After rewarding the great hero Han Yiming, the village chief began to distribute the hunting teams according to the distribution method in previous years.

There were one hundred and twenty people in the hunting party, and all the prey was divided equally.

Each person can get fifty-five kilograms of wild boar meat, one hare, five kilograms of roe deer meat, three kilograms of venison, and one and a half kilograms of bear meat!

The harvest was huge, and everyone who participated in the hunt was very happy.

It makes other people envious and jealous.

After the hunting team's income is distributed, it is the villagers. This needs to be calculated based on the total work points in the village, how much meat corresponds to each work point, so that the meat can be divided according to the work points earned by each person.

There are more than [-] people in the village. One year has passed. Not everyone can earn work points every day. For example, when it rains, snows, or is cold, more than fifty days can be deducted.

A person with full work points only has [-] work points, and the entire village has about [-] points.

This was calculated by the accountant and several villagers who were good at calculations when the hunting team was hunting in the mountains for the winter.

Tong Anyang has not worked in the fields to earn work points since she was reborn, but she has earned about [-] work points in more than half a year, and she has been given two and a half kilograms of pork, half a kilogram of roe deer meat, and half a kilogram of venison.

Compared with Han Yiming's hundreds of kilograms of wild boar, it was pitiful.

The villagers rarely eat meat throughout the year. Except for killing pigs at home, organizing pig killings in the village, or when they go to eat, they can see some meat. Other times when they are greedy, they go to the river to catch two fish, or stir-fry. A plate of eggs.

Compared with previous years, the amount of other meats this year is about the same, but there is more than [-] kilograms of wild boar.

Nowadays, if the family has a large population, it is really necessary to carry a basket of meat to the house.

By the time all the meat was finished, it was already past two o'clock at night.

Even so, many people lit bonfires in the village committee compound and had barbecues and drinks!
  Han Yiming waited for Tong Anyang to receive the meat, then held her hand and went home.

After staying in the mountain for eighteen days, even though Han Yiming missed Tong Anyang very much, he just held her hand and always stood downwind of her to avoid the smell of his body from reaching her.

When he got home, Han Yiming didn't let Tong Anyang busy and went to boil water to take a bath himself.

Tong Anyang had no choice but to prepare a change of clothes for him.

After the man cleans up, he directly knocks the woman down and physically tells her how much he misses her.

The meat that the Han family had been given had already filled the kitchen. They were afraid of being noticed, so they even put a lock on the kitchen door!

The next day, the couple Han Yiming and Tong Anyang really slept until noon.

By the time they got up, there were countless salesmen coming and going from home.

After washing up, Tong Anyang looked at the meat in the kitchen that had not yet been processed, so he took Han Yiming to discuss: "Yiming, I guess in twenty or thirty days, we will know whether he has been admitted to college."

"Whether I can pass the exam or not, I will follow you to Kyoto."

"As long as we buy a house in Kyoto, we can register our household registration... Our parents, brother and sister-in-law can also use this method to settle down..."

"If we are successfully admitted to the university, we should report to the school in March... Now we need to use meat stamps to eat meat in the city. I think we can make this meat into various foods. As long as we process it properly, we can eat it for a year! "

Han Yiming nodded and said happily: "This decision is the most correct. It is expensive for us to buy meat, but it is cheap to sell it. Our family is not short of money, so we might as well eat the meat in our stomachs."

"Daughter-in-law, I have nothing to do now anyway, so I can help you." Tong Anyang smiled, took out a pen and paper, and said to him: "There are many ways to make meat, but the weather will get warmer in the spring after the new year. We have to ensure that the meat does not spoil in summer..."

"We can take advantage of the cold weather to make meat into bacon, sausages, dried meat, or spicy diced meat... Like bacon, we can wrap it in oil paper, cover it with thick yellow mud, and bury it in It can be stored in the ground for three years..."

She briefly explained how to cook each piece of meat, and also wrote down the seasonings and tools that needed to be prepared.

Han Yiming frowned slightly, "Daughter-in-law, I think if bacon, sausages and spicy diced pork are canned, wouldn't they be stored longer?"

"I'll go to the city's meat factory another day and ask if they can help us villagers process canned food."

"If possible, we can discuss cooperation with the meat factory on a village-by-village basis!"

Tong Anyang gave him a thumbs up: "As expected of you, I didn't expect to be able to make real cans of pork. I was just wondering how many cans and bottles I have at home."

"If it's really possible, then if every household kills pigs during the Chinese New Year, they can negotiate with the meat factory to make the meat into cans, which will last for a year, taste good, and won't spoil!"

"I can provide these meat recipes to the meat factory for free... I figured this out myself. Anyway, the taste and texture are not as good as those of big brands, but everyone can like them... …”

"The meat joint factory may be able to develop better products based on my formula..."

Han Yiming held Tong Anyang's hand tightly and said, "Daughter-in-law, you are good at your craftsmanship. If the Meat Factory gets these recipes from you, it will definitely be happy to make cans for our villagers for free!"

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and chuckled, "Then after I finish processing all our meat, you can take some with you to discuss cooperation with the meat factory?"

Han Yiming nodded, "Well, I will tell the village chief after the meat factory agrees."

The Han family was busy with business, so they cooked the food first and then processed the meat in the house.

There is plenty of meat at home, enough for Tong Anyang to toss. She made steamed pork with rice flour, stewed pork ribs with potatoes, stir-fried pork with bean sprouts, and an ant climbed up the tree!
  With such a good dish, it is natural that it must be paired with white rice.

The Han family has a large family, and Tong Anyang cooks a large amount for each portion.

The rice is topped with the potato-soaked pork ribs soup, and a little bit of each vegetable is added to fill the thick porcelain bowl.

Everyone was already hungry as they smelled the salty meat. Everyone held a bowl and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"It's so fragrant. The meat tastes best when stewed with bones..."

"Sixth brother and sister, is there still pork rib soup in the pot? I want to dip it into the steamed buns to eat at night..."

The guys were still salivating as they ate.

Tong Anyang smiled and nodded: "Yes, I know you guys like soup, so I specially added more water."

The days are short in winter, so the Han family is basically busy all morning, and few salesmen come to buy goods in the afternoon.

Everyone joins the big team that handles the meat.

They knew that Tong Anyang was good at cooking and they all followed her instructions.

There is strength in numbers, and after three busy afternoons and nights, they gave away all the meat!

Each meat product has a different flavor, but is equally delicious, making people unable to stop eating.

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