Their house smells of meat every day, and many people come to ask Tong Anyang how to cook meat.

Tong Anyang didn't hide it, and even took them to do it together.

Han Yiming took some samples and went to the city's meat factory to discuss business with Director Li.

He has a wide network of contacts and has a friend in the city who can talk to Factory Director Li. Through this friend's help, Factory Manager Li nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

In fact, their city's meat factory has no new products and is very weak in the market. It can only support its employees by selling fresh pork to citizens.

There are too many things intertwined in the factory. To put it bluntly, there is still a lack of money. As long as the money is in place, everything can be solved easily.

The factory is in urgent need of funds to purchase new machinery. As long as the shelf life of the meat is guaranteed, it has a good formula, and the transportation in the city is convenient, it should be able to turn around soon.

Han Yiming pondered and asked: "Director Li, your company lacks some money to carry out technical reforms?"

Director Li is naturally capable of becoming the director of the meat factory. Hearing Han Yiming's question, he became excited and said, "Comrade Xiao Han, it's like this. If our unit continues to develop like this, within five It will go bankrupt next year..."

"Technological reform can prevent our factory from being overtaken or even replaced by others, and can also improve the production efficiency of the factory... Today, the organization still sells meat by ticket, and people in the city are more hungry for meat than people in the village... …”

"If we can sell our pork farther and farther, and the factory's breeding farms become bigger and bigger, the employees' wages and benefits will be better..."

"Do you have any friends you know who can support us?"

"Of course, as long as the money is in place and the future of our factory is saved, we will try our best to agree to whatever conditions you propose..."

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Director Li, this business matter is nothing more than a word of profit."

Director Li nodded repeatedly: "This is what we should do. That's good. Your friend will lend us money to buy a new machine, and then we will repay him part of it every month with interest, which is a little higher than bank interest. Why?" Sample?"

Han Yiming shrugged, "What do you think, Director Li? If he saw the interest in his eyes, he wouldn't be ready to lend you the money."

Factory Director Li hurriedly said: "Comrade Xiao Han, I was not sincere enough just now. Do you think this is a good idea? Your friend can count as a technical investor and enjoy a [-]% commission every month?"

Han Yiming smiled lightly, obviously not very interested.

Director Li smiled and said: "While we repay the money your friend lent us, can we pay him dividends at the same time?"

"This percentage is the most I can give..."

Han Yiming didn't embarrass him any more and signed a contract directly with Factory Director Li.

Only then did Director Li realize that Han Yiming's friend was himself, and he was really a young and promising young man.

Han Yiming took out the money to buy the machine on the spot and strode away with others.

Back in the village, Han Yiming first went to the village committee and told the village chief about the matter, "Uncle village chief, I reached this matter with my wife and I."

"Although I thought of this method, I don't have the nerve to get people to agree to it."

"My wife contributed several recipes for making meat, and I got my friends to sponsor me, so the director of the meat joint factory agreed to my proposal."

The village chief was very curious, "Han Xiaoliu, what proposal makes you so happy? Picking up money?" Han Yiming smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's better than picking up money!"

"My wife gives the recipe for free, and my friend gives us money to upgrade the technology of the meat processing plant so that it can better serve us."

"Director Li has spoken. From now on, people in our village can use meat to make canned meat. As long as the number of pigs exceeds five, they can start the machine to make canned meat!"

After hearing this, the village chief said gratefully: "Xiao Liu, on behalf of the entire village, thank you."

"If it weren't for you, we would have been like our ancestors for generations. The New Year's pork was hung on a beam for a year, heated and smoked over and over again. The salt became thicker and thicker, and finally the bitter taste of salt was in our mouths... …”

"If we could make all the pork into cans, wouldn't we open a can when we want to eat it? And one pound of meat can make four or five taels of bacon..."

Han Yiming waved his hand: "Uncle Village Chief, this is our root. We are happy that the villagers can live a good life."

"I also have a lot of meat at home, so I went to ask... By the way, uncle, I have to tell you some news. Others don't know yet... After the admission notice for the college entrance examination comes out, our family may all go to Kyoto. …”

"At that time, we will have to trouble you to issue a certificate for us. We want to transfer our household registration there directly..."

The village chief couldn't help but click his tongue after hearing this. He was not surprised that Han Yiming was admitted to Kyoto.

Unexpectedly, the men, women and children of the Han family also followed!

"Here, your whole family is going to Kyoto? What will you eat, where will you live? How will you settle down?" The village chief couldn't help but worry for them, "If you don't live well in the village, why do you want to raise your family? What about moving to Kyoto?”

Han Yiming said with a smile: "My wife is from Kyoto, and I applied for a university in Kyoto. We will definitely stay in Kyoto in the future."

"My parents love me more. I have the ability to take them to Kyoto, so naturally I don't want people to stay here... Life is short and they have suffered for most of their lives. I want them to see more of this world..."

"My brother and sister-in-law recently started a business and made some money, not much, but together we can buy a house."

"I heard from my wife that a two-bedroom house costs about [-] yuan. We can make it together no matter what."

"Housing is tight in the city. It's normal for more than [-] people to live in a tube house with an area of ​​about ten square meters. Our family can make ends meet living in only fifty or sixty square meters..."

"Brothers and sisters-in-law are all hard-working, and they all want to work hard to give their children a good education... When they arrive in Kyoto, they set up stalls to sell food during the day, trying to buy a house as soon as possible..."

The village chief sighed after hearing this: "I finally understand. Your family members were taken away by you, right?"

"I used to look at your parents, brother and sister-in-law, and they were all very diligent and steady people. Why do you just follow you and act like crazy?"

"In our village, you do some small business and buy things from the villagers, and the big guys turn a blind eye. When you arrive in Kyoto, you are unfamiliar with the place, and you are asked to set up a stall?"

Han Yiming just communicated with the village chief and said with a smile: "Uncle, we have to try. What if we can really take root in Kyoto?"

"When the time comes, everyone will have a place to rest when they go to Kyoto. Besides, if we can't survive in Kyoto, we can just come back. Is it possible that the village doesn't want us?"

The village chief shook his head firmly: "That's impossible! Your ancestors have been in our village for generations."

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