That's right, why is it so easy to get into college? They seemed to have heard on the village radio that out of more than 5.4 million candidates, only 270,000 were admitted.

Except for the explanation given by Han Yiming, no one believed that their children could not match the brains of those ten or so prospective college students.

Those ten or so quasi-college students are ordinary people who took advantage of early review, otherwise they would definitely lose their reputation!

They are not academic masters, but the best pickers. They are lucky.

This kind of luck only comes once, and their children are destined to miss college.

When the admission notice came, the Han family began to pack up and prepare to go to Kyoto.

Han Yiming and Tong Anyang decided to go to Kyoto to look for a house first in the name of visiting relatives. After they bought the house, their parents, brothers and sisters-in-law could take their children to visit relatives in Kyoto for the same reason.

After the family discussed it, Han Yiming looked for the village chief to issue certificates. One was proof of their relative visit, the other was proof of identity, and the third was proof of household registration.

It can be said that he opened all the proofs he needed at once.

The weather had started to get warmer day by day in February. Han Yiming and Tong Anyang each brought two sets of clothes and a bag of food, and took the train to Kyoto.

The food on the bus tastes pretty good. The two of them are not short of money. They order a box lunch, buy some snacks at the platform, eat some delicious food from home, talk, watch the scenery, and sleep for a whole day and night. Then it passed.

They arrived in Tianjin City early in the morning. Because buying a house was a big deal, they didn't think they could finalize it in one day, and their family visit certificates were from Tianjin City.

So they checked in at the guest house near the train station.

Tsu City is very close to Kyoto. The couple took a bus to Kyoto, then transferred to two buses, and arrived at the University Town in Kyoto's northern district at around ten o'clock.

There are not only the Imperial University and Mining University that they applied for, but also three or four other universities. Therefore, this area is called University Town, and Central Street is called University Street.

The two of them were going to look for houses on both sides of University Street!

Now only the college entrance examination has been resumed, but the economy has not yet been completely liberalized. Shops opened on both sides of the street are opened by supply and marketing cooperatives, state-owned hotels, barber shops, post offices, tailor shops and other organizations.

Even though some houses have doors on University Street, they are locked tightly.

The rust on the lock and the thick dust all indicate that the act of opening a shop by a private person has not been officially allowed!

Occasionally, there are two shops with their doors open, and they are shops that make only a few cents, helping people mend clothes, or starch and wash clothes.

After Han Yiming asked people, he took Tong Anyang to the street office and asked if anyone was selling or renting a house.

When they learned that the two of them would be attending Imperial University and Mining University in the spring, the staff at the subdistrict office were particularly enthusiastic.

"You can buy or rent a house everywhere. We have a lot of residents here. What kind of house do you want?"

The young couple had already discussed it, so Han Yiming said with a smile: "Auntie, there are many fellow countrymen who entered the university here with us this time."

"...Our village is now engaged in breeding and food processing. Every household has a good living condition and is starting to have a surplus every year..."

“My family is afraid that we won’t be used to living and eating here, and they also know that we are likely to stay in Kyoto after graduation, so they want to buy us a house and register for residence.” “We have many relatives in our family, and among the six of us brothers alone , only my fifth brother and I have been admitted to college... My five brothers on my father’s side and seven cousins ​​on my mother’s side have all been admitted to college…”

"So, no matter what the house is, as long as there is no ownership dispute, we want to see it...especially the one with a small courtyard on the first floor and adjacent to University is convenient for us to go to and from school, and rural people like to have yards..."

This street is long, with three streets in front and back, about three kilometers. There are naturally many houses with shops on the left and right sides of the street.

The staff of the sub-district office looked at the book, nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, there is a lot of staff transfer now, and there are even comrades who have gone to other provinces and cities who are eager to sell houses... There are also old couples who want to buy houses for their children to get married and have children. Sell ​​the house and exchange it for two or three units, or move to other places..."

"There are seven houses for sale on University Street, three of which are on the first floor with courtyards, and four of which are courtyards... The prices on the first floor are generally higher, especially if the courtyards are large in area, high in price, or in poor condition. Well, it has been listed for two or three months. There are many people looking at the house, but not many people paying to buy it..."

"There are also houses with stores on the two or three streets next door... There are also houses with small courtyards on the first floor but no stores... Or they are not on the first floor..."

Han Yiming and Tong Anyang leaned their heads and read all the information about the house from the information.

Han Yiming thought that no matter how bad the houses in the city were, they would never be uninhabitable. At worst, they would go back and repaint the white walls and change the doors, windows and doors, so he had already begun to think about which houses to buy.

Tong Anyang even feels that no matter which house they buy now, the room for appreciation of the house's value in the future will be astonishing.

She was more interested in courtyard houses, and her eyes were fixed on one of them, a three-in-one courtyard house next to University Street.

They buy one house first, and then continue to buy other houses little by little after they stabilize.

Han Yiming noticed her gaze and nodded at the three-in-four courtyard with a smile, "Auntie, can you take us here to have a look?"

"Siheyuan is similar to our rural houses. We should live more comfortably."

The staff was particularly enthusiastic, smiled and nodded, took the spare key and took them there.

This courtyard is located between the Imperial University and the National University of China, with main roads on both sides. The location is particularly good.

"This house originally belonged to an old lady, but after the old lady died and there were no children in the family, it was taken back by the organization... Now is the time when all industries in our country are waiting for prosperity, and money must be invested in development... So this house The house was put up for sale..."

"The courtyard with the third entrance also comes with this small garden, which is more than 800 square meters. The south and west sides are close to the street..."

"In order to sell it at a good price, the organization also paid for repairs and properly dealt with the original tenants...all the furniture in the house was returned, including a complete set of pear trees..."

"This house was just released the day before yesterday, and five or six groups of people have already come to view it... It can be said that there is nothing wrong with this house except that it is a bit expensive..."

"But I believe that this house will soon find a buyer... What we are most in need of in Kyoto is rich people..."

Han Yiming and Tong Anyang looked at each other and asked curiously: "Auntie, how much does this courtyard house cost?"

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