When Tong Anyang heard the man mention the word winter hunting, his face turned as pale as paper.

She grabbed Han Yiming's hand suddenly and shook her head anxiously: "Yiming, something will happen this winter hunting meeting!"

Han Yiming was stunned for a moment, then remembered the dream she told him, led her to sit down, and poured her a glass of water.

"Daughter-in-law, calm down first. Are you dreaming about something bad?"

Tong Anyang nodded, "Yes, weren't you captured? I had not left the village at that time. That is, the village organized winter hunting in the past few days, and they encountered a pack of wolves..."

"A young man in the village was bitten on the neck...The second brother was bitten on the leg, and he contracted rabies and disappeared...Qi Zhiqing had his cheek bitten and was disfigured..."

Han Yiming looked solemn and held Tong Anyang's hand tightly, "Daughter-in-law, it's because the wolves are very close to us. We must go to the back mountain for winter hunting this time."

"At the end of autumn, wild boars came down the mountain to look for food, but were scared back by villagers with farm tools... In previous winters, there was less food on the mountain, and wild wolves often sneaked down the mountain to the village to steal chickens and ducks to eat... If someone gets up at night and encounters a wolf what to do?"

"Or who was walking at night and was attacked by a pack of wolves?"

"But don't worry, daughter-in-law, with the vigilance in your dream, we will definitely be fully prepared before going up the mountain."

"We want to protect the people in the village, but first we must ensure our own personal safety!"

The man's hands are broad, gentle and strong.

Tong Anyang's panicked heart slowly calmed down. Although she had not seen the miserable conditions of those people in the previous life, the educated youths were more or less stained with blood when they came back, and after experiencing such things, their whole person was cold and fierce.

Moreover, she had seen Qi Zhiqing washing his face after he was disfigured.

The way the skin is turned out and the teeth are misaligned is so scary!
  She didn't want to see such a tragedy happen again.

"Yiming, how are you preparing? Can you ensure that everyone is fine?"

Han Yiming chuckled and held her in his arms, "We will be active in the outer areas these days and set up more traps, especially in the places where it is easiest to go down the mountain... to prevent ferocious beasts from coming down the mountain... Let's borrow some hunting wood from other villages. warehouse……"

"We are humans, and the people on the mountain are all animals. No matter how smart they are, can they be as smart as humans? If we discuss more tactics, we will definitely be able to get down the mountain as whole as possible!"

Tong Anyang emphasized: "It's not as much as possible, but definitely."

Han Yiming nodded: "I promise, at least I will come back intact. I have a wife waiting at home, and I won't let you feel distressed and shed tears."

Tong Anyang chuckled and said: "As long as you understand. Go quickly, don't make people wait."

As soon as Han Yiming left, she wandered around the house.

How can there be absolute certainty in this world? Han Yiming has some abilities, but he is also made of flesh and blood.

If he faced a pack of wolves, he would have no problem protecting himself, but he wouldn't just watch his relatives and friends get hurt and ignore them!
  What could she do?

What are wolves afraid of?
  Light! If a person holds a torch, it can prevent wolves from approaching easily. People who hunt at night will definitely find a cave or clear an open space to camp and make a fire to eat.

But during the day, it was impossible for them to hold torches if they were on their way, and there were dead branches and dry grass everywhere. A single spark might set the mountain on fire.

Tong Anyang paused, immediately left the house, and found Han Mu.

Mother Han is also a little helpless.

During winter hunting in previous years, the men encountered deer, roe deer, hares and other animals that were docile and not good at attacking, so they were the only ones chasing them.

But when encountering bears, tigers, wolves and wild boars, men are more or less injured.

It can be said that there is not a year without problems. Sprains and bruises are still minor, and some people even break their arms or legs, or even die! The more capable a person is, the better they can deal with the main force of those ferocious beasts.

Winter hunting is a project that villagers must hold every year to protect their relatives, friends and their homeland.

Each family in the village takes turns to participate, and the number of people is proportional to the number of males.

For example, the Han family has many males, so at least two of them must be born!
  Seeing Tong Anyang coming over, Mother Han forced a smile and said, "Daughter-in-law, Xiaoliu, don't worry. The village chief just thinks that Xiaoliu often goes to the mountains and asks him for some ideas."

"You just got married...Xiao Liu will definitely not go this time..."

Tong Anyang twitched the corners of his lips, "Mom, what do you think Yiming should choose?"

Mother Han sighed after hearing this. Every family in the village takes turns, and their family takes a turn almost every two or three years.

Their family members are about the same, and every male has to share the burden. This time it's Lao Er and Xiao Liu's turn!

Xiao Liu will definitely not shirk his responsibilities just because he just got married.

Tong Anyang chuckled and said, "Mom, don't worry. Yiming and second brother will definitely come back safely."

Mother Han was stunned for a moment, thinking that it was Han Yiming who told Tong Anyang, and nodded: "Yes, Xiaoliu has a lot of experience in going up the mountain. He can look at animal footprints and excrement, and can know ferocious animals such as wild boars, wolves, and bears." Traces of activity, so as to remind everyone to avoid them in time..."

"He has a quick mind, so he will be fine for sure! His second brother is also quite smart, he can climb trees quickly and has great strength..."

Tong Anyang also drew confidence and courage from her words.

"Mom, since the village chief has called for a meeting, the winter hunting should start soon... Let's prepare things quickly, such as medicine and food..."

Mother Han nodded repeatedly and started to call several daughters-in-law to get started together.

After dinner, Tong Anyang and his second sister-in-law took the family's donkey cart to the town hospital to buy some anti-inflammatory medicine, cold medicine, bruise medicine, etc.

She also bought half a bag of chili noodles and half a bag of pepper along the way, as well as some whistles.

When she came back, she saw Han Yiming, who was not afraid of the cold, waiting eagerly at the entrance of the village.

Tong Anyang glared at him helplessly, "You know when we will come back, so you're just standing here waiting?"

"It's so cold, are you frozen?"

Han Yiming chuckled. It was cold in winter and everyone wanted to sit on the kang all day, so there were no people in the village.

He shamelessly handed over his hand and asked Tong Anyang to warm it for him.

Tong Anyang felt sorry for him, and actually took turns holding his hand and squeezing it.

Han Yiming said with a smile: "I have just arrived and haven't had many meetings. I am a man with a lot of energy. If I get cold, I can jump around a few times to warm myself up."

"I, I don't miss you anymore. I am waiting at home. If I wait here, I can see you earlier..."

The two just became a real couple last night, and they were getting sticky. Han Yiming wished he could become a pendant on his wife's body!

Tong Anyang's face turned red and he squeezed him slightly.

Han Yiming stopped teasing her, "Daughter-in-law, what did you go to the city to buy? It's so cold. If you don't want to go, you can tell me."

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