Han Yiming looked at the woman's pink face, smiled lightly, came forward, gave her a peck, and then backed away.

He wanted her to accept him little by little, instead of being forced into the relationship between the two of them.

Many couples in other families get married blindly. After being introduced by relatives and friends, they start discussing engagement and marriage.

But he is different. The daughter-in-law he wants must be the kind of wife that he likes enough, can love for a lifetime, and will not marry unless you are your wife!

He has a lifetime to have a heart-to-heart relationship with her, so he is not in a hurry.

"Are you hungry? There is steamed watercress custard in the pot, as well as the scallion egg pancakes made by my sisters-in-law, and the millet porridge that has been cooked all morning... How about I give you two pickled cucumbers?"

Originally, Tong Anyang was not hungry, but when he said this, her stomach protested. Her attention was diverted, and she could no longer remember being shy.

Han Yiming hasn't had breakfast yet. Now he poured hot water diligently and helped her wash up, so that none of the Han family could see him.

Tong Anyang's eyes were filled with emotion. She was too stupid in her last life, because she didn't have much, so she was particularly persistent in losing every piece of her own.

She doesn't know how to adapt to things, she only has the strength to hit the wall.

As long as she could listen to the advice of the Han family and accept the enlightenment of the big guys, she would not have wasted most of her life and died alone.

Isn't it nice to be loved and pampered so much?
  By the time she finished washing, Han Yiming had already brought breakfast back to the room and put it on the desk.

The two of them ate slowly, shoulder to shoulder. This kind of breakfast will be quite good in future generations.

"Daughter-in-law, no matter whether our test scores are good or bad, we should relax. We are always tense and studying will not have any effect."

"I believe we can all get away this time... The announcement of the resumption of the college entrance examination and the holding of the exam are too close together. There are only a few people like us who are serious about reviewing..."

"Based on the atmosphere of the school in the past few years, the high school graduates in the past two years only have diplomas and are not competitive at all..."

"As long as we don't write wrong names or change the test papers, it will be very easy for us to get into college."

Even though Tong Anyang got good grades in their own examination, she didn't dare to trust others. She always understood that no matter what time, there would always be situations in this world where there are people who are better than others and who are better than others.

Therefore, she did not apply to Imperial University like Han Yiming, but chose Minzu University, which was very close to Imperial University.

This university is also quite good, but compared to Imperial University, which is well-known at home and abroad, Mining University is not so conspicuous.

At Tong Anyang's suggestion, Han Yiming applied for the Department of Computer Science and Technology, while she chose language and literature because of her good memory.

Tong Anyang chuckled and said, "I know, we have studied hard for four months and are more than three months ahead of them. If we still can't get into college, we will really be sorry for our hard work and dedication for so long!"

Speaking of this, she didn't know why she felt a little panicked.

Tong Anyang lowered his eyes slightly. She must be feeling flustered because there must be something she has temporarily forgotten, and it is related to her college entrance examination results. What is it?
  While she was eating, she quickly reviewed her memories of her two lifetimes.

By the way, the provincial science champion!

These past few times, Han Yiming had almost perfect scores in the preliminary examination. The points deducted were all in Chinese, foreign languages ​​and politics, and he was studying these three subjects hard and making up for it little by little.

The provincial science champion in the last generation was Li Huawen. If there are no surprises this time, it should be Han Yiming, right?
  However, after her rebirth, she affected Han Yiming's future. Can he replace Li Huawen as the provincial science champion?
  Tong Anyang remembered that when Li Huawen was in college, he was recognized by the Bai family. The Bai family was very powerful in Kyoto, and almost half of the hotels were owned by them.

If Li Huawen takes advantage of the Bai family's connections...

She didn't know if she was overthinking it, but she was afraid that her worries would come true.

So Tong Anyang pursed his lips and thought again and again, looked at Han Yiming solemnly, and whispered: "Han Yiming, I, I actually had a long dream after hitting my head that day."

"I didn't see you in the dream. Li Huawen and Hu Laiying were left to handle these matters... Then, they sent you to the bureau, where you stayed for more than [-] years... As for them, Hu Laiying went to the provincial capital to study The University of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers, in order to thank Li Huawen, mailed the "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry"... Li Huawen became the provincial science champion and went to Kyoto Imperial University to study... and was recognized by the Bai family..."

Han Yiming frowned more and more as he listened. Who can remember their dreams so clearly?

And he noticed that his wife's expression was a little desolate when she recalled it, as if these were not things she had seen in a dream, but had actually existed.

After all, everything in her dream was verified one by one, except that she agreed to get a marriage certificate with him this time. The couple worked together to send Hu Laiying to the police station and Li Huawen returned to the city early.

Han Yiming thought for a moment: "Daughter-in-law, do you think the dream you had before was a warning from God?"

"If things go according to plan, even if Li Huawen doesn't stay to take the college entrance examination, the fact that he can leave here for four months means that he has found a job in Kyoto."

"But where is the job so easy to find, unless he has good connections... If he had contacted the Bai family in advance, then he might have tampered with the exam?"

Tong Anyang nodded, "It's not impossible. He is a narrow-minded person, and he must avenge himself."

"Whether he takes action or not, we must be prepared."

Han Yiming couldn't sit still now. After thinking for a while, he took out a few gold bars from the cabinet, cut them into small pieces with pliers, and stuffed them into his pocket.

He hugged Tong Anyang, kissed her, and whispered, "Daughter-in-law, please wait for me at home. I'll go out to do some errands these two days."

Tong Anyang hummed, "Then be careful and leave early and come back early."

Han Yiming nodded, smiled and touched her head, "I'll bring you something delicious when I come back!"

After the man left, it was clear that the furniture in the room made the room a little dark and cramped, but she still felt deserted and empty.

Before, she thought that since she was used to living alone, she would not be used to two people sleeping in the same bed.

Now she thought about it and realized that she had adapted quickly and was reluctant to let him leave...

After dinner, Tong Anyang washed the dishes and helped his parents-in-law and sisters-in-law prepare food.

There are always pickers coming to buy goods at home. The snacks made by the Han family are authentic, delicious and very affordable. They are very popular, and they have even developed a next store.

After all, each of them has a limited place to move, so people from the commune next door look for them to buy goods.

The Han family was so busy that they didn't even have time to go to the market, but they were really making money! (End of chapter)

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