pancake fruit she sells. If the customer requests to add eggs, bacon, salted duck eggs, etc., the profit can reach [-] cents.

She is very efficient at making pancakes now. She can make one in almost 3 minutes!

From five o'clock in the morning, after they set up the stall, there was a steady stream of customers buying food. It was not until eleven o'clock that all the ingredients they brought there were sold out, and they came back with regret and excitement.

In six hours, she sold a total of 120 pancakes and fruits.

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