A total of nineteen people participated in the review, but Han Yiming and a friend from the city were high school students themselves.

Therefore, seventeen people took the high school graduation exam this time.

They went to the school office anxiously and waited for the teacher to announce their results.

The dean of academic affairs is holding everyone’s transcripts, and there are only four red notebooks next to them. What does this mean?
  Out of the seventeen of them, only four met the school's requirements and got similar scores?
  No one dared to imagine that it was themselves. After all, their foundation was very poor. Even if they followed Han Yiming's plan, they still had no self-confidence.

Mainly people in their twenties, who have long accepted the reality that they are scumbags.

They wish they could leave now. Every minute and every second they wait for their results is tugging at their hearts.

Tong Anyang is also nervous. She had long forgotten about her elementary school and junior high school, but she sold food near the school. Every time when exams were approaching or after exams, the students always had a few words of discussion while waiting for food.

I know all the questions on the test paper well, but my grades are unexpectedly poor... The simpler the questions, the harder it is to get a high score...

These words were constantly replaying in her mind, and her originally determined heart was shaking and breaking.

Han Yiming chuckled and secretly squeezed her hand, "Daughter-in-law, relax. You are all brought out by me. If I say you can do it, then you absolutely can!"

When he was in the village, he took the guys to self-study several final exams. In fact, he got all the exam questions from previous college entrance examinations from all over the country, which were comprehensive and difficult.

They can all get good results. It is just a comprehensive and not very difficult final exam. For them, it is like high school students doing junior high school questions.

"Director Zhao, please stop making fun of us and read out the results quickly." Han Yiming saw the narrow-mindedness in the director's eyes and said with a helpless smile.

Director Zhao smiled and opened the report card and pushed it to the big guys, "You can see it for yourselves."

"Our high school diploma is very simple. As long as you pass every subject, you can get it!"

Everyone gathered around to look at their names and the results one by one. Every time they saw the results of a subject, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"I, I actually passed them all..." They couldn't believe it, not to mention that their grades were pretty good and they got [-]% of the marks!

Director Zhao then took out other diplomas from the drawer and handed them out to them one by one.

"Congratulations... Our school is a key high school in the province. If you can get our high school diploma, no matter where you go to work, people will look up to you... This friend of yours has the ability to make the school organize this event for you. You will take an exam and be awarded a high school diploma... From now on, you are all high school students, with the same academic qualifications as other serious students who have graduated from school for two years..."

Everyone was extremely excited.

Are they high school students?
  Thinking about the admiration of Han Yiming from the villagers, now that they are high school students, won't they also be praised by the villagers in the future?
  The most important thing is that with this degree, they can all find a job in the city.

After coming out of school, everyone was relaxed and ready to spend a day or two in the provincial capital before heading back home.

The next day happened to be October [-]st. After everyone got up, washed and had a meal, they went to the zoo.

They walked to the bus stop and passed a pharmaceutical factory on the road. The loudspeakers in the factory were playing cheerfully, and the employees rushed to the work to the music.

Just as everyone was numb, they were repeating the same days with no changes day by day.

The music in the loudspeaker suddenly stopped, and the announcer said excitedly: "...comrades who are listening to the radio, our broadcasting office has just received newspapers from several newspapers today, and they all said that the college entrance examination has resumed..."       Big guy Their minds were shocked by the news. Is that what they thought?
  Is the college entrance examination really resumed? Now that they have just received their high school diplomas, can they take the college entrance examination?
  At present, the college entrance examination is not unified. Each province has its own college entrance examination time and examination content.

Everyone had no intention of going to the zoo, so they all looked for the nearest newsstand to buy newspapers.

When they arrived, the newsstand was already crowded with people, each holding money in their hands and squeezing forward.

After some comrades bought the newspaper, they struggled to squeeze out, and people immediately gathered around to inquire about the news.

"Comrade, what newspaper did you buy? Did it contain the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination?"

The comrade couldn't stand the curiosity of everyone, and he was very eager to know the answer.

So he opened the newspaper, and on the front page it was clear that a certain gentleman had mentioned the resumption of the college entrance examination at a meeting. Now this matter has been implemented as quickly as possible, and the time for the college entrance examination in each province and city has even been determined.

After seeing this, everyone was still extremely excited. "It's great. The college entrance examination has finally resumed...and the conditions are very relaxed. I can take the college entrance examination..."

This newspaper is famous across the country, and the content published in it is true. So is the college entrance examination really going to be resumed?
  However, there was only one month left before the exam. After everyone hurriedly looked at the registration information, they left one after another.

When it was Tong Anyang's turn, all the newspapers on the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination were sold out!

However, when they stood on the outside, they also saw many people who snatched newspapers and showed them to everyone.

Several newspapers have reported on this incident. It seems that the resumption of the college entrance examination is a certainty.

The hearts of everyone who had just received their high school diplomas were very high.

"Yiming, can we get into college?" A person asked without confidence.

Han Yiming nodded: "Our efforts in the past three months have been real. We have completed all the knowledge in junior high school and high school. As long as we perform normally, even if we cannot pass the undergraduate degree, we can pass the junior college!"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

is it possible? They have just received their high school diplomas and are extremely satisfied.

But when they suddenly heard about the resumption of the college entrance examination, it was like a dream that continued without stopping.

If they can be high school students, it will be enough for them to brag for two or three years.

They simply can’t imagine going to college!

Han Yiming chuckled and said, "Do you believe me? From the time I took you to study until now, have you ever broken your promise once?"

"I said you can be a college student, you are a college student, unless you don't participate in the next review!"

“We have started three months ahead of others, this is our confidence!”

"I believe that when other people received this news, they were both happy and worried... How many courses can they take in one month?"

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