"Xiao Liu, this canned spicy black bean fish you made is really delicious. It doesn't smell fishy at all. The fish meat is chewy and you can't eat the bones. It's really amazing!"

"No, if I hadn't watched the sixth brother and sister do it with my own eyes and participated in it, I would have thought the fishbones had been shaved off."

"You can't taste the fish bones, but children can eat them...I heard that eating fish is nutritious, but fish is not delicious and no one likes it..."

"We will go down tomorrow and continue fishing... We will go to Kyoto after the new year, so we need to stock up on food... Relatives and friends will send some..."

Mother Han even said: "In the future, we will come back in the winter. Each family will buy a few cans of meat, maybe hundreds or thousands of boxes, and then we can cut the ice and fish."

Tong Anyang smiled and said, "Mom, we don't have to go back here. There are many places with rivers and fish. We can just go nearby."

Han Yiming also nodded and smiled: "Yes, Mom, wait until I go to Kyoto and ask for more information."

"But the cans are still made here, which is safer."

The pot at home is small, which seriously affects Tong Anyang's speed of cooking fish.

The wives of the Han family have also learned it. Han Yiming simply borrowed a few more pots, and the women of the Han family cooked fish in the yard.

Half are made into spicy flavors and half are made into savory flavors. When they were making black bean sauce, they also considered that some people in the family couldn't tolerate spicy food, so they made two flavors.

The aroma of black bean fish wafted very far in the cold wind, and soon the neighbors came to inquire about the news. After tasting the finished product, they hurried home to greet the men to dig ice on the river to fish.

Han Yiming had no choice but to find the village chief and told him about the incident.

"...Uncle Village Chief, although the ice in the river is very thick, if every household cuts the ice, it is very easy to be in danger... Let's choose a few places to cut the ice, and then every household will line up to fish..."

"Next to the cave entrance, we must always pay attention to everyone's safety..."

The village chief nodded repeatedly and immediately used the loudspeaker to tell the story. Then he summoned the village patrol team to take charge of the matter.

People have a lot of canned food at home, and now they can continue to stock up on food. Who can resist such delicious food?

It’s okay to spend some gas. Is the price of gas comparable to that of canned fish and meat?
  Director Li of the meat joint factory was also alarmed and quickly asked Han Yiming if this formula could also be given to the factory.

Han Yiming nodded naturally, "However, Director Li, I have a condition."

Factory Director Li smiled and said: "Comrade Han, you are too polite. As long as you say it, we will definitely do it if we can."

Han Yiming smiled: "Actually, it's not that difficult, but if our village starts raising fish, I hope Director Li will take care of it."

Director Li heard this and said quickly: "Yes, as long as the fish is fresh, we will give priority to purchasing fish from your village according to the market price!"

Moreover, in order to show his sincerity, Director Li specially signed an agreement.

Back in the village, Han Yiming approached the village chief to discuss digging fish soup for fish farming: "Uncle village chief, there is a lot of land in our village, and a lot of it is too barren to grow crops... Why not dig out such land and use it to raise fish in ponds?"

"I have discussed it with Director Li of the Meat Factory. They will give priority to us when buying fish..."

"It's actually not difficult to raise fish. When the time comes, you can go to the commune to fill in the project and apply for a few experts to come and provide guidance..."       "Fish meat is cheaper than pork, but it is still meat, and some fish grow meat quickly... While raising fish, We can also raise ducks and geese on a village basis..."

The organization only restricts individuals from carrying out large-scale farming, but many villages do collective farming.

"Ducks and geese lay eggs, which can be made into salted duck eggs and salted goose eggs... The meat factory also has a lot of plastic-wrapped food. We vacuum-pack these pickled salted eggs, preserved eggs, etc., and they can be sold across the country... "

The village chief nodded repeatedly as he listened: "If our village does farming, half of it will be handed over to the organization and the other half will be kept by ourselves... There is quite a lot of land in our village that is not suitable for planting but can be dug into ponds..."

Han Yiming reminded him with a smile: "Village chief, now all is mechanized production, and I can't bear to let my children catch the wolf. We can't be too picky about this project... It's like digging a pond. How long will it take to rely on manpower... We can spend some money to hire machines to help...the time saved can make the fish fatter a lot...without delaying other work in the village..."

The village chief carefully took a pen and notebook to write down, and sighed: "We are old, and many of our ideas cannot keep up with yours... You are right, sometimes time is much more important than money..."

After finishing all this work, Han Yiming returned home and told the Han family about the matter: "This way, even if we all move to Kyoto, the villagers will still think of us."

"And everyone in the village has an extra income, so we are happy too. After all, this is our root..."

The Han family members all nodded. Tong Anyang looked at such a man with pride and pride in her heart. It seemed that she liked him more than the last moment.

The more she liked him, the more she regretted the happiness she missed in her previous life.

This Spring Festival is very lively for everyone, and every household has fish and meat on the table.

In addition to canned fish, Tong Anyang also taught everyone a lot of ways to cook fish. Each one is more delicious than the last, so much so that the villagers are keen on eating fish this month!

Not long after, Han Yiming's admission notice came, followed by leaders from the province, city and town, riding in cars and leading a group of staff to deliver the admission notice to him with gongs and drums. books, and awards.

When they learned that Han Yiming was the provincial champion in science and engineering, the villagers were so happy that they wished their village could be renamed Zhuangyuan Village.

The children of relatives on both sides of Han's father and Han's mother also received admission notices one after another.

The village has been very lively recently, and postmen often come to deliver college admission letters!
  Tong Anyang's admission notice was only five days later than Han Yiming's.

The nineteen students they studied with at the beginning were all admitted to universities in Kyoto, not even a junior college.

Not to mention the villagers, people from all over the country came with their children and various gifts, hoping to become Han Yiming's teacher.

Han Yiming had no choice but to emphasize over and over again that he was studying with his wife to get her high school diploma. He thought that studying with someone was also companionship, so he gathered his relatives and friends together.

Who would have thought that as soon as they received their high school diplomas, they would hear the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination.

They just made a big mistake. There are very few people in the country who are as well-prepared as they are. They would be embarrassed if they failed to get into college.

But now everyone is devoted to reviewing for next year's college entrance examination, and the competition is extremely fierce. If he were to take the college entrance examination next year, maybe only a junior college would admit him.

Han Yiming spoke with deep affection, and Tong Anyang also performed in harmony.

Everyone was convinced by them!

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