Han Yiming looked at the people standing by the wall indifferently, "Do I have it?"

These people finally signed a certificate of repayment of debts with Han Yiming, and it has nothing to do with this matter. Of course, they do not want to cause trouble.

What's more, everyone in the courtyard is not monolithic. On the contrary, when there are no outsiders, they are scattered and doing their own things.

How can they care about other people when their interests are involved?
They all shook their heads and said, "No, Comrade Han said that the data was not mixed with any water. At most, it was just like the bank, which calculated a small amount of interest for us."

"This is a reasonable thing. After all, many of us have borrowed money from Tong Zhiqing for a year or two..."

It had nothing to do with them anyway, and they didn't want to argue about a few more dollars.

What does it have to do with other people's debts of tens or hundreds of dollars?

Li Huawen knew that these people were selfish, but he didn't expect that they would dare to testify for Han Yiming.

It seems that he still underestimates Han Yiming. Not only can he read and get the title of No. [-] in Physiology, but he can also understand human nature and take advantage of this group of people!
Zhu Zhiqing was dumbfounded. Didn't everyone discuss it before?
How come all these cowards have defected, and only the six of them are left with a lot of "debts"!
Zhu Zhiqing was worried. Comrades in the bureau intervened. Then wouldn't she have to pay Tong Anyang twice as much?
Where does she have so much money?

"Comrade, I, I will report that there was something wrong with Han Yiming and Tong Anyang's relationship before they got married!"

"When a lesbian in our educated youth center held a wedding ceremony with a gay man in the village, the two of them were lying on someone else's kang..."

"All of us have bumped into it... People like them who ignore the law and morality should be criticized as examples..."

"We are ashamed of Tong Anyang. She actually came up with such a despicable method and even sacrificed herself for a spot in the Workers' and Agricultural University..."

Han Yiming's face darkened, and he slapped him hard.

He looked at the people outside the door seriously: "Comrade, you must give me and my wife justice."

"This group of people plotted against me and my wife for the quota of workers', peasants, and soldiers' college students... They want to ruin our reputation, and then compete for the quota of workers', peasants, and soldiers' college students..."

"Before, I wanted to give them a chance and wait for them to come to us and confess in person... Unfortunately, instead of reflecting and regretting, they only worsened their situation and had no sense of shame..."

"It's a good thing that I am married to my wife. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous... They are trying to force my wife to death..."

This matter was indeed serious, so the comrades in the bureau asked the relevant personnel to follow it.

Zhu Zhiqing shook his head repeatedly, "I'm not going, I didn't commit any crime, why should I go? I've said everything I can!"

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows: "Some of these words may be rumors. How could Zhu Zhiqing be detained if he doesn't go?"

Zhu Zhiqing opened his eyes wide, "You, you are all in cahoots!"

The comrade outside the door looked solemn: "Comrade, please be careful in your words and deeds. We all act impartially and without any personal feelings."

"What exactly is the matter? We have to go back to the station and investigate and collect evidence before we can draw a conclusion... Comrade, the situation you mentioned is indeed quite serious. You can't just say a few words and we will believe it... We have to base it on your The details provided, a little bit of evidence..."

"As long as the evidence proves that what you are telling the truth, then we will never condone behavior that disrupts social morals... But if someone deliberately designed it, or what you are telling is not the truth and is based on your own speculation, then you will Be responsible for your own actions..."

What they said word by word made Zhu Zhiqing feel very excited. She was a little unsure whether there was any exaggeration in what she said, and whether it would involve herself.

She twitched her lips: "Comrade, I, I did borrow money from Tong Anyang, only 50 yuan, but they said I owed 150 yuan!"

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Zhu Zhiqing, you said you didn't owe money before, why do you owe it again now? You haven't told the truth, so how can people believe that what you are telling now is the truth?"

"The fact that you said 50 yuan means that you actually borrowed 50 yuan from my wife. But ask everyone, does anyone believe that you only borrowed [-] yuan?"

Everyone shook their heads in disbelief, "Zhu Zhiqing always likes to take advantage. She said 50 yuan easily, and there must be another 100 yuan hidden..."

"She never thought about paying back the money from the beginning... Her family situation was not good, so she opened her mouth to ask Tong Zhiqing to borrow money... But the work points she earned were only enough to barely fill her stomach, so how could she pay back the money? …”

They all paid back three cups themselves, and they were naturally more happy to see Zhu Zhiqing and the other six people pay back three times as well!
Zhu Zhiqing's face turned red with anger: "You guys, how could you help Han Yiming lie against your conscience?"

"I really didn't borrow that much money...you guys, do you have to force me to death?"

Han Yiming smiled: "Zhu Zhiqing, you are an adult, and you are willing to die for a mere hundred or ten dollars."

"Ha, anyway, I don't have any psychological shadow. After all, I didn't lay a finger on you. It was you who pushed for death. You don't cherish life yourself, and no one here will shed a tear for you!"

"You should be careful, don't just pretend to be a show of force to scare us, but it will be self-defeating..."

Zhu Zhiqing was so angry that she was trembling all over. She originally thought that crying, making trouble, and hanging herself would be more or less powerful.

No one thought that Han Yiming was just a bastard and wouldn't accept her behavior at all.

Zhu Zhiqing even believed that whenever she wanted to hang her neck, he would immediately find a hemp rope and a stool for her, and even point her to a thick branch with a suitable height!

Think about it, if she enters the bureau, if she fails to say anything right and is detained, won't it leave a stain on her file?
Zhu Zhiqing was so flustered at the moment that he really had no choice.

Li Huawen took a step forward and said, "Comrade, we are willing to cooperate with your investigation and go to the bureau."

He looked cold and spoke firmly.

Hu Laiying took a deep breath and stood up, "I am also willing to be a witness."

With these two in the lead, several others agreed one after another.

Zhu Zhiqing looked at this and that, gritted his teeth and followed the crowd, expressing his willingness to follow.

Han Yiming and Tong Anyang were taken away, who would care about how much money she owed?

Han Yiming smiled and turned around to follow without hesitation.

However, Su Zhiqing was a little worried when he stood in the crowd. Thinking about Han Yiming, he was a capable person. Since he called the comrades in the bureau, he must have countermeasures! (End of chapter)

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