Seeing this, in order to maintain everyone's enthusiasm for learning, Tong Anyang gave two white rabbit toffee to every comrade present!
This is a rare item. Anyone who gets two pieces of toffee in the city will keep it for the younger generations at home.

What's more, most of them are from rural areas, and they are extremely rare for candy.

In addition to White Rabbit toffee, Tong Anyang also rewarded everyone with varying amounts of small brown paper bags based on how well they completed the task.

The paper bag was not big, like a small medicine bag.

"Sister-in-law, what's in this? Why do I smell like milk?"

The paper bags were sealed tightly with glue, and everyone asked curiously.

Tong Anyang chuckled and said: "It's malted milk essence! Each bag is for one brewing. You have studied hard and need nutrients to replenish your brain."

When I heard that this was malted milk, everyone was excited!

People in the city would only give malted milk to them when they go to the hospital to check on patients or visit the elderly.

Who would be willing to buy a can for their children and the elderly?

It can be said that except for the two people in the city, no one else has tasted malted milk.

"Hey, I didn't expect to get so many benefits from studying for myself," a young man carefully put away three packets of malted milk, already thinking about who to drink these three packets.

"Then we have to study harder! We can't live up to the hard work of my brother and sister-in-law..." The rest of the people also said with a smile.

Han Yiming nodded: "That's right. We have a lot of good things here. As long as you complete the tasks every day, you will be rewarded!"

"Studying is too boring, we have to add some fun... Besides, a strong body is the basic guarantee for our learning..."

After saying that, Han Yiming assigned everyone the learning and memorization content of Chinese, politics and foreign languages ​​for tomorrow's day, and then took everyone to review what they learned in algebra yesterday before starting new knowledge...

After four hours, everyone rested for less than half an hour.

None of them shouted a single word "tired", and no one became sleepy because they didn't understand.

Everyone seems to have learned how to be tough, and their hair is a little messy due to excessive use of their brains.

On the way back, Tong Anyang was still a little exhausted.

She, an old lady, hasn't used her brain like this in many years. Preparing for the college entrance examination is no joke.

Her whole body was wilted and she felt unsteady when she walked.

Han Yiming was so distressed that he ignored her struggle. After being separated from the others, he picked her up and walked quickly home.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so tired now that you want to fall asleep, but I am so excited now...don't mess with me..."

Tong Anyang immediately stopped moving. She knew what "provoking" meant.

After returning home, Tong Anyang forced himself to finish washing and taking a shower, then climbed into bed wearing thin clothes and fell asleep.

Han Yiming waited for her to finish her troubles and took a bath in the kitchen.

When he entered the room, he saw the woman wearing a self-made pajamas, curled up in a ball, sleeping peacefully and beautifully.

He was extremely satisfied and felt that he must have been a good person in his previous life, so he could get what he wanted and marry his sweetheart home in such a strange way.

Han Yiming was lying on the bed, leaning sideways and staring at people tirelessly through the night without blinking.

As a result, the little woman seemed to sense his presence and stuffed herself into his arms like a docile kitten!
Han Yiming was stiff all over.

She put her arms on his chest, rested her head on his arms, and buried her head in his neck.

He couldn't help but slowly close his arms and hug the person into his arms. He lowered his head and saw her peaceful sleeping face. He couldn't help but get closer and closer, and his lips touched lightly.

Han Yiming suddenly turned his face away and gasped silently. He was taking advantage of others' danger!

However, her lips are so soft and sweet...

Tong Anyang is getting older and has too many physical problems, big and small. It hurts here or there. He has trouble sleeping every day and wakes up at four in the morning.

But after her rebirth, she seemed to not get enough sleep every day. If she hadn't been so determined to prepare for the college entrance examination, she would have slept until she woke up naturally every day.

Fortunately, the college entrance examination is less than half a year away.

She opened her eyes when she heard the movement in the yard, and when she struggled to sit up, the guys had already finished their morning work and were eating!
Han Yiming came back from morning exercises. He didn't see Li Huawen on the ground where the educated youths were responsible, so he asked: "Hey, where is Li Huawen? Could it be that he came back from the bureau and is too embarrassed to see anyone?"

"If he doesn't go to work, don't follow the team from the next village out to beg for food at the end of the year..."

Everyone learned from Li Huawen yesterday that Hu Laiying would not be able to come back within three years.

They were originally arrogant, like deflated balloons, silent and did not dare to talk to Han Yiming.

"Why did everyone become mute?" Han Yiming directly named them: "Wang Zhiqing, tell me."

Wang Zhiqing bit the bullet and said, "Li Zhiqing said that he received a letter from his family two days ago, saying that he found a job for him, but he needs to pass the recruitment examination."

"He went to the village next door where his fellow villagers jumped in and borrowed high school books."

Han Yiming nodded, "Okay, when he comes back, let him remember to pay back the money... If he doesn't pay back for a day, my brothers and I will remind him six times a day..."

"Only when people have a sense of urgency are they willing to work hard to make money..."

After saying that, he trotted away.

The guys were slightly relieved. Fortunately, they only lent Tong Zhiqing a few dollars, otherwise they would be the ones being called for debt now!
Li Huawen searched several villages but could not find a set of subject books for the college entrance examination.

Even if he borrowed three books, they were all in tatters, with pages missing, or the handwriting of some child who didn't like to study or take care of books had been painted over.

Li Huawen didn't want to bring these three books back if he had any idea.

There are only a handful of people in a village who can go to high school, and their textbooks are basically borrowed, and few have the luxury to pay for them.

They haven't run out yet, someone has already made a reservation.

He flipped through two pages on the way, looking at the incomplete content of Mi Tai's book, and sighed slightly.

Because that period had just passed, the bookstores were basically filled with red books and various quotations, and there were very few study materials and books.

When he was looking for a buyer for the village's watermelons, he went to the county town and couldn't find the books and information he wanted.

It seems that he took the time to go to the provincial capital to take a look. If there is nothing in the bookstore, then he will go to the scrap station!

When he returned to the Educated Youth Center, someone told him what Han Yiming said.

Li Huawen smiled and nodded his thanks, but when he returned to the room and turned his back to everyone, his eyes were cold.

He did not expect that Hu Laiying's plan in the previous life was successful and Tong Anyang was accidentally killed by three leprous men in the village.

Han Yiming brutally beat San Leizi into a semi-crimp, and after being sent to the police station, he was decadent for a long time.

Until the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination came...

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