Han Yiming chuckled and said, "Who says otherwise? He thought he was thick-skinned and could get away with the debt, but he forgot what kind of person I am. Who can win me over a scoundrel?"

Tong Anyang turned around and pinched the flesh on his waist. He hissed in pain but did not dare to break away. He looked at her pitifully with red eyes.

She was helpless and distressed, "I don't care what others say, but you are not allowed to say that about yourself!"

"In my eyes, you are not that kind of person. You treat your family sincerely, and you will help anyone in the village who is in trouble."

"Others say you are just a fool and don't do anything serious. It's just that you don't like to waste your time on the land."

"Everyone has different choices and different ways of looking at problems. Many people in the village have lived here for generations. They don't know anything else. They don't even understand how to read. They only know how to farm."

"There are many people like this. If you are more, you are not more, and if you are less, you are not less. You don't work in the fields, but you are not idle either. You are always trying to find ways to make money and improve the conditions of your family."

Han Yiming didn't expect that he was such a person in her heart.

He hugged her and pressed his forehead against hers affectionately, "I usually behave casually and don't like to be restrained, so others think I am carefree."

"In addition, I don't work in the fields and I don't have a serious job. Everyone only praises me for being smart, but they don't know how to laugh at me behind my back."

"Originally I didn't care. I like to keep my mouth shut and make a fortune. It doesn't matter if others say a few words about me... Thank you, my wife, for trusting me..."

Tong Anyang's cheeks glowed with warmth, and he said softly: "I just ignore everyone's voices and look at you with my heart."

The two of them get along day and night, and Tong Anyang is not a real eighteen-year-old girl, so she knows how to look at people.

Han Yiming behaved consistently in front of her. No matter how powerful an actor is, it is impossible for him to have no flaws unless he is originally like this.

After being bored for a while, Tong Anyang finished eating, and the two of them began to study.

Li Huawen now gave out more than [-] yuan, but he only had [-] yuan in hand.

He came back from the future. In his previous life, his grades were very poor and he never thought about taking the college entrance examination. When a large number of educated youths return to the city next year, he will also go home.

There are many educated youths waiting to be assigned. He can't just wait without doing anything, right?
  In order to put food on the table and avoid looking down upon by his family, Li Huawen had no choice but to look for work everywhere.

After working in the countryside for several years, he knew nothing and could only work at the construction site moving bricks.

It can be said that before going to the countryside, he thought that he was a promising young man with lofty ambitions. When he arrived in the village, he felt depressed that his talents were not recognized. But after returning to the city, reality severely woke him up!
  He watched the sarcastic Han Yiming in the Educated Youth Center thrive in the Imperial Palace, and watched him being discovered by the Bai family to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan. The Bai family's meeting gift was a three-entry courtyard.

And he is just one of the repairmen of the courtyard...

Thinking about the way Han Yiming made things difficult for him just now, Li Huawen was so angry that he almost burst on the spot.

"Since you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unjust!"

He suddenly sneered.

Han Yiming spent almost all of the more than [-] yuan he spent preparing for the college entrance examination.

If he wants to prepare for the exam with peace of mind, but he also has to rack his brains to make money, and there may not be a huge reward for wasting time.

And looking at Han Yiming, he didn't have much confidence in passing the college entrance examination and going to university and returning to the city.

At this moment, he was simmering with anger. If he didn't let it out, he wouldn't want to do anything. He thought of the Bai family and couldn't help but recall it in detail.

By chance, he followed a master to repair someone's courtyard, and discovered that this bright and spacious courtyard with three entrances was the meeting gift given to Han Yiming by the Bai family.

He was jealous, why would a country boy become the wrong young master of the Bai family? But he, a city man, built walls for country bumpkins!

He couldn't help but secretly inquire about it, but the housekeeper couldn't keep his words. He drank a few packs of cigarettes and a bottle of wine and talked about everything.

From when the Bai family found out that their child was not their biological child, how they conducted the investigation, and how they met Han Yiming.

Li Huawen squinted his eyes, not knowing what he thought of, and stood up slightly excitedly and walked around the room.

"Han Yiming, if I'm to blame, I blame you for driving all the people away. Ha, you must not know how much of your future you lost today when you fought for more than [-] yuan for Tong Anyang!"

Tong Anyang and Han Yiming studied hard every day. When they heard that Li Huawen had asked for leave and returned to the city, they just curled their lips and didn't pay much attention to him.

The Han family also has a very fulfilling life. They go to the market with delicious food to sell twelve days a month.

Their food is delicious and authentic. Every time they don't even set up their stall, regular customers are already waiting to buy.

Their customers are accumulating more and more, and the money they spend every time setting up a stall is also increasing little by little.

After one month, the money they made based on the profits from the first market would be dozens more!
  Having tasted the benefits, the Han family wondered whether they should visit the two communes next door, so that they could sell food for a month.

But they couldn't make up their mind. The communes were quite far apart, and they didn't know what was going on there.

So, after their discussion was fruitless, they asked Han Yiming and Tong Anyang about it at the dinner table.

Han Yiming said nothing and just looked at Tong Anyang.

Tong Anyang is full of business experience. She chuckled and said, "Mom, dad, brothers and sisters-in-law, everything must be done step by step."

"This person suddenly got rich, and it is easy for his mentality to become unstable and become different from himself. We make money to become a better version of ourselves, rather than being controlled by money and being unable to get out of it."

"This is only the first month. The weather is hot. Let's explore the business first and save some money before talking about anything else."

This sentence made everyone wake up.

Yes, how much money did they make? Look at how much they went from twenty or thirty yuan a day to thirty or fifty yuan now...

But they still feel that they are so cool, because the monthly salary for city dwellers is only forty or fifty yuan!

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "We have earned enough now, don't be greedy. After working for a few months, we have saved money. Let's go to the city to buy a house."

"The city is prosperous. Now that the storm has passed, we will see a rainbow soon... When we buy a shop in the city, it will not be blown away by wind or wet by rain. It will not be cold in winter or hot in summer, and there will be a stable source of customers. , isn’t it better?”

This pie is so big and round!
  But how long will it take for them to get their fill of the pie?

"Xiao Liu, you said that if the organization really allows us to buy a shop for business, where should we buy it? In the town or in the city?"

Tong Anyang suggested in his heart, not to mention the town and city, even the prefectural city, they are going to Kyoto!

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