The staff member smiled and said: "Like a courtyard house once you enter, with an area of ​​100 to 120 square meters, you can buy it for about 700 to 800 yuan."

"We have a three-door courtyard with an area of ​​more than 800 square meters. We also have a complete set of pear wood furniture with high integrity and collectible value. It is newly decorated, so the lowest price we can offer is 15,000 yuan! "

She felt guilty when she said this. People who understand the real estate market will definitely not be willing to be taken advantage of.

If you can sell it for 6,800 yuan in Sanjin Yard, it's already pretty good.

I can buy two sets for fifteen thousand!

Tong Anyang's heart was beating very fast. It was only fifteen thousand. If in later generations, this price wouldn't even buy one square meter.

It’s so cheap, they have to buy it.

She looked at Han Yiming with burning eyes.

The latter received the news immediately and pretended to frown: "The price is indeed not cheap. I have to find a place to call my family to discuss it and see if I can get together the money to buy one."

"I know 18 people who passed the exam in our province. We still need to look at more houses..."

After that, Han Yiming and Tong Anyang followed the staff to look at other houses. Finally, they lied that they would go back and call to inquire.

After leaving the house, they did go straight to the post office, but instead of calling, they were withdrawing money.

Han Yiming thought they would buy a house in Kyoto. He didn't know the price of a house in Kyoto. After all, his wife wanted a courtyard house, and it was a house for two or three people.

He was afraid that he would not have enough money, so after finishing the college entrance examination, he went to the next province or city twice to exchange gold bars for money. He exchanged a total of 120,000 yuan, and adding the previous 60,000 yuan, it was 180,000 yuan.

However, he invested 100,000 yuan into the meat factory, so he still had 80,000 yuan.

Before they came to Kyoto, they and their family went to the city post office to save money, and deposited all 80,000 yuan in one go.

As soon as the staff saw such a large amount of money, they would definitely ask him where it came from.

Han Yiming lied and claimed that he was the number one scholar in the provincial science and technology field and a caring person donated it for free. Otherwise, how could a rural boy earn 80,000 yuan?

The two of them bought eighteen houses at once, and they would definitely not be able to sell them again in the short term, so they chose the eighteen houses with the largest area.

After taking out the money from the post office, they had a hasty lunch, and then went to the street office again. They excitedly said that their family had agreed, and the fellow villagers had also entrusted them to buy a house.

Their letters of introduction are fine, they also have admission letters, and they can come up with money.

The staff was surprised that the young couple could come up with so much money at once, but they did not dare to delay and took them to go through the transfer procedures.

There are four courtyard houses on this street, five courtyard houses on the next street, five units with courtyards and stores on the first floor, and four large buildings.

Among the nine sets of courtyard houses, two have three entrances to the courtyard, four have two entrances to the courtyard, and three have one entrance to the courtyard.

These eighteen houses cost a total of 48,000 yuan!

The staff were very enthusiastic and helped them register their hukou.

It happened that there was still some time before getting off work, so the couple hurried to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy necessities, such as bedding, hot pots, enamel basins and bicycles.

The couple each rode a bicycle, which was loaded with things, and headed for their new home. The two of them did not live in a courtyard house, but chose a building with an area of ​​120 square meters, a yard of 30 square meters, three large shops, and basically complete furniture.

After cleaning up the house, they were so tired that they collapsed on the ground and didn't want to move.

However, Tong Anyang still struggled and dug out a thick stack of house books. He couldn't get enough of it!

"These are our houses. When my parents, brother and sister-in-law come, let them choose one to live in and settle down. Anyway, we can't open a shop yet."

"They can cook delicious food at home, rent a stall to sell in the market, or go to the fair somewhere... After a year or two, after they have saved money, they can slowly buy a house..."

As long as there is a house, the owner agrees to accept it, and they are a family, they can settle down.

They also found out in a roundabout way that since the dawn of last year, the market has become much looser. Although there are not many shops on both sides of the street open, the market is full of people selling fruits, vegetables and food.

Han Yiming smiled and nodded: "I will call our parents tomorrow and let them prepare and come over."

The Han family thought they would have to wait ten days and a half. After all, buying a house was a big deal, and they didn't have to choose for a long time?

Who would have thought that people would be so happy to buy a house the same day they got off the train? It sounds pretty good.

Not only did the Han family go to Kyoto, but the dozen or so young people who were admitted to college also followed.

First, they can help each other on the road, and second, many of them have average family conditions and want to find a job that makes money to reduce the pressure on their families.

After Han Yiming and Tong Anyang finished their phone calls, they took a car to the supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores in the city and bought a lot of things. They felt that they lacked everything at home.

If it weren't for the fear of being too ostentatious, Han Yiming would have wanted to buy a car of his own.

The Han family arrived on the fourth day after Han Yiming made the call. The arrival of dozens of them alarmed the street office.

After they saw Han Yiming and his wife, and checked the letters of introduction for these dozens of people, they clearly let them go.

No wonder Comrade Han and Comrade Tong bought eighteen houses in one go!

Han Yiming and Tong Anyang settled the big guys in the most expensive courtyard house, which had many rooms and complete furniture. The only thing lacking was all kinds of necessary daily necessities.

It happened that after everyone had lunch, they went to the city supply and marketing cooperative to buy things.

Spending money is like running water, but these goods are indispensable to them.

Mother Han and the others are so distressed. They spent more than 200 yuan just to buy things. Now that they have come to the city, there are no work points for them to make money.

They haven't even made a penny and they've spent so much. How could they not be panicked?

When they got home, they all had something to eat and thought about how to make money.

Tong Anyang told them about the investigation, "Mom, dad, brothers and sisters-in-law, we are not in a hurry. Even if we don't open a shop, we have to find suitable tools for making delicious food and find a stable supply of goods..."

"But don't worry, Yiming has customized many tools for you two days ago..."

"Yiming also had a meal with the market manager and secured six large stalls for everyone in a place selling food!"

The Han family was very happy when they heard this. Thinking that all the delicacies they cooked had come to Kyoto, it made them particularly proud.

When they talked about these things, they did not shy away from the dozen young people.

When these young people saw this, they understood and asked Han Yiming and Tong Anyang how to make money part-time!

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