Han Yiming was everyone's anchor from the beginning to the end. With him around, everyone's anxiety immediately stopped.

Yes, yesterday Han Yiming said that they could get their high school diplomas. As expected, they all successfully passed the high school graduation exam and got their high school diplomas.

At this time, he said that after three months of study, the big guys were far ahead of others, so they would definitely become college students!

"Why don't I just study for another month? I can do it!"

"Yi Ming, I signed up to participate in the review for the next month or so. We have all learned to this extent. If we don't strike while the iron is hot and miss this opportunity, it will definitely become a lifelong regret for me..."

The guys nodded one after another, indicating that they were not afraid of hardship.

Three months of non-stop study allowed them to obtain a high school diploma, and then they worked hard for more than one month to enter college. Who would be willing to give up on such a deal?
  Tong Anyang also looked yearning. She lived an extra life, and her memory and understanding were no worse than others. She even ranked among the top five students in this group of students in her high school graduation exam.

She did not expect to be admitted to the best university in Kyoto, but she was content to be able to go to Kyoto to study with Han Yiming.

How can you guys still be in the mood to go to the zoo? The zoo will stay there until they finish their college entrance examination.

They hurried back to the guest house. After checking out of the room, they first went to the bookstore to have a look. They didn't find the information they wanted, so they went straight to the station to go home.

Along the way, they heard loudspeakers from various places announcing the incident, and everyone was discussing it emotionally.

After returning home, Han Yiming began to make a review plan for everyone to sprint for forty-five days.

Tong Anyang and Han Wu told Han's father and mother about the purpose of going to the provincial capital this time, and also told them the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination.

Suddenly there were two more high school students in the house, and there were probably three college students. The old couple were very happy, especially Han's mother, who put her hands together and muttered something in the room.

They don't have so many taboos at home, not to mention those years have passed.

Han's father kept nodding and asked Han Wu some details.

Not only did the family's two sons and one daughter-in-law become high school students, but Han's father's five children from relatives and Han's mother's seven children from her mother's side also received high school diplomas and were going to college together.

If they can go to college as Xiaoliu said, then their family will be really famous!

Tong Anyang chuckled and said, "Mom and Dad, I, Han Yiming, and fifth brother will work hard to pass the exam in Kyoto. How about our whole family going to Kyoto to buy a house and do business?"

Her words shook everyone in the room to their feet.

Xiao Liu’s daughter-in-law really dares to think about it.

Farmers in these villages want to go to Kyoto to buy houses and do business. If you can resist them!
  Tong Anyang pursed his lips and smiled: "Mom and Dad, I'm not joking. Now that the economy has just been liberalized, everyone is still living a normal life. Farmers rely on the produce in the fields, while urbanites rely on wages."

"Every family has a heavy burden. How much money can they save every year? Nowadays, a second-class courtyard house in Kyoto only costs one to two thousand yuan."

"We are completely buying one for each house... We will buy a house that is close to the street and has shops. Even if the price doubles, it is still worth it..."

"In the future, when we make money, we will buy a house... We will keep buying houses while the big guys haven't saved enough money... When the house is bought to a certain level, we will not have to do anything else just by collecting rent... ” ˆ ˆ The Han family was stunned when they heard this.

Mother Han couldn't help but swallow: "Xiao Liu, you mean, a house with a big yard in Kyoto only costs [-] yuan?"

In the past, they would have thought that two thousand yuan was an astronomical sum, and their family might not be able to save two hundred yuan throughout the year.

But now that they have money in their hands, they can't help but question it. Kyoto is the capital of Xiahua. Why are houses so cheap?
  Tong Anyang nodded with a smile: "Yes, parents, since we are going to live in the city and sell food in a shop, why not go directly to Kyoto in one step?"

"My parents' family is there. Han Yiming and I both have to pass the exam... The fifth brother's grades are also good. If he can pass the exam in Kyoto, he won't have to worry about the future... Our family will settle down in Kyoto. Isn't it good?"

OK, why is it bad?

Everyone dares not to imagine that one day they will be able to buy a house in Kyoto!
  Father Han slammed the table: "Anyway, there is still one month left for the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, you have to wait one or two months to get the results, right? The children are admitted to college and will not go to school this year. At least it has to be spring, right?"

"We still have at least three months, let's work hard to make more money..."

"If we don't make enough money, we can go to Kyoto to buy a smaller house first, and then we can upgrade to a bigger house as we continue to make money... If we have the chance to go to Kyoto, we shouldn't stay in the village..."

"Only by going out can our children live a good life...the children can receive a good education..."

The whole family nodded vigorously. Who would want to stay in the country if they could go to the city?
  If they can take root in Kyoto, they don't want to settle in the provincial capital...

After the family meeting ended, the first thing everyone did when they returned home was to pull out the money they had saved and count how much they had earned.

Every time they came back from the market, they would give Tong Anyang ten yuan and slowly pay back the five hundred yuan.

Mother Han has been working as a stall for three months and has earned a total of [-] yuan. After deducting [-] yuan and paying back Tong Anyang, she now has [-] yuan in the cloth bag in her hand!
  She counted out one hundred and forty yuan from it and planned to give it to Tong Anyang later to pay off the five hundred yuan for the formula.

They followed Tong Anyang's suggestion and only set up stalls at the twelve markets in their own commune.

The seven kinds of snacks from their Han family are authentic and delicious. Even if someone sells them, they will not be able to sell them after only a few times because the taste is not good.

The good reputation of Han's snacks has spread to several neighboring commune members. Now that there is no work in the fields, everyone has more free time, so they come here to go to the market together.

Therefore, the Han family gathered at the gathering at almost five o'clock and stayed until the last moment of the gathering.

They worked hard to buy a courtyard house in Kyoto!
  Seeing the Han family's eagerness to make money, Tong Anyang blinked his eyes, and after dinner one night, he took out a stack of prescriptions.

"Xiao Liu's daughter-in-law, what are you doing?" Mother Han felt something in her heart and couldn't help but ask.

Tong Anyang chuckled and said, "Mom, dad, brothers and sisters-in-law, the weather is cold in winter and the fields are dead, so we have a lot of time."

"Then we can pick up things and sell food in the streets! Like parents, you can sell tofu and various soy products in the village, and then go to the nearby villages to ask if anyone is willing to buy from us. Purchase goods and take out..."

It's all a small business of eating, and no one will take it seriously.

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