In the last life, Han Yiming heard the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination, and wanted to go to Kyoto to see what kind of city his beloved woman grew up in.

So Han Yiming locked himself in the room, studied day and night, and came back with the top score in the province.

Thinking of this, Li Huawen clenched his fists, but it was a pity that Hu Laiying failed to plot Tong Anyang, and instead got her in, so that Han Yiming cunningly escaped.

Is it true that in this life, Han Yiming is still the provincial champion?

After Li Huawen came back from rebirth, he has been busy working on his reputation, which made everyone have a great change in his opinion. Along the way, he bought a lot of dried vegetables from the villagers and sold them in the market to make some money.

After all, there are still five months until the college entrance examination. He has three more months to review than others, but his foundation is poor and he must go all out to prepare for the exam.

Li Huawen knew the priority of the matter. Even if he didn't like Han Yiming, he couldn't continue to waste time on it. Of course, he wouldn't work in the fields.

Everything must make way for him to prepare for the college entrance examination!
He admitted that he owed money but didn't have the money to pay it back. Could it be that the Han family sold him for money?
Li Huawen was gnawing biscuits calmly, looking at the book he just borrowed in his hand, wondering when he would go to the provincial capital to buy the "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry".

However, his plan was very good. The educated youths all went to work in the fields. At one o'clock, they discovered that Li Huawen did not come to work.

A young man standing next to him tutted: "You educated youths are so thick-skinned. He owes more than 180 yuan, and he doesn't even have the consciousness to work in the fields to earn work points and pay back the money?"

"Since he has such poor self-discipline, the brothers have to help him, right?"

His voice was loud, and his friends immediately responded.

Anyway, the big guys are here when they are ordered, so they just go and come back, no one cares about them.

He turned around and led everyone towards the educated youth center.

"Should we follow, will Li Educated Qing suffer a loss?" One of the educated youth asked worriedly.

Another person pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled: "No, although the people in the village are a bit arrogant, they are not completely unreasonable."

"Li Zhiqing is indeed a little unreasonable in this matter. The most they can do is bring Li Zhiqing over to work, but will they really beat him to death?"

Others also nodded: "I originally thought Li Zhiqing had gotten better, but we were still deceived by him... He just used his clever brain to help everyone solve problems, but he didn't actually work in the fields as much as In the past... now he has nothing to do, and he still used the excuse to go back to the city to take the recruitment exam, holding a book and pretending to study..."

"I felt strange after hearing this. Since it is a recruitment examination, most of them have been pre-determined... According to what he said, as long as he studies hard, he will definitely pass the exam? In this case, why doesn't he ask for leave and return to the city to go home? "

"Eighty percent of it is a lie he made up. He just doesn't want to work in the fields and uses his studies as a cover..."

Everyone is unbalanced. Why can Li Huawen comfortably read in the house, while they have to work in the fields?

The courtyard wall of the educated youth is relatively low and made of gravel. Everyone can see the scene in the courtyard from a distance.

Li Huawen was indeed reading in front of the window!

"Li Zhiqing, what time is it? You haven't broken your arm and are lame, so why are you hiding in the house and being lazy?"

"Yes, as long as you stay in our village for a day, you have to correct your attitude and work hard in the fields to get rid of your laziness..."

"A year or two ago, we would definitely have dragged you to attend classes in the commune... Labor is glorious, why are you always dodging?" "What about the recruitment exam? I think you treat the big guy as a fool... Hurry up and get off the ground. Work... If you don't work, how can you earn work points and pay back the money to Han Liu's wife?"

"A grown man is so lazy that he deserves to be beaten as a bachelor..."

Li Huawen's face turned green. What were these people saying?

He took a deep breath and said word by word: "Comrades, whether I work or not is my freedom, right? As long as I don't starve myself to death, I can do whatever I want."

"My parents don't care about me, so why are you telling me what to do?"

"I can't earn many work points by working in the fields. It's better to study more at home. Maybe I'll have a good grasp of the recruitment exam and be recruited into a formal job..."

The big guy didn't listen to what he said, so he directly grabbed his collar and dragged him out.

"We are reasonable people. We will not cut off your arms or legs. We will just watch you work and the work points will be transferred directly to the Han family's account..."

"Wherever you go, people will support us in transforming you..."

Li Huawen is an ordinary person, how can he resist this group of young people who work in the fields all year round and are full of tendons?

Soon he was lifted high by six young men and carried from the educated youth center to the land where the educated youth were responsible. He was watched by the big guys all the way.

Li Huawen's face turned red, and his face was completely lost!
However, this group of people didn't go anywhere, they just stared at him while working next to him.

"What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and bend down to pluck grass...Why don't people in our village like you educated youths...You are from the city. You are not active in work and just go to the fields all day long just to hang around..."

"If our captain hadn't discovered your problem in time and specially allocated the crop land for you educated youths, otherwise, you would have been able to enjoy the crops we grew without any effort... We are not stupid!"

"Now this Li Zhiqing is ruining the culture of working in the fields in our village, and the impact is serious..."

"Hurry up and work. If you don't work, we will guard you and prevent you from getting off work! We have no culture, so we will accept death and waste you together..."

Li Huawen had a headache. "Han Yiming also doesn't work in the fields? There are also children educated youth!"

Everyone laughed loudly: "You are comparing yourself to the youngest member of the Han family. Do you have parents who love you, and five brothers and sisters-in-law?"

"Besides, although I don't work in the fields, I never ask for money from home. I'm very capable..."

"Yes, no matter how good the relationship between brothers is, if my brother-in-law does not do business all day long, his sisters-in-law will definitely have objections and be unwilling to spend money to support him..."

"You're such a stupid thing. You still want to take the recruitment exam. It's better to stop thinking about it. It's more practical to work hard in the fields and pay off your debts... It's better than us suing you for passively paying off your debts, right?"

Li Huawen couldn't say anything and could only dig up weeds.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled so proudly. They completed what Han Yiming told him so cleanly and perfectly!
Seeing Li Huawen's aggrieved look, everyone felt particularly happy.

Only Li Huawen himself was so angry that he was shaking all over.

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