Han Yiming sneered: "Yes and no!"

"Originally, the quota for workers' and peasants' college students was mine. I didn't want you to continue doing heavy work in the fields, and I didn't want you to have no hope of returning to the city, so I took the initiative to give up my quota to you."

"Even if you lose this opportunity, this quota will not fall to her... But if I am also implicated, then the person most likely to get this quota is Li Huawen!"

"I don't think Li Huawen will give up this opportunity to return to the city..."

"Hu Laiying also confessed that she just thinks she is better than you. Why can't she leave the village, but you have this opportunity... She would rather destroy you..."

Although Tong Anyang came back again and knew that this matter had nothing to do with Hu Laiying, she still gasped when the matter was confirmed.

How could someone be so vicious? Hu Laiying didn't want her to be well, so he used such cruel methods!
In fact, this spot did fall to Li Huawen in his previous life, but he turned around and gave the spot to Hu Laiying.

She pursed her lips, lowered her eyes slightly, and whispered: "Han Yiming, wasn't I unconscious for a while?"

"When I was in a trance, I seemed to hear Li Huawen talking to Hu Laiying... Li Huawen said that he had arranged a job at home and had to take the recruitment exam when he returned. During this time, he was studying unexpectedly. As for the college student quota, he had to give it to Hu Laiying... "

Han Yiming sneered: "Impossible, the quota for soldiers of the Workers' and Agricultural University is being snatched up even in the factory."

"He went to work after finishing college, and the benefits were very different... The only explanation is that he must have heard about the resumption of the college entrance examination, so he didn't care about the quota at the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers University, so he used it as a favor..."

"You can only work by taking the recruitment exam. Who can guarantee that you will pass the exam? He won't leave yourself a way out?"

Tong Anyang didn't expect that Han Yiming's analysis was correct.

Li Huawen is here to prepare for the college entrance examination!

However, Tong Anyang was reborn, so she knew that the college entrance examination would be resumed.

Li Huawen comes from an ordinary family, so how did he know that the college entrance examination would be resumed?
That gentleman proposed changing the college admissions method for recommending college admissions in August!

Unless... Tong Anyang almost choked on his own spit, unless Li Huawen was also reborn.

If that were the case, a lot of things would become clear.

Li Huawen knew that Hu Laiying was plotting against her, so he used this matter to involve Han Yiming, killing two birds with one stone.

If he wanted to take the college entrance examination, he would definitely not go to the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers University, so he simply gave up his place to make Hu Laiying grateful to him.

He took advantage of the situation and ordered a set of "Self-study Books on Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" to quietly prepare for the college entrance examination and stay away from all the distractions.

Even if the Han family wanted to find someone to cause trouble, they would look for Hu Laiying, not him!

Even the reborn Tong Anyang was almost deceived by him...

She resisted her bold guess and asked casually, "Han Yiming, how much do you know about Li Huawen?"

Han Yiming chuckled and told everything he knew from Su Zhiqing: "Li Huawen is from a small county in the next province. His family has ordinary conditions. He came here to join the team after graduating from junior high school... He has a fellow villager in the village behind us. , it is said that Li Huawen's grades were not very good, so his family did not let him continue in high school, but went to the countryside to reduce the burden on the family..."

"He is quite an ordinary person. He used to be lazy and playful. The money he earned from working for a year was not enough for him to eat... several times he couldn't eat because he borrowed money from you..." Tong Anyang said. Compared with what Han Yiming knows about Li Huawen now and in the future, they are two different people!
Could a person who has been lazy and idle all year round and unable to support himself suddenly find a good watermelon buyer for the village?

A person with ordinary studies, after a few months of study, became the provincial champion, entered Imperial University and studied until he graduated as a graduate student?
He even recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan as a child of the Bai family, and the meeting gift was Sanjin Yard in Kyoto.

This is simply a man’s rebirth and counterattack drama!

Tong Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly and said that if Li Huawen did not involve Han Yiming, then Han Yiming would take the college entrance examination naturally. Wouldn't Li Huawen have nothing to do with the province's top scorer?
Did Han Yiming also attend Imperial University in Li Huawen's previous life?

So, is the Bai family really the home of Li Huawen's biological parents?
Han Yiming continued: "Although we only sent Hu Laiying to the bureau to use the sewing machine for three years, we can't do anything to Li Huawen for the time being."

"However, Li Huawen accepted the IOU for 180 yuan!"

"From now on, my brothers and I will take turns to collect debts every day. Hehe, I want to see if he is the reincarnation of Wenquxing. Under such circumstances, can he still study hard and prepare for the college entrance examination..."

Tong Anyang gave a thumbs up, "This is a good idea. Anyway, he doesn't dare to tell the outside world about the resumption of the college entrance examination."

"If he is still concerned about the job recruitment exam, then he can go home and prepare for the exam... Only relatives will accommodate him..."

Han Yiming felt much better now and pressed his forehead affectionately against Tong Anyang's.

Both of them were breathing a little erratically, "Daughter-in-law, are you tired from studying? How is your recitation going?"

Han Yiming was jealous but not courageous towards Tong Anyang. With the two of them so close, he still didn't dare to make any bold move and could only change the subject.

Tong Anyang sighed slightly: "Chinese and politics are not bad. At least they are composed of Chinese characters. I can read and understand them and recite them quickly."

"It's just foreign languages. They recognize me, but I don't recognize them. I can't even read them. I really just memorize the words!"

Han Yiming chuckled: "Let's study foreign languages ​​together in the afternoon. My spoken foreign language is not very good, but my grammar is pretty good. I can teach you..."

Tong Anyang hummed: "I have already thought about it. When the postman comes to the village, let him buy us a foreign language dictionary and some tapes to synchronize the textbooks..."

Han Yiming nodded repeatedly: "That's okay, I'll make arrangements when the time comes!"

The two talked for a while, and then Mother Han called them out for dinner.

Dinner is very simple, just steamed buns with Sanhe noodles, corn soup, and pickles fried in oil!

This is a good dinner in the city. The Han family has made money, and Tong Anyang has just joined the family. Han's mother is particularly generous and contributes the lard jar.

And the children and Tong Anyang each had half a salted duck egg.

After dinner and a short walk, the sky gradually darkened. Han Yiming and Tong Anyang walked to the old house in the back mountain to start the crazy night self-study mode.

Before giving lectures on mathematics, physics and chemistry in the evening, Han Yiming asked everyone to draw lots to check what they had learned and recited during the day.

Everyone is no longer a child. Yesterday Han Yiming had already crushed the truth and said that it was the first day after all, and each of them had done well.

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