After Han Yiming returned home, he also told everyone the good news.

The Han family was very happy. They also raised two pigs at home. The old man was thinking about killing them tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. He would hand over one pig and keep a quarter of the other pig. The rest would be made into various meat products and sent to the meat together. Joint factory to make cans!
  At this time, the village chief used the loudspeaker to explain the agreement reached between Han Yiming and the meat factory. The villagers were very happy and thought of their own pigs. The endless meat was made into cans and could be eaten for a year. Worried that it will break.

In the afternoon, some villagers invited the butcher to come and kill the pigs.

Everyone in the village knows that Tong Anyang is a good cook, so if they ask her to help cook, the cost of their hard work is a pound of meat!
  This is still the era of bills, especially when buying things in the city, bills are required, so Tong Anyang smiled and did not refuse.

Not only did she help the host family make pig-killing dishes, but she also took the mother-in-law and daughters-in-law of the family to make the meat into several kinds of food, waiting to be canned together.

Braised pork, spicy diced pork, canned black bean pork, canned mushroom diced pork, canned dried vegetable meat, etc., especially the canned diced mushroom pork is the most popular.

They were close to the mountains and lacked everything except fungi. Every household had a lot of fungi, and mushrooms were stir-fried with meat to make canned meat. A few diced meats would make the mushrooms taste better. It seemed like they were chewing all the mushrooms. It's diced meat!
  Some people even kept only a few kilograms of meat, and the rest of the meat was canned. And they wished that the diced meat in each can was specially counted.

Of course, some people also asked Tong Anyang to make canned bean sprouts, canned cabbage, vermicelli and minced meat, canned potatoes and ribs, etc.

In addition to canned meat, Tong Anyang also makes a lot of vegetarian canned food.

Basically, Tong Anyang is only responsible for speaking, and the women of the house are the ones doing the talking.

The village chief knew that the Han family and Tong Anyang were going to Kyoto after the New Year, so he specifically asked the two of them to write down the recipe seriously so as not to trouble others next time.

Han Yiming has already arrived at the meat factory to organize everyone to make cans in an orderly manner.

The meat factory specially opened an assembly line for them, and the operating procedures were taught to several of the smarter young people in the village led by Han Yiming.

They can make cans themselves!

The cans are not too big, containing [-] taels of meat, vegetables and soup, and are a small iron box as big as a palm.

These tin box packaging costs, production line losses, etc. will be deducted from the profits from the formula Tong Anyang handed over to the meat factory.

One pound of meat can make about twenty boxes of cans, and if there is less meat, it can make thirty boxes.

Every household uses a trolley to bring the cans home. The cans they make do not add any preservatives. They use vacuuming technology and are tightly sealed, allowing people to eat them healthily within a year.

After Tong Anyang has commanded more than a dozen people, everyone will know the same thing.

She remembered that canned fish was pretty good too.

There is a river next to them, why not try ice fishing!
  Tong Anyang has not enjoyed the fun of the countryside for too long. It has been so long since she was reborn, and the longer she lives, the younger she becomes mentally.

When Han Yiming came back, Tong Anyang looked at him expectantly, "Yiming, let's go fishing on the river and make canned fish with black bean sauce. It's delicious!"

Han Yiming didn't refuse anyone who came to her request. He smiled and went straight to the house to look for the guy.

Chisels, shovels, hammers, fishing nets, bamboo baskets, etc. Since it was afternoon, the Han family had nothing to do. Only Han's mother and a few little ones were left to look after the house. The rest of the family were all armed and headed to the river.

Most people don’t know how to eat fish, so they don’t want to add oil and condiments, and they don’t have the Internet for them to check various techniques for making fish delicious.

The smell of fish can put most people off.

Therefore, there is thick ice on the river in winter, and no one cuts through it for fishing.

The men of the Han family were very strong and good at work. They carved out a circle with a diameter of one meter through the ice layer more than half a meter thick. Water slowly spread up from the broken ice. After Han Yiming opened the thin ice layer, before they could prepare the net, two carp weighing in weight had already jumped out on their own!

After they put some fish on the net, they threw them directly into the water.

Because the rivers freeze in winter and food in the water is scarce, fish are attracted by the air and food, and naturally dive into the net without thinking.

When the first net was pulled up, they harvested more than [-] fish of different sizes. The big ones weighed about five or six kilograms, and the small ones weighed half a kilogram.

After picking up the fish, they continued to cast materials and throw the net for the second fishing.

The farther back they went, the bigger the fish they caught. On the fifth net, they even caught a fish weighing more than [-] kilograms!
  It took two or three men to pull out the struggling fish.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the fish which was more than one meter long.

After catching ten nets, they packed up and went home.

Just ten nets of fish weighed five hundred kilograms!
  But everyone was happy fishing, but they were not too interested in the canned fish.

There was no pressure cooker at home, so Tong Anyang used a more troublesome method.

She directed the men to clean the fish, but because they dug out the gills, she was reluctant to throw away the fish head.

Marinate the fish with onion, ginger and white wine for two hours.

Taking advantage of this time, Han Yiming went to borrow a pan.

When the time is up, Tong Anyang uses clean gauze to wash away the water on the surface of the fish. She greased the bottom of the pan and slowly fried the fish, turning and basting it occasionally.

The fire in the stove is relatively small, so that the fish will take longer to fry when both sides are golden.

In the summer, my family made a lot of black bean sauce, and many people followed their recipe.

What to plant in the ground and how much to plant are all stipulated above. They harvested a lot of soybeans in July this year.

Apart from making tofu and pressing oil at home, people don’t like soybeans very much and basically have to sell them.

Knowing that Tong Anyang could make black bean sauce, for the first time, everyone did not want to sell soybeans, but followed her to make black bean sauce.

Which one is not a big water tank? Whether you are eating multigrain noodles, multigrain steamed buns, or corn nests, with a little spicy black bean sauce, your mouth will be delighted.

Tong Anyang fried black bean paste in a hot pan with cold oil, then added ginger and garlic. After frying until fragrant, he added fried fish. After stir-frying for a few times, he poured boiling water to cover the fish, and then added various condiments in sequence.

The fish needs to be stewed for an hour, during which time you have to use a spatula to push the bottom of the pot to prevent it from sticking.

After the big fish bones were not so hard to eat, Tong Anyang started to collect the juice over high heat.

She put the stewed fish into a basin one by one, then steamed it in the pot for [-] minutes on medium heat and [-] minutes on low heat. By this time, the fish bones were completely inedible!
  When she was ready to taste it, the familiar smell of spicy black bean fish made her feel hungry immediately.

The Han family members also tasted it one by one. Some people even brought multi-grain steamed buns and ate them without even reheating them.

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