Han Yiming likes to be outsmarted when hunting, especially when it comes to wild boars that have a bad temper, accept death, and have rough skin and thorns. He cannot confront them head-on!

He squinted his eyes slightly and remembered the chili water prepared by his wife, and suddenly had an idea.

He gave the two young men a sign to retreat.

When they returned to the team, Han Yiming began to deploy.

He is a rare high school student in the village. He is smart and capable. Even the village chief and several old hunters have no objection at all and they all obey his arrangements.

"...I took a look and found that the place where the wild boars are nesting is a patch of bushes. We will choose a place later and bury the sickle upside down. The sharp edge of the sickle can just touch the belly of the wild boar...and then we will arrange other simple things. A time-saving trap…”

"... Let's use whistles to drive the wild boars to this place... When the wild boars are approaching, spray pepper water on their faces... Wild boars will run around and bump around when they are in pain, and they can easily scratch themselves. Stepping into a trap..."

"A few of us, who are very skilled, hung upside down on the trees and harvested wild boars with scythes..."

Everyone had their own tasks. After clarifying the contents, they went to work one after another.

When everything was ready, a few young men began to use sharp whistles to drive the wild boars to the trap area according to the established route.

When they reached the spot, they stopped and the second group of young people began to spray pepper spray down.

The concentration of the pepper water is very high. If they accidentally touch it on their skin, they will feel a strong burning sensation. Even if the wild boars have thick skin and a layer of bristles on the outside, their eyes and noses are the most sensitive parts. It's painful to be contaminated with chili pepper water, and you will immediately run rampant and roll on the ground! X﹏X

Some accidentally stepped on the rope and were hung up, some stepped on the air and fell into the pit, some had their intestines scratched by the sickle and were dragged all over the floor, and some were harvested by the young man hanging upside down on the golden hook...

The fifteen wild boars were completely eliminated by everyone in less than half an hour.

Everyone was in disbelief. Σ(⊙▽⊙

Usually they have to assign several people to deal with a wild boar based on its size.

Wild boars are overlords in nature and have few natural enemies. When provoked, they become so fierce that no one can react, and something will happen to them.

Almost every time they hunt a herd of wild boars, they always have a narrow victory. They even only focus on a few half-grown wild boars and don't dare to harvest the entire herd.

Han Yiming's method coupled with the pepper water given by Tong Anyang, it seems that they can attack the wild boars even without Han Yiming in charge?

The wild boars were relatively heavy and numerous, so the crowd did not continue inside. Instead, they bled the wild boars and carried them down the mountain to a hidden cave. They waited for the patrolling villagers to find out and called for people to pull them back.

After an experience, Han Yiming found a group of wild boars based on the traces.

In the same way, everyone harvested a wave of wild boars in a very noisy way, and continued to go down the mountain in less than half a day!

Everyone was so excited. When they mentioned hunting before, they frowned as if they were fighting with their backs against the wall, with their heads on their waists. Everyone was ready to die.

Some villagers who can write even left suicide notes, because they were afraid that if something happened to them, they would not be able to see their family members for the last time, and they would not be able to explain clearly what happened after their death.

Nowadays, as long as they are careful enough, there is basically no big problem.

In this way, they harvested four more waves of wild boars in one day, not counting Han Yiming's time spent searching for traces of wild boars.

After only one day in the mountains, they had gained so much, and everyone was extremely excited.

After sending the wild boars down the mountain one after another, they did not dare to delay and hurried on. Finally, when the sky was completely dark, they found a cave to rest.   Everyone was looking for firewood, fetching water, boiling water, heating dry food, and making beds in an orderly manner.

Several bonfires were lit, and everyone was warmed up.

When they go hunting, the family will prepare some delicious food. Even so, the aroma of Han Yiming's meat sauce makes everyone salivate.

They didn't dare to shamelessly ask for it, they just asked who made the meat sauce. After they came down the mountain, they divided the wild boar and asked their mother-in-law or mother-in-law to make a big pot to eat!

While eating, Han Yiming led the group to summarize today's hunting.

Everyone was a little surprised. Normally, they would relax after a stressful day and just want to go to sleep or talk about their wives at home and the eldest girls in the village. Who would want to continue to mention hunting.

Occasionally, the big guys will feel sorry for one or two preys that have escaped, and discuss a few words about what would have been better.

But they have never been like Han Yiming, who walked through it from beginning to end, what to pay attention to, how to improve, how to make it more perfect...

Han Yiming could see that the big guys were feeling a little carried away by the six groups of wild boars, and he knew that they would probably continue to use this method next time he didn't follow him in hunting.

Therefore, he must emphasize the key points and minimize casualties!

Everyone listened to him and nodded seriously to memorize it, especially the village chief, who took out a pen and paper and recorded it carefully.

After a good night's sleep, everyone packed up their things, put out the bonfire, and waited for a while before continuing on their way.

The further in, the wider the scope of their patrols. During this period, they encountered a lot of hares, roe deer, deer and goats, as well as several nests of wild boars.

The noise of their hunting can make highly alert animals run deeper into the mountains.

After they had inspected most of the mountains surrounding the village, they continued to advance deeper.

They have been away from home for a week, but their spirits are high. This year they have gained quite a lot.

After driving away three wolf packs and capturing three large groups of wild boars, everyone was able to transport the prey out little by little. By this time, they had been deep in the mountains for eighteen days.

Normally, everyone would go back within fourteen or five days. After such a few days of delay, the village had already organized people to wait outside.

Seeing each of them carrying heavy prey, the villagers and family members who were looking eagerly at the bottom of the mountain ran over happily.

The village chief said with a smile: "There are too many prey on the mountain. We forgot the time for a while and walked a little further... There are still a lot of prey behind. Please send more people to help carry it over..."

There were too many prey, and some of them could only watch the prey, while the other party carried the prey some distance away, then turned back and continued carrying it.

This is equivalent to them walking several extra trips, and naturally they come back late.

The prey they had hunted before had been placed in the village warehouse.

The weather was cold and the prey was completely frozen in the house. They didn't have to worry about it getting spoiled. They just waited for the hunting team to come back and distribute it!

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