The people in the village only know that many people go to Han's house to buy things every day, but they don't know much about the profit from eating.

They have no idea about this at all, thinking that the Han family earns two or three cents per order, and the family's hard work only makes two or three yuan a day.

If you divide it evenly, it only costs a few cents for each person!

They worked hard to make some bamboo baskets, bamboo baskets, etc., and sold them to supply and marketing cooperatives, and they could make about the same amount of money.

Furthermore, the Han family needs a lot of ingredients to sell food, and they purchase these ingredients from the villagers.

As long as the villagers ensure the quality of the ingredients and the prices do not change, then the Han family will have as much ingredients as they have.

Smart villagers have gone to the surrounding villages to collect ingredients and sell them to the Han family.

It was cold in winter and the big guys in the village were so busy that no one noticed their movements.

The Han family eats meat, and the villagers drink broth. They are all busy making money, and there is no time for the east and west families.

It took about three days before Han Yiming came back.

He saw Tong Anyang grinning at the person first, which meant that the matter was done. The heart that Tong Anyang was holding in his arms slowly fell to the ground.

She hurriedly boiled water and washed him.

Han Yiming pulled her and said, "Daughter-in-law, please help me pack my luggage in the house first. I can just boil water myself. I'm not tired."

"The bag is full of food bought for you. Just pick two or three and give them to the children..."

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and nodded with a chuckle, not wanting to fight with him.

Although this was her first marriage in her two lives and she had time and energy to experience life after marriage, in her previous life, Tong Anyang, in addition to setting up a stall and selling food, also read novels and news in her leisure time.

It is said that marriage needs to be managed by both parties. Many lesbians understand the hard work of men and take over all the work at home. Or they feel that they have no confidence as housewives and can only work more to please each other.

This situation made the relationship between the couple more and more indifferent. The man had no sense of participation in the family and did not understand the importance of responsibility. They eventually broke up.

The bags Han Yiming brought back were very big, and there were two of them.

Tong Anyang opened it one by one and took out the things inside. There was really everything.

The man was afraid that he had moved the supply and marketing cooperative here, and bought everything he saw that he thought was suitable for her, not only food, but also all kinds of clothing.

Tong Anyang organized the things with a smile, took out the things for each room, and delivered them one by one.

Everyone joked that Han Yiming was different now that he was married, and he knew how to buy things at home.

After eating, the two returned to the house, and Han Yiming talked to Tong Anyang about what he had done in the past few days.

"Daughter-in-law, let me think about it. There is a saying in ancient times that money can make the world go round... This shows that money is very tempting... If Li Huawen really wants to plot against me, then he should also use this to trick me. Let’s start with…”

"So, I first spent money to buy myself several insurances... Li Huawen has to pray that he doesn't have any evil intentions, otherwise, he will be unlucky, and even the Bai family won't be able to protect him!"

Knowing that the matter was resolved, Tong Anyang truly relaxed and did not ask him how he did it.

Seeing the woman bending over to make the bed, Han Yiming's eyes were deep and his voice was hoarse: "Daughter-in-law, I've been very scared these days. It's cold in the guest house outside, so I didn't get a sound sleep."

"The kang at home is still warm, and...I miss you too..."

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw him looking straight at her.

Her heart was beating fast and her eyes were slightly lowered. She has been sleeping alone these past few days. It stands to reason that she has long been accustomed to this kind of life. What is ridiculous is that listening to the whine of the north wind outside the house, she actually feels scared and misses him.

The college entrance examination was over, they slept on the same bed, and the man had some thoughts about her. That thing was bound to happen sooner or later. She had been mentally building herself up for a long time.

Tong Anyang also understood that without his own nodding, Han Yiming would have to rely on sneak attacks to even kiss her.

And every time after he kissed her, he didn't dare to look at her expression and just slipped away...

Tong Anyang took a deep breath and slowly began to unbutton.

It was obviously a normal action, but Han Yiming's mouth became even more dry when he saw it.

He turned around and wanted to go out to drink some cold water to Bai Baihuo, but was stopped by the woman.

"Han Yiming, where are you going? Quick, blow out the candles..."

Han Yiming couldn't move his legs, so he could only blow out the candles. Through the faint moonlight outside the window, he saw a small bag bulging on the bed.

He quickly took off his clothes, this time he held his hands slightly, and he didn't even put on his autumn clothes or trousers.

After getting into bed, he lay flat on the edge of the bed motionless, as if he was really tired, and fell asleep when he touched the pillow.

Tong Anyang waited for a long time, and usually he would trap her domineeringly and say she wanted to sleep.

Is it possible that after not seeing each other for a few days, they have become unfamiliar with each other?
  Or... Tong Anyang slightly curved the corners of his lips, and a sentence came to his mind, a little goodbye is better than a wedding...

Is he afraid that he can't control himself?

Thinking like this, Tong Anyang pretended to be in a daze, moved towards him, and stuffed herself into his arms. However, when her hand touched his strong chest, the man couldn't bear it anymore... …

The north wind blew all night outside, and the house was as warm as spring.

When Tong Anyang opened her eyes, she faced the man who was looking at her crazily.

She arched her eyebrows and smiled softly and said: "Yiming, good morning..."

Han Yiming hugged her tightly, buried his head in her neck, and said in a muffled voice: "Daughter-in-law, fortunately you agreed to marry me this time. Otherwise, I would have dared not to struggle and let them send me away just to punish myself. Enter the situation."

"Being able to be husband and wife with you is definitely a blessing that I have cultivated for countless lifetimes!"

Tong Anyang smiled and hugged his neck, patting his head gently, "I'm very happy too. From now on, we will discuss everything, run a good marriage together, and strive to grow old together, okay?"

She doesn't really believe in love that can last a lifetime of marriage.

She has seen too many young couples fall in love vigorously. After they enter the wedding hall, their passion is worn away by the trivialities of life. They face a lot of chickens all day long. Who still remembers the beauty of the past?

People with long-lasting love are simply ephemeral and mutated existences in a society filled with all kinds of desires.

She didn't dare to think how long the two of them could go together, she just hoped that they could cherish each other and work hard together now.

Han Yiming smiled and said firmly: "It's not about fighting for it, it's about determination!"

Han Yiming is very self-disciplined in some aspects. Regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter, he gets up at five o'clock every day to do morning running and boxing.

Now, he just wants to indulge in the beauty land, and from now on the king will not go to court early.

The couple didn't dare to linger any longer. When they heard the noise in the yard, they started struggling.

"Auntie, is my sixth brother here? The village chief asked me to call him over to discuss the winter hunting..."

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