After Han Yiming walked out of the house, he walked to the educated youth center with slightly frowning eyes.

A few days ago he came back from the fields and met Qi Zhiqing.

One winter it snowed heavily and the temperature was so low that it could freeze one's ears off.

Qi Zhiqing, who didn't know why he was delayed in the town, took the last bus back to the village.

There was still a long way to go from where we got off the bus to the Educated Youth Center. It was so dark that even though the ground was covered with snow, it was still hard to see things half a meter away.

The heavy snow makes it difficult to find the direction. If you are not careful, you may step into the ditch next to the road and sink deeply into half a meter of snow.

Qi Zhiqing was thrown down several times along the way.The heat and strength in his body gradually dissipated, but he had not yet seen the shadow of the village, not even a little bit of light.

Han Yiming happened to be back from a neighboring village that day.He drank some wine, fearing that his family would be worried, so he didn't listen to his friend's advice to stay the night and walked back with a flashlight.

People in rural areas are basically asleep at eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Especially on nights like this, they may be in bed after seven o'clock.

It wasn't an emergency, and there were almost no pedestrians on the road.

Han Yiming stepped on the snow and faintly heard the sound of someone weakly calling for help.

He hurriedly looked over and saw Qi Zhiqing, who was dying.

Without saying a word, Han Yiming pulled the person out of the snow pit, carried the person on his back, stuffed the flashlight under his arm, and strode home.

By the time he got home, Qi Zhiqing was almost breathing less and out.

Han Yiming and Han's father quickly took off the person's clothes and soaked him in water at about [-] degrees Celsius for about ten minutes before taking him out and filling him with several bowls of ginger syrup.

Qi Zhiqing finally woke up.

One night he had a high fever again, and it was the Han family who snatched him away from King Yama.

After Qi Zhiqing woke up, he kowtowed hard to them.

Later, after he returned to the Educated Youth Center, he became even more taciturn, but he was very active in helping people in the village who had difficulties.

He heard the words of those educated youths that day, remembered them carefully, and wanted to tell Han Yiming quietly.

Unexpectedly, the newlyweds went to the provincial capital. After they came back, Qi Zhiqing looked for an opportunity.

It turned out that those people were dissatisfied with Han Yiming's collection of money and forcing them to pay IOUs, and they planned to go to the county's educated youth office together to expose this matter.

However, although there is not much work in the fields recently, it is also inseparable from people.

They waited for a day or so to rest after sowing the mung beans, or when it rained, they would go there together.

Only if they all go can the people in the Educated Youth Office know the seriousness of the matter.

Normal people would believe the words of so many of them, not Han Yiming and his wife!
What's more, Han Yiming's reputation is not very good.

Han Yiming laughed angrily after hearing this. The truth in this world is not on the side with more people.

With a cold face, he directly kicked open the door of the educated youth center, with a rare anger in his eyebrows, "Where is Li Huawen? Why, have you been sitting here for so many days and being a turtle grandchild?"

"You owe money to a lesbian and you pretend to pay it back?"

He said it unceremoniously. At this moment, the educated youths had just returned from work. They were exhausted and simply washed themselves and lay on the bed waiting for dinner.Li Huawen looked ugly. He had already learned about what happened that day from other educated youths.He took a deep breath and walked out, "Comrade Han, I admit that I borrowed it before..."

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean I've borrowed it before? Are you really pretending?"

"Well, let's call the police. Anyway, I find that it's too hard for you people with ink in your belly to be as big as a fingernail."

"Since you can't understand people, I don't have the heart to mediate this matter... Let's go to the bureau to discuss the right and wrong. As long as it's true, it can't be false!"

Li Huawen's eyebrows were serious, "Comrade Han, do you really want to make this matter bigger?"

"Don't think that just because you are married to Tong Anyang, the scandal you had at the wedding banquet can be covered up."

"Haha, who doesn't know how to call the police? Everyone is watching what happened that night. It's not certain who is in trouble!"

Han Yiming chuckled: "Ah, you are talking about this, then we really have to go to the bureau to fight it off."

"Perhaps which of you should be the most afraid and guilty..."

Li Huawen clenched his fists tightly. He only changed Han Yiming to Tong Anyang and was not involved in the rest of the matter. He should not be able to be traced.

But Hu Laiying on the side was a little panicked. It had been so long, so even if there were any clues, no clues could be found, right?
The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, but within three to five minutes, the sound of bicycle bells came from outside, and a strange male voice came: "Is Comrade Han Yiming here?"

Han Yiming took a step back, put his head in, and said with a smile: "Comrade, here you are, look at how talkative they are and how they confuse right and wrong!"

"I guess, borrowing money can be big or small. Originally, I just thought that they would repay the money well and let it go..."

"Later I found out that it was my wife's kindness. I followed in my wife's footsteps and gave them face... In order to prevent them from trying to bite me later, I thought it was better to break these things in front of the comrades in the bureau. clear……"

After saying that, he turned to look at a group of ugly-faced educated youths: "Come on, let's go to the bureau and talk about debt repayment."

"Just think clearly. Once the matter is verified, you will have a record."

"In the bureau, there is no way not to blame everyone."

To put it bluntly, many people are not very courageous. They can make trouble with the big guys, but if they are really asked to take on something, they will be timid and would rather turn big problems into trivial ones.

Qi Zhiqing pursed his lips and took a step forward, "I remember I bought a pen before and borrowed Tong Zhiqing's money, a total of five yuan, and I will pay it back now."

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows, knowing that he was the leader.

He nodded: "Okay, let's clear things up. Qi Educated Youth will sign here..."

He took out the notebook and handed it over, called out the words with Qi Zhiqing, and asked the comrades in the bureau to bear witness.

I saw Qi Zhiqing standing by calmly, looking at his nose and nose, and looking at his heart.

Several educated youths were shaken. The most important thing was that they did not owe much money and there was no need to make the matter a big deal.

"I, I owe six yuan..." In fact, this person only owed two yuan, but Han Yiming said that he owed six yuan and wrote an IOU. Now he could only admit it.

Soon, two-thirds of the people who had agreed to unite stood aside.

The remaining one-third were either reluctant to pay more or owed too much and did not want to admit it. There were about six people, including Li Huawen, Hu Laiying, and Zhu Zhiqing, who wanted to cry, make trouble, and hang himself.

Zhu Zhiqing's eyes were red, "Comrade, I'm reporting Han Yiming for loan sharking... The money they borrowed wasn't that much, but Han Yiming tripled it!"

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