It was time to have lunch soon. Han Yiming said he was going for a walk in the back hill, but there was still no one there for more than an hour.

Tong Anyang was a little worried and had no intention of studying.

As soon as she walked out of the house, she saw Su Zhiqing peeping at the door of the courtyard.

"Tong Zhiqing, Han Zhiqing has something to do in the city. Let me tell you..."

Tong Anyang breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and nodded his thanks.

Su Zhiqing waved his hand and whispered: "Don't mention me to anyone..."

After saying that, he trotted away directly.

While eating, Tong Anyang relayed Su Zhiqing's words.

Father Han snorted angrily, "It's fine that Xiao Liu doesn't love home at all. It's good to have two meals at home every week... He has a wife, why is he still so out of tune?"

Mother Han also resented the lack of steel, thinking that her son could stay in peace for two days, but in the end, he just let go!

Tong Anyang chuckled and said, "Mom and Dad, Yiming must have something important to do, otherwise he wouldn't have asked someone else to tell us."

Mother Han sighed: "Indeed, if he didn't show up at noon before, it meant he ate out. Why bother to find someone to come to the house to send a message..."

"Xiao Liu's daughter-in-law, when he comes, you have to let him reflect on himself... I will take you with him when he goes out... What serious business can he have?"

When the old man spoke, she listened with a smile and did not refute.

After dinner, in the afternoon Tong Anyang continued to recite foreign language words according to the task assigned by Han Yiming yesterday.

It's just...she only recognizes 26 letters, but she can't spell them. The man is not around, let alone at home, there is hardly anyone in the whole village who is good at foreign languages.

Tong Anyang could only follow the stupid method, regardless of the pronunciation of the words, and recite the letters that spelled each word completely!

She thought that Han Yiming went to school in a rural town and probably learned foreign languages ​​very well.

It is impossible for them to know that there is a foreign language in the test subject, but just give up without struggling during review because they can't learn it well.

On the contrary, others are in the same situation. When others give up, if they work hard to break through their own limits, then they will have succeeded one-fifth of the way.

Tong Anyang thought about waiting for the postman to come to the village to deliver the letter and see if they could ask him to bring a foreign language dictionary and pronunciation tapes from the city...

After reciting words all afternoon, Tong Anyang's mind was a little groggy.

She couldn't help but take a nap on the bed. When she opened her eyes, she saw Han Yiming sitting by the bed and looking at her.

Tong Anyang couldn't help but look at his wrist, "You went to the city to do something? Did it go well?"

Han Yiming smiled and looked at her without saying anything.

Tong Anyang pursed her lips and turned sideways. She had just slept for a while in the afternoon, and she was too lazy to move.

"what happened?"

Han Yiming shook his head: "Seeing you sleeping makes me feel very satisfied, as if I own the whole world!"

Since the layer of paper between the two of them was broken, he has become less and less able to hide his love for her.

Tong Anyang pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't think you can change the subject by saying nice things!" Han Yiming reached out and touched her cheek, "Daughter-in-law, I really regret not marrying you back sooner."

He briefly told her what happened, "...the fact that we were discovered at the wedding banquet will break out sooner or later. Instead of being passive, it is better for us to take the initiative..."

Tong Anyang's heart tightened upon hearing this, "What happened next? How did you deal with it?"

"It's a fact that we were seen..."

Han Yiming smiled and took out the marriage certificate they received from his pocket, "Look at it."

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, then sat up and took the marriage certificate and looked at it, "What are you looking at?"

She looked at it three times and found nothing interesting about it.

Han Yiming nodded and said, "Daughter-in-law, do you still remember the day when Chang Zhiqing got married?"

Tong Anyang frowned slightly, thought for a moment and nodded, of course he remembered.

She remembers the time of rebirth very clearly, just push it forward two days!
Before she could tell the exact time, she saw that the date on the marriage certificate was one day earlier than this!
She looked at Han Yiming in disbelief, "What's going on?"

Han Yiming chuckled and said: "I have to keep it a secret...Daughter-in-law, you just need to remember that we got the marriage certificate before, but because you were at odds with me, we didn't make our relationship public..."

Tong Anyang nodded vigorously. He just heard that Han Yiming had gone to the police station. Her heart almost stopped. Now that she was told that the matter had been solved from the root, she felt a little dazed.

Han Yiming said word by word: "Daughter-in-law, when we were hit by someone that night and we were lying side by side with our clothes slightly disheveled, we were a legal couple. No one could talk about us."

Tong Anyang couldn't help but ask: "Aren't Hu Laiying and the others making trouble?"

This was obviously abnormal and others didn't understand it, but Hu Laiying had a good relationship with her and knew there was something fishy going on.

Han Yiming shook his head: "Daughter-in-law, it's not that I haven't done anything in the past ten days... but while I was working in the fields in the morning, I wandered around and chatted with people... I collected a lot of evidence, and I just happened to have it all at once. Leave it to the comrades in the bureau..."

Tong Anyang stared at Han Yiming closely, "Who is that person?"

Han Yiming narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's Hu Laiying! She bought the medicinal powder from the black market and added it to your bowl..."

"She watched you eat the meal coated with medicinal powder, and then she excused herself and left to create an alibi... During this period, she found someone she didn't know and asked someone to take you to your room to rest under the cover of night..."

"Originally, she made an appointment with the three leprous men in the village... He will go in after you are sent in..."

At this point, Han Yiming was full of anger, "If there is anything between you two, you will definitely not kill anyone if you are soft-hearted. On the contrary, the three scoundrels picked up a wife for nothing..."

"I just don't know why San Leizi didn't show up that night, but I was lying next to you..."

"As for me, the situation was very chaotic. The groom was our childhood playmate, and he drank too much... and the wine I drank was indeed drugged... I went to the city hospital for surgery the next day. The drug test... is related to the kind of drug you took... Unfortunately, I don't have enough evidence. I know that this matter is related to Li Huawen, but I can't bring him to justice..."

"Actually, I'm quite grateful to him. If it weren't for him, I might have gone to you forever..."

Tong Anyang was stunned for a while after hearing this. She thought that she had experienced too much bitterness in her previous life, but she never thought that life could be so malicious.

If she was succeeded by that three leprous man, she might not live to be over 60 years old!

"Hu Laiying wants to get a quota for workers' and peasants' college students?" She took a deep breath and asked word by word. (End of chapter)

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