Han Yiming and Tong Anyang are at home right now, studying hard.

After a while, Han Yiming brewed malted milk for both of them to supplement their nutrition.

Tong Anyang gets a little tired and wants to sleep when he is tired, especially when the weather is hot and he doesn't concentrate, he feels lazy and doesn't want to move.

The malted milk that Han Yiming brewed with boiling water is still hot at the moment.

He massaged her neck, shoulders and head naturally, and Tong Anyang felt so comfortable that she wanted to hum.

After resting for a while, they continued to study.

When it was almost noon, the two of them started cooking for the family.

Tong Anyang's cooking skills have been practiced for decades. Although she has no relatives and friends and her life is not particular, she sets up a stall to sell food, so her cooking skills are quite good.

The Han family hasn't separated yet. The couple is hiding in the house studying and not working in the fields. They can't just do nothing, right?
Tong Anyang took the initiative to take over the cooking job. Han Yiming volunteered to help, washing pots and dishes.

This was the good intention of the young couple and their interest. In addition, there was indeed a lot of work in the fields recently, so Mother Han didn't say anything.

During the meal, Han Yiming heard from his brothers about Li Huawen being carried into the field, and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Zhuzi and the others are really good. I caught pheasants later and gave them some." !”

After eating and digesting his food a little, Tong Anyang lay on the bed.

She lives a very regular life. She doesn't sleep for a while at noon and has no energy at all at night.

However, she was used to the alarm clock calling her, otherwise she would not be able to wake up. Moreover, she slept for more than 10 minutes at noon, and it was difficult to cheer up throughout the afternoon.

Before she went to bed, she solemnly asked Han Yiming to call her on time.

Why did she think that Han Yiming felt sorry for her and promised well, but he called her a little late.

Tong Anyang opened her eyes drowsily and glanced at the man holding her. She was confused and rubbed his shoulder and neck.

Han Yiming stiffened, "Daughter-in-law, it's time to get up."

Tong Anyang shook his head, as if he was annoyed, and buried his head on his shoulder and neck, muttering: "Let me sleep a little longer..."

Who can stand such a delicate wife?
Han Yiming endured it again and again, turned over and pinned her down, his voice hoarse: "Daughter-in-law, can't you get up? Our study tasks are very heavy. If you delay for a while, you may not be able to keep up."

"I thought of a way to cheer you up immediately. Do you want to give it a try?"

Tong Anyang opened her dull eyes and looked at Han Yiming with special trust. She didn't know if his words entered her mind, but she nodded in cooperation anyway.

Han Yiming couldn't help but growl and stepped forward directly.

The woman's lips were so warm, soft and sweet that Han Yiming couldn't let go when he touched them. He held her hands tightly, intertwined his fingers, and enjoyed the delicious food.

Tong Anyang was not completely awake to begin with, but now she was passively accepting his love, and her mind was in a state of panic.

After the man had satisfied his appetite, he let her go, pulled her up, and wiped her face with a wet towel several times.

Tong Anyang finally woke up!

When she realized what she had just experienced, her face turned red instantly, and she wanted to get under the quilt.

Han Yiming chuckled and stepped forward, hugging her, "Daughter-in-law, are you feeling energetic?"

"Isn't it more effective than drinking a cup of strong tea?" "We are a married couple who have received certificates. I, I think we are quite compatible in every aspect... No matter whether the college entrance examination will be resumed or not, as long as you want, let's go to Kyoto together, okay? ?”

"I like you. Even if I think about other men hugging you like me, I will be furious and jealous..."

Tong Anyang no longer runs away from his heart now.

Although they had only received their certificates for a few days, she had already become accustomed to his presence and enjoyed his love for her.

Who can resist his unique favor?
Tong Anyang hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his arm to hug him, "Han Yiming, actually, from the time I agreed to get a marriage license with you, I never thought of treating marriage as a child's play."

"It's just that it's been too long since anyone cared about me so much, so I didn't dare to take a step forward. If you fall in love with me, it will be very hard for you."

She was lonely all her life, and her heart always stayed in place, like a little girl holding up an old man's skin.

Now that the nightmare has awakened, she has regained her life, but she may not be able to love anyone for the time being.

Han Yiming hugged her tightly in his arms with some excitement, "Daughter-in-law, you don't have to take a step. As long as you allow me to approach you!"

"Actually, I feel that when I told you about the fake marriage, I was just covering up my own thoughts... I almost deceived myself..."

The two of them felt hot and tight in their hearts. They were familiar yet unfamiliar with each other, and they didn't know how to get along with each other.

Tong Anyang blushed and whispered: "Let's, let's study first. Let's start with falling in love, wait, wait until the college entrance examination is over, and then talk about other things, okay?"

Han Yiming nodded vigorously: "That's right. Studying is the most important thing now. Let's fight for the future."

"Our days are long, and many things can be done slowly."

He can wait!

The two of them had a different atmosphere while reading all afternoon. When they took a break, they looked up and saw each other, with an indescribable sweetness in their eyes.

Li Huawen lives in dire straits.

He was finally reborn and had the chance to change his destiny, but because of his intervention, everything in front of him changed.

Tong Anyang is still alive and well, married to Han Yiming, but Hu Laiying is locked up, and he doesn't even have a chance to read quietly!
In the morning, he bent down and pulled grass all morning. As soon as he stopped to rest, someone on the ground started talking nonsense.

After taking a nap, while he was still in a daze, the group of people picked him up from the bed and put him in the ground without even saying hello.

At the end of the day, Li Huawen was so tired that he could hardly stand up straight. He was still reading. He didn't even wash up after eating. He took off his clothes and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Li Huawen heard the creak of the door and a set of footsteps. He sat up straight and said, "Stop, I'll get dressed and go to work!"

He didn't want to be carried away wearing only flowery underpants.

Fortunately, the group of people did not make things difficult for him. They waited for him to get up, wiped his face twice, and then drove him step by step into the fields like a sheep!
Li Huawen was already crying in his heart. In his last life, he went to the countryside and didn't even go to morning labor.

It's May, it's dawn, and he's about to start work.

After two days of this, Li Huawen couldn't stand it any longer. He worked hard some time ago and only made a total of more than 200 yuan.

This was half a year's expenses for him to prepare for the college entrance examination, and he didn't want to touch it unless it was absolutely necessary.

But he didn't want to work in the fields, or have to get up at five o'clock in the morning and work ten hours a day!

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