Bai Zizhuo looked ugly, and he was confused about this matter. In fact, he and his family didn't think there was anything good about "Bai Hua Wen".

The Bai family are very good-looking. They all have double eyelids, but "Bai Huawen" has single eyelids.

However, they are highly educated and know that single eyelids are a recessive gene, so it is not impossible.

The "Bai Hua Wen" in other places are not similar to the Bai family, but the second uncle and the second aunt said they were similar, and they also felt that the more they looked at it, the more similar they became.

Especially when they go out with "Bai Huawen", everyone knows that the Bai family has recognized their biological son, and everyone they see says he looks like the Bai family!

At this moment, he felt that Han Yiming was more like.

He pursed his lips tightly, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Tong Anyang knew that this matter had not been finalized for a while, so he asked again: "Where is the original child in your family?"

Bai Zizuo touched his nose, sighed and said, "Bai Huawen felt uncomfortable when he saw him and asked us what we meant. Could it be because my parents raised Ziqing, so they couldn't let him go and continued to raise him in front of him."

"Ziqing is arrogant and went to Li's house immediately. We thought he was an adult, so we didn't pay attention to him."

Han Yiming chuckled: "Just because of his birthmark and so-called kindness, Li Huawen became an albino?

I also have seven stars on my feet, is that possible? In other words, you are very likely to accept a fake and push out the relatives you have raised for so long.

Only people who are related by blood can be called relatives. Ha, the family affection of the Bai family is really cheap..."

Bai Zizhuo didn't want to talk to him!

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and continued to ask: "Do you know where Bai Ziqing went?"

Bai Zizhuo nodded: "I know, I drove him there in the first place. It took two hours to drive."

Han Yiming understood what Tong Anyang meant, lowered his head and thought for a moment, "Take us there now!"

Bai Zizuo was stunned for a moment, "Now? Why?"

Han Yiming sneered: "You Bai family want to live a life as muddy as a paste, but I don't want to. At least I have to figure out who I am!"

Bai Zizhao didn't know why, but he always lacked confidence in front of him, "Okay, let's leave now. Maybe we can get here before dark."

He went to drive and took Han Yiming and Tong Anyang to the small town where Li's family was located.

During the two hours in the car, Han Yiming had a slightly sullen face and said nothing.

Tong Anyang was actually somewhat certain in his heart, but for such a confused Bai family, it would be better not to admit it than to admit it.

But they definitely don't want Li Huawen to continue to act recklessly by relying on the Bai family.

The car was swaying, and Tong Anyang's eyelids were heavy.

Han Yiming held her shoulders and whispered: "Daughter-in-law, please sleep for a while. I will call you when you get there."

Tong Anyang hummed, nestled directly in his arms, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When she arrived at the place, she rubbed her eyes sleepily, "Are you there yet?"

Han Yiming rubbed her hair and felt much better. He is no longer old enough to need his parents, and the Han family is very good to him, but people like to find out who he really is.

Is he occupying someone else's position, or is he just him?

No matter what, he married the woman he loved, and the two of them would work together for a lifetime. What obstacles could they not overcome?

"We're here, wake up first, and we'll get off the car later." Tong Anyang was still a little confused. She looked out the window curiously. It was indeed a small town. The slogans on the red brick houses were all mottled. There were not many people on the streets, and everything looked dilapidated and depressed.

Bai Zizhuo parked the car in front of the cinema and explained: "Ziqing didn't want people to know about his previous family situation, so he asked me to park the car far away last time.

His current home is in the courtyard of a tractor manufacturer. I watched him walk into the house at that time. "

Tong Anyang woke up now, sat up straight, and smoothed his hair slightly, "Yi Ming, let's get out of the car and go?"

Han Yiming nodded, asked Bai Ziqing's address, and followed Tong Anyang to the family home without letting Bai Zizuo follow.

The Li family is very ordinary. They say they live in the family courtyard, but they don't live in a building, but in a two-story tube building.

As soon as they arrived downstairs, they heard various noises in the corridor, one of which was the sharpest: "Why, you are from Kyoto, can't I help you?"

We have never given birth to you, but we have raised Hua Wen for twenty years. When it was time for him to repay his kindness, he ended up going to Kyoto to enjoy his blessings...

He is a serious young master of the Bai family. Unlike you, he is obviously a child from an ordinary family and has enjoyed happiness for twenty years... When you come back, whether you want to repay his kindness or fulfill your filial piety to us, shouldn't you?

There are no rules in our family that prohibit men from entering the kitchen...

Or do you think your job should not be given away?

Let me tell you Li Ziqing, you will never be able to repay this kindness in this life... Human destiny is fair. You have enjoyed all the blessings you deserve in advance, and it's time to endure hardship..."

A dull old man shouted directly: "You have stayed in the Bai family for so long, do you really think you are a young master and do nothing? Let us support you?"

Accompanied by his voice, there was the sound of something slamming down.

Han Yiming and Tong Anyang looked at each other and hurried upstairs to Li's house.

The neighbors sighed and shook their heads, "Are the Li family members confused? They loved Li Huawen so much that they gave birth to the wrong child. When they got their biological son back, they would beat or scold him..."

"Isn't that right? Taking advantage of their influence here, they took away people's original jobs and locked them up at home as servants. Some people thought that this was the wrong thing to do..."

"Tsk, tsk, last time I saw that child, his face was swollen like a pig's head..."

Hearing these voices, Han Yiming and Tong Anyang were angry and worried.

When he arrived at the door of Li's house, Han Yiming kicked open the door and saw a ragged young man squatting in the corner with his head in his hands, his expression dull as a pair of old men punched and kicked him.

Han Yiming stepped forward and held the old man's arm tightly.

Tong Anyang also grabbed the old woman.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then the old man said with a cold face: "Who are you, and why do you break into a private house?"

Han Yiming sneered: "Hey, you know the law better than me, but do you know that you are deliberately hurting people?"

The old man sneered: "I teach unfilial children in my own home, how come I am deliberately hurting people?

He has been raised to have a bad temper, and I am teaching him how to behave! "

The old woman also wanted to push Tong Anyang, but Tong Anyang sat down on the ground and started crying: "They killed people, the Li family killed people, these vicious old men and women want to beat me and my man to death..."

Is there any royal law? Do they think they can do whatever they want at home, and if they are easy to fight, they can provoke anyone? "

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