The problem is that Tong Anyang not only shouted, but also messed up his hair, touched his lipstick everywhere, and tore two holes in his clothes.

And she didn’t know where to take out a pair of shoes and put shoe prints on herself!

Even though Li's father and Li's mother had always been playful, they were dumbfounded on the spot, watching Tong Anyang's performance quietly.

Han Yiming's mouth twitched. Why didn't he know that his wife had such a lively side?

Neighbors heard the commotion and came over to see the excitement. Oops, the little girl on the ground looked miserable.

Han Yiming also fell to the ground a moment ago and bit his lip. The blood dripped down his chin. Along the way, he also gave Li's father the knife on the table.

Father Li subconsciously took it, and everyone was looking at him...

Oops, the bleeding is coming, and you still use the knife in broad daylight. The Li family is really tough!

"Comrade, please save us, they are going to kill us..." Tong Anyang cried. "If we really have a problem, you onlookers can't escape the relationship. You are all accomplices and cover-ups..."

The neighbors were just watching the fun and seeking justice, but this justice was too weighty.

They were afraid of being jealous of the Li family and chased them with knives.

It's just that they were also afraid when they heard Tong Anyang's words. Yes, if there was any fate in the Li family, then the inaction of these people would not only require education, but even the people around them would avoid them.

Immediately, someone ran to call someone.

Father Li hurriedly threw the knife away, trembling with anger: "Don't believe them.

This man broke into my house out of nowhere, thrust a knife into my hand, and fell to the ground..."

Mother Li also nodded: "Yes, young people nowadays are so good that they don't want to learn from others. Why should they learn to be mischievous...

Me, I am from the city, how can I be the same as her? She messed up her hair and the marks on her body were also caused by her, they have nothing to do with me..."

They didn't even believe what they said, and sure enough, they looked desperately at the ridicule and contempt in the eyes of their neighbors.

It is true that the reputation of the Li family was not very good before, especially when Li Ziqing came to the house, the two of them released themselves, hitting and scolding Li Ziqing.

They felt that they were local snakes and could do whatever they wanted. They even thought that Li Ziqing had a tough life, so why didn't he jump into the river without being provoked?

As long as this Li Ziqing dies, the Bai family will have nothing to worry about and will do their best to fish out their Chinese language.

At this moment, Tong Anyang and Han Yiming could only moan in a low voice, and looked at Father Li and Mother Li with guarded and frightened eyes. They had no words to defend themselves, but their silence was better than their voice.

Soon the comrades from the bureau came over and asked, "What's going on?"

The guys talked all over the place: "The Li family was beating their son at home. The couple went in and probably wanted to stop them. As a result, they were jealous of the Li family and held up a knife to kill him..."

"We saw Old Man Li holding a knife... It was so scary. I thought I would have nightmares at night... How bad a person is, who dares to use a knife..."

"Comrade, look at how scared those two young couples were..."

Li's father and Li's mother quickly defended themselves: "Comrade, don't listen to their nonsense. That's not the case. It was these two people who framed us..."

If you don’t believe me, ask my son..."

They all looked at Li Ziqing.

He looked blank, as if he didn't hear what everyone said.

The neighbors all sighed and shook their heads: "When this child first came here, he was so good-looking... I heard that he was a talented student from Imperial University and worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, but the Li family gave the job to the second child..."        “This is just a few years ago. Yue, such a smart person is almost tortured to death..."

The comrades in the bureau knew that nothing could be asked, so they took everyone back.

Even the neighbors who witnessed what happened had to make a trip.

The guys were very enthusiastic and talked about almost everything they knew. Not only did they talk about what they saw and heard, they also peeled off the skin of Father Li and Mother Li over the years.

This person said that Father Li and Mother Li were not good, which was fine, but everyone wanted to be a witness.

It is true that the Li family are not very good people. They often offend people. In addition, they have been too arrogant recently, thinking that they have the backing of the Bai family. They beat and scold Zi Qing, which has long made the neighbors uncomfortable.

Father Li and Mother Li were so speechless that they couldn't explain clearly.

Han Yiming just looked sad and said he had nothing to say, so he came in to break up the fight and was jealous of the two of them.

Tong Anyang also said that when he heard the noise and came in, his mother Li pulled him to the ground and greeted him.

As for Ziqing, because of the new injuries on his face and body, the bureau notified him to conduct a detailed examination.

It doesn't matter if we don't check, but it turns out that two of Ziqing's ribs were broken!

Ziqing's face was bruised and purple, and one eye was a little swollen, making it difficult to see his original appearance.

However, Han Yiming had lived in the Han family for more than 20 years, and the appearance of his family members had long been engraved in his mind. He understood it the first time he saw Ziqing.

Back then, the Bai family had exchanged children with the Han family, and the two children whose lives had undergone earth-shaking changes were him and Ziqing!

Therefore, Han Yiming directly reported to his comrades in the bureau that the Li family couple and Li Huawen committed fraud and intentional injury.

He also briefly explained the whole story, "Comrade, I don't think he and I can have seven-star birthmarks on our feet at the same time, unless he fakes it."

There is no such thing as a coincidence!

"Furthermore, comrades, please do a thorough investigation. Ziqing and I were born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but Li Huawen and we are not the same year at all...

They lied to the Bai family and said that they filled in the wrong information when registering Li Huawen's household registration..."

These are all obvious things, and comrades in the bureau can get the correct answers with a little careful research.

Everything is just as Han Yiming said, the Li family is lying!

This matter was related to the Bai family's family affairs, so the case was transferred to Kyoto.

When the Bai family's parents heard about this, they were stunned. They didn't expect that things would turn around like this.

Seeing how the young man who had left home for just two months changed from gentle and kind-hearted to taciturn and even a little world-weary, the Bai family couple felt heartbroken and regretful.

After learning that Li Huawen was a liar, they directly charged Li Huawen with fraud and cheating. The Li family and his wife were also sentenced.

The Bai family couple looked at Han Yiming.

Han Yiming didn't even look at them.

"Child, it's your parents who are sorry for you. It's because we were too anxious to find the child and didn't investigate the matter clearly, allowing the gangsters to take advantage of the loophole..." Bai Mu almost knelt down.

Han Yiming asked with a cold face: "Didn't you investigate clearly? Or do you mean that you didn't even think about investigating?"

The Bai family's parents were stunned for a moment. The child was found for them by Lao Er's family, and with all kinds of evidence in front of them, they couldn't help but not believe it.

My family, how can they doubt it?

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