After going down the mountain, the village chief asked everyone to go back and wash up, eat a hot meal, and then sleep.

However, the young men in the hunting team had no time to wait, and they all said: "Village chief, we are neither tired nor hungry, we are excited, just waiting to see how much food we can get at home."

"Yes, we know how much we can share. Let's go back to sleep. Dreams will be sweet..."

One of them accidentally stepped on the ground and sprained his foot. The rest of them were fine. If anything happened, they were scratched by branches while walking.

At this moment, everyone is a little worn out from crawling around in the woods for more than half a month and the smell is a bit heavy, but they are in pretty good spirits.

Not to mention them, the village chief, who has always been steady, was also impatient.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's gather the villagers and share the meat together!"

After the village chief finished speaking cheerfully, he called a few young people to call the supply and marketing cooperative to say hello, and then called a few butcher masters to help kill the pigs.

Although they said they got the food from the mountains, they had to hand over half of it before they could continue to divide it.

In eighteen days, they shot a total of fifteen groups of wild boars, and the number of wild boars in each group increased from fifteen or sixteen to thirty or forty!

But half of them were half-grown piglets. Even so, they captured more than [-] wild boars alone, with a gross weight of about [-] kilograms.

Not to mention they also captured hundreds of hares, dozens of roe deer, a dozen deer, and even two bears.

The village accountant and the young men weighed the prey one after another, and the calculated data made the big guys smile.

Soon the staff of the supply and marketing cooperative and the butchers rushed over.

Knowing that there were a lot of prey in their village this time, the staff even drove a truck to pull it.

They knew that people in the village were killing pigs to make pig-killing dishes, so they were very considerate and brought some bean sprouts, vermicelli and pumpkin.

But seeing the wild boars piled up in the village committee yard, they were still so surprised that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear. ⊙o⊙

The village chief smiled and asked people to sit down, then asked them with a smile: "...Comrade, look, do you want to take the whole pig back and then trouble the masters at the slaughterhouse to slaughter it, or should we clean it here and load it into the truck?" ?”

There are so many animals that the staff handle them here without even thinking.

Take care of it here. Pigs are considered a type of meat with a relatively high meat yield, about [-] to [-]%. This also includes pig heads and necks, which are not very good meat.

City people are very particular about eating meat, so they may not be interested in this kind of meat. Shouldn’t it be left to them?

And just now, Tong Anyang told Han Yiming that the pig intestines can be kept, as long as they are washed and cleaned, they will definitely make people want to eat them again.

Then all the pig intestines will be left behind! They can take advantage of seven to eight kilograms per pig.

On this day, all the men, women, and children in the village were not afraid of the cold. They surrounded the village committee compound with water. There were people on the walls, on the trees outside, and even climbed up to the roof to take a look.

The village chief's aunt and her people set up a big pot outside the courtyard, and took a group of young wives to make pig-killing dishes.

The village had to hand over half of the more than [-] kilograms of wild boar and received more than [-] kilograms. After the wild boar is processed, there will be more than [-] kilograms of meat left, including the meat that the supply and marketing cooperative does not want. However, there are regulations for winter hunting in the village. Anyone who participates in winter hunting must get half of the meat.

After all, they were risking their lives. Moreover, winter hunting takes turns, so each family has the opportunity to share more meat.

There are more than [-] households in their village, with a population of about [-]. However, the distribution of meat depends on how many work points they receive.

The amount of work involved in processing meat is huge, but the people in the village are all good at work. Many people follow the butchers' advice and pick up knives to do work that does not require technical content.

They processed the meat until eight o'clock in the evening, and everyone could no longer lift their arms. Then they cut up all the mountains of prey and put them into baskets and filled the yard!

The employees of the supply and marketing cooperative did not dare to drive back, but more than [-] young men from the village escorted them away.

When the time came for the exciting meat sharing, a bonfire had already been lit in the courtyard. Everyone was so happy that they were ready to share the meat and roast it for a hearty meal.

There were a total of [-] people in the hunting team this time, and they were divided into two teams.

They meet every two or three days to ensure each other's safety and to be familiar with the situation in the mountains.

For example, the experience of hunting wild boars this time was shared.

The [-] of them divided up more than [-] kilograms of wild boar, not counting the weight of other prey meat.

When the accountant announced this figure, the whole village was shocked.

In the past, they couldn't achieve such a beautiful gross weight result when hunting, but now these one hundred and twenty people alone need this kind of processed meat.

The village chief stood up and said: "Folks, Comrade Han Yiming was a major contributor in this hunting mission... If it weren't for the good methods of him and his wife, we might not have had such a huge harvest this time, and there might have been more Casualties... His resourcefulness and bravery led him to successfully exterminate fifteen wild boar herds, making a huge contribution to preventing crops from being destroyed by wild boars in the coming year..."

No, if these little piglets grow up, with their strong reproductive ability and the survival rate of the cubs, if there is no winter hunting to curb the development of the wild boar herd, I am afraid that when the transition from green to yellow next year, the villagers will not know how much they will suffer. of damage.

Furthermore, it is not necessarily because the wild boars have nothing to eat. Sometimes there are too many wild boars, and they have a wide range of activities, and they accidentally run down the mountain and harm the crops!

"So I propose that he get [-]% of our wild boar meat. Do you have any objections?"

No one else spoke, but everyone participating in the hunt applauded and cheered loudly. "That's right. If Yiming hadn't led us, we would have been able to kill three litters of pork..."

"Yes, it's still a half-grown wild boar..."

"Without Xiaoliu of the Han family, we wouldn't be able to find so many wild boar herds..."

"The power of pepper water is really great. Sure enough, there are many ways to study. Why didn't we think of it, but the sixth daughter-in-law can think of it?"

The people who hunted all agreed, and no one else had a say.

So Han Yiming carried [-] kilograms of wild boar meat home alone! (☆▽☆)

The Han family were all shocked, and everyone else also dug their ears. How much?

It’s not seven kilograms, seventeen kilograms, seventy kilograms, or seven hundred kilograms. It’s seven hundred kilograms. You have to carry four bamboo baskets!

Afraid that everyone would regret it, after the young man weighed the meat, Mother Han immediately ordered her sons to move a batch of meat to the house, and then come back to continue dividing the meat.

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