However, Tong Anyang chuckled and said, "Sister-in-law, the more capital we save, the store we will buy will be the best regardless of location or area."

"Our commune has the largest population in the city, and several villages have their own cash crops. The living conditions of everyone are much better than in previous years, and we will not be too restrained in spending money."

"We have made money in our own commune, but we may not be able to make as much money in other communes..."

"Others only see that our business is prosperous, but no one really understands how much profit our business makes. If you go to the market every month, wouldn't you just tell people that your business is profitable and make you no longer want to farm?"

Everyone nodded, and the villagers looked united, but each family had its own thoughts.

The Han family has a good reputation in the village, and that is under the premise that the conditions of each household are not much different.

If the big guys know that their family is making a lot of money, I'm afraid their family will be squeezed out!
  At this moment, everyone was breaking out in cold sweat, "Xiao Liu, what are we going to do? When we set up the stall, there were a lot of people around. Anyone with a discerning eye can guess that we made a lot of money, right?"

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and smiled: "It's okay, everyone can think about it at most, but when they see that you are still working in the fields like them, they will think that you are doing a small business, earning two or three dollars a day. piece."

"They are envious of the profits, but they are not envious to the point of distortion or attack."

Indeed, no one will keep an eye on them all the time, and the profit from each meal is only a few cents. The accumulation of small amounts into large amounts is a very scary thing that is not easily noticed by others.

Mother Han felt relieved and said, "Fortunately, we have the sixth daughter-in-law to help us analyze, otherwise we would be as panicked as headless flies."

"It seems like we are the ones who make the most money! From now on, we will go to the market to sell food when there is a market, and when there is no market, we will work in the fields with the big guys to earn work points!"

"How we lived in the past, and how we live now, what is this called? Making a fortune in silence..."

"You all should be more strict with your mouth, otherwise you will have to hand over the money you make in the future."

The daughters-in-law of the Han family nodded one after another: "Mom, don't worry, I can tell who is in and who is out. I am already married, and I have to put my family first. I will not help my mother's family unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Mom, my parents are still in good health. My brothers, sisters-in-law, and younger siblings are all working in the fields, so there is nothing to spend money on. What I brought back to my parents' house before, I will bring back now... the water thrown away by my married daughter. , we recognize it clearly... When we marry into the Han family, we will be spoiled guests when we return to our natal family. We have to clearly position ourselves..."

They are all married and have children. Their natal family includes not only their parents, but also their brothers, sisters, and sisters-in-law.

If their parents know that they are making money, their parents will beg them to give their brothers and sisters a try!

It's not that they are cold-blooded and unfilial, but the reality is that they will never shirk their filial duty, but if they are asked to help their brothers and sisters, it is not their obligation.

What's more, the way to make money was thought up by the sixth brother and sister, who bought the formula for [-] yuan.

They knew very well that if they were not a family, even if they gave [-] yuan, the six siblings would not let go.

At first, every time Han Yiming came back from helping to set up a stall, Han Yiming would give Han's father two big solidaritys. Later, he only took one big solidarity, and the rest went to the old man.

Father Han knew his son's temper, but he didn't try to dissuade him. He thought that the money was in his own hands, but he was just helping Xiao Liu save it.

When he saves a lot, he will also go to the city to buy a shop for Xiaoliu and his wife!

Han Yiming controls everyone's review progress, combining daily review and preview to help everyone review the past and learn new things. Tong Anyang held various prizes to encourage everyone to keep up with their learning progress.

At the beginning, everyone felt that the study was very intense, all because they gritted their teeth and persevered for the prizes and the so-called high school diploma.

But gradually they got used to this rhythm, and instead immersed themselves in it, advancing little by little according to Han Yiming's learning plan.

Time passed very quickly. After everyone had read through the seventeen books of the "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry", he took two sets of high school graduation exam papers and got scores of more than [-]%.

I don’t know how Han Yiming did it. On October [-]th, he called everyone to go to a key high school in the provincial capital to take a separate graduation exam!

Everyone panicked, "Brother Yiming, can we do it? I, I haven't graduated from elementary school, but after studying with you for three months, I can become a high school student?"

"Yi Ming, do they want us? Their high school students are all fifteen or sixteen years old, and we, we are all married and have children..."

The most important thing is that they usually take exams in the room, which is the same as doing exercises at home. It is a different feeling from being proctored by teachers in school.

They, they are afraid!
  Tong Anyang's heart trembled, could he not take the exam?

Everyone looked at Han Yiming eagerly.

Han Yiming smiled: "Everyone has worked hard for so long, don't you want a diploma?"

"I don't know when the college entrance examination will resume, but after three months of non-stop study, you have mastered more than [-]% of the knowledge points. As long as you are serious enough, it is easy to get good grades."

"Now that we have reached the knowledge reserve of high school graduates, of course we need to get a diploma, so that we can live up to our three months of hard work!"

"It's just a slap in the face to raise or shrink your head. No one will say anything about you... How about we quietly go to the provincial capital, then wait for the results to come out after the exam, and get the diploma to surprise everyone?"

"If you don't pass the exam, then we'll just say you didn't participate."

Everyone thinks about it. The resumption of the college entrance examination is too far away. After waiting for so many years, there is no movement at all. Every time there is news, it is just false.

They didn't have high hopes from the beginning, so why don't they get a high school diploma?
  Everyone nodded in agreement.

They returned home and told random lies, packed their things and headed to Fucheng with Han Yiming.

They took a short rest on the [-]th, and the official exam started on the [-]th. The exam lasted for three days!
  Tong Anyang stepped into the classroom again after decades. He was in a trance, with various fragments jumping back and forth in his mind.

However, after the test paper was handed out, she took a deep breath, took it, and looked through it briefly to have a general grasp of the whole thing.

The questions are not difficult and comprehensive, but she seems to know them all.

With confidence in his heart, Tong Anyang buried his head in answering.

Three days passed very quickly. After everyone finished the exam, they were all exhausted. They only thought about the results and were not motivated to do anything!
  There are relatively few of them, and the results are released the next day after the exam.

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