When the adults go to the market, they will be more or less generous and indulgent and buy some delicious food for the children.

Since they wanted to buy pancakes and fruits, they asked Han Mu to add eggs and bacon. When it was ready, it was all in two and could entertain several children!

There are quite a few people who have this combination, because Tong Anyang told her that this is the most delicious kind. As long as she recommends it to customers, very few people will refuse it.

If customers bring their own eggs, they charge one penny for labor and briquettes...

Furthermore, in addition to selling pancakes and fruits, Hanmu also sells bean juice!

Basically, people who come to buy pancakes and fruit will ask for a glass of bean juice and drink it.

The soy juice is ground from home-grown soybeans. It has a mellow and delicate aroma. Add some honey or white sugar and it will taste as delicious as you want!

Mother Han has been working in the fields all her life. During her spare time, she makes hemp ropes, shoe soles and willow baskets and sells them in the market.

Every time she earns one yuan and eighty cents, she is very satisfied and spends five cents to buy candies for her children.

Now that she thought about the money on her bed, she felt extremely excited.

Why couldn't Tong Anyang understand Han Mu's mood? He pursed his lips and continued to guess: "It can't be five yuan, right? Our commune's large and small gatherings last for twelve days in a month."

"Every time you earn five yuan, doesn't that mean you have 60 yuan a month?"

Mother Han was stunned for a moment, then smiled even more happily, "Hey, when you say that, old lady, am I not..."

She quickly lowered her voice, looked around, and whispered, "Old lady, don't I earn more than the workers in the city?"

Tong Anyang nodded solemnly: "That's right. You have practiced it yourself. How can it be fake?"

Mother Han happily continued to whisper to her, "Xiao Liu, I earned not just five yuan today, but 16 yuan and a half!"

"If I hadn't wasted so much time making pancakes, I could have made more money..."

"Hurry up and help mom do the math, how much can I earn in twelve days?"

Tong Anyang raised his eyebrows.Sure enough, snacks are extremely profitable in any era.

"It's 190," Han Yiming poked his head out of the window and opened his mouth to give the answer, "Mom, you have to give my wife a big red envelope this year!"

Mother Han was startled by him and slapped him under the head angrily: "You are so old, and you are eavesdropping on people in the corner."

Han Yiming rubbed his head, "Mom, can you please be reasonable? You hide under my window, even if I don't want to listen."

Mother Han rolled her eyes at him, took Tong Anyang to the side, and quietly stuffed two pieces of five-dollar bills into Tong Anyang's hands: "Xiao Liu's daughter-in-law, didn't you say before that a formula costs five hundred?"

"Here, how about I give you ten yuan each time and pay it off in four months?"

When they agreed on the price, Han's mother was afraid that her son would know that she had misunderstood her daughter-in-law, so she deliberately said it behind others' backs.

Tong Anyang smiled and nodded, "Okay, Mom, just make arrangements."

Mother Han had just left, and Sister-in-law Han was looking for Tong Anyang to share the joy of today excitedly.

The jelly is made at home, put in a bucket and hung next to the rice bowl overnight.

The next day, Brother Han and his wife took them to the market.The jelly can be sold after being cut and mixed with seasonings, and the two of them work together to serve customers more than twice as fast as Han Mu.

There are liangpi sellers on the street, but most of you haven’t seen jelly yet.

The [-] cents bowl of jelly is full of toppings and tastes cool and fragrant. Everyone who has tried it says it is a pleasure!
The cost of a bowl of jelly is only four or five cents.

"I sold this amount," Mrs. Han stretched out her hands and gestured.

Tong Anyang was surprised and asked in a low voice: "Is it 21 yuan?" Sister-in-law Han hummed, "We worked hard in the fields to earn work points, and we can exchange it for more than 150 yuan during the Chinese New Year."

"We made 21 yuan in one day today. Oops, this is the first time I know that money can be earned so easily..."

Compared with Han Mu’s pancakes and my sister-in-law’s jelly, the stinky tofu, rice balls, roasted gluten, oden and beancurd served in other rooms are even more fresh.

Anyway, they are busy from setting up the stall until the stall is sold out.Each person earned between ten and thirty!

The two pieces of unity that Han Yiming gave to Han's father included a cost of 13 yuan.The accounts of father and son are less clear.

When adults make money, they are naturally willing to buy some delicious food for their children, such as peanut candy, maltose, twists, red snow fruit, etc.

The whole family was excited and happy today, but they had to hold it in and not be too showy.

After having a stall experience, they decided to prepare more ingredients next time, and they would definitely make more money than they did today.

After talking for a while, Tong Anyang continued to go back to his room to study.

Han Yiming turned his head and looked at the sunlight coming in from the window and shining on his daughter-in-law. She was soft and beautiful, just like in his dream.

It's just that in his dreams he could clearly understand it and be wild about it.

But in reality, he was afraid that he would be wronged by any intrusion on her.

He was a young man in full bloom, surrounded by the one he loved, and so beautiful and soft, but an evil fire kept coming out of his heart.

He stood up suddenly and saw Tong Anyang turning his head.

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, you learn first. I will go to the back mountain and wander around to see if there is anything good caught in the trap. I will bring it back to replenish your health."

In the past, whenever he got something good, he wanted to give it to her, but he had no name or status, and even the young educated youth didn't know who he was.

Or maybe she, like other educated youths, felt that he was just idle and had no future.

He could only take the things home in silence.

Now that he is her man, it is only natural for him to find delicious food for her!

Tong Anyang frowned slightly, "You're not allowed to go into the mountains, you know? You can't rely on your health to show off. Our family has no shortage of food now."

"You still have to focus on your studies now..."

There have been fatalities in the back mountain, especially in the depth of winter this year, during the hunting organized by the village, Brother Han was bitten on the leg by a wolf!
One of Han Yiming's friends in the city was bitten on the neck while hunting.

Su Zhiqing from the Educated Youth Institute had his cheek bitten.

She couldn't guarantee what kind of butterfly effect her rebirth would cause.She just hopes that everyone is safe and healthy.

Han Yiming nodded, "Daughter-in-law, I understand, just hang out outside the back mountain... You also know that I can't stay idle. I have been studying for several hours in the morning. I have to take a rest so that I can study more efficiently in the afternoon."

"And my wife, I will take you to exercise in the morning from now on. High-intensity study requires a healthy body to support... You are too weak..."

Tong Anyang held his forehead and tried to persuade him, but he was moved by his words, "Okay, then go back quickly and pay attention to safety."

Han Yiming smiled and couldn't help but ruffled her hair, "I know, I have a wife, so I won't run around."

After saying that, he ran away first.

Tong Anyang was a little bit dumbfounded. She had never found this man to be more cowardly than her when facing her!

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