Bai Zizhuo couldn't help but said: "Mom and Dad, don't you think the second uncle and second aunt's family are too deliberate?

I don’t believe that the second uncle and the second aunt can’t think of things that Yi Ming can figure out.

Birthmarks are important evidence for us to identify our relatives. Can the tattoos be the same as the real ones?

The Li family just made up a few excuses and fooled us..."

The Bai family's faces were filled with regret. Why didn't they check it themselves in the first place?

But it's useless to say more now.

Fortunately, both children are back and the truth is revealed!

"Good boy, it was mom and dad's fault in the past. From now on, we will definitely make up for you both..." Bai Mu said with tears in her eyes again.

Han Yiming frowned coldly: "The Bai family has many children, including me.

Ziqing, on the other hand, is my parents' child, and his status is awkward if he stays here, so he might as well go back with me. "

After saying that, he held Tong Anyang's hand with one hand and reached out to Ziqing with the other.

He said sincerely: "Ziqing, I'm sorry, you have been wronged because of Li Huawen's matter.

My parents are also in Kyoto. They love me very much. Although I have five brothers, I am the most favored.

To be precise, I have occupied your position. For me, I can still make money without money, but family love cannot be bought with any amount of money.

Do you want to meet them with me? "

Ziqing's eyes moved slightly.

The people of the Bai family are all outstanding in appearance, mainly because the Bai family has been rich for many generations. Even after such years, it seems that the roots of this family have not been harmed.

All the mistresses of the Bai family are beautiful and beautiful. After many generations, the children of the Bai family naturally have good looks.

Ziqing seemed a little dull and ordinary.

But because of his calm temperament and hard work, his temperament is not much different among his descendants.

He originally thought that he was the proud son of heaven, and he naturally enjoyed everything the Bai family gave him. With the resources of the Bai family, he didn't learn anything about piano, chess, calligraphy or painting, and he wasn't proficient in anything.

These were things he could never repay to the real young master of the Bai family.

He lacked confidence. Faced with Li Huawen's arrival, Ziqing didn't even think about fighting for anything.

He still missed the friendship between the Bai family, so he kept waiting for the Bai family's decision.

As a result, the Bai family asked Li Huawen to return to the Li family because of his displeasure.

In a small town, the Li family were local snakes. They stole his job and imprisoned him at home, allowing them to beat and scold him.

He is a big boy, he can't do anything to old men and women, and they are his parents in this body.

They also saw his concerns, but they became even more aggressive and unscrupulous.

Life seemed to be a big joke to him. He lived in a glass house, enjoying the sunshine and not afraid of wind and rain.

Suddenly the glass cover broke and a violent storm blew in. He felt as if the world had collapsed and there was no stability or hope in his life.

Can he trust others again?

Han Yiming did not take back his hand, and said with a chuckle: "Ziqing, aren't you curious about what the parents who gave birth to you are like, and what it's like to have five brothers and sisters-in-law at home?

They came from a small mountain village below and had no local background other than mine.

They won't do anything to you... Well, in the name of my classmate, you can stay in my house for a few days and get a feel for what kind of people they are.

If you still don’t recognize or like them at all, then just assume that we are not wrong. How we lived in the past will be how we live in the future, okay? I just don’t want you and your parents to have any regrets. "

Ziqing lowered his head and thought for a while, then nodded slowly, "Okay, I promise you.

However, while I heal my injuries first, I, I don’t want them to see me like I am now. "

These words made everyone feel a little sour.

Ziqing wasn't friendly with the Bai family either, but he just stayed in the guest house.

On the way back, Tong Anyang kept holding Han Yiming's hand, "Are you feeling guilty?"

Han Yiming chuckled and nodded. It was getting late and there was no pedestrian on the road.

In the shadows, he couldn't help hugging Tong Anyang tightly and burying his head in her neck: "Daughter-in-law, others think that Ziqing took advantage of him, but because of me, he suffered like this in the Li family .

How heartbroken would it be if my parents knew?

Ziqing felt that he had taken advantage and enjoyed everything the Bai family had given him, but he was also ruthlessly abandoned by the Bai family.

If the Bai family cared about him, he would not be bullied like this by the Li family.

We didn't go to Li's house yesterday. Will he always live like this? "

Tong Anyang pursed her lips tightly, probably.

In her last life, Han Yiming was in trouble, and the person the Bai family recognized was Li Huawen, the provincial champion!

Without anyone to expose him, Ziqing would naturally live under the beatings and scoldings of the Li family.

In Ziqing's current state, I'm afraid he might not be able to think about it anymore and end his life early...

Tong Anyang hugged him back tightly: "But you are right, no one wanted you to be hugged by the wrong person at the beginning.

This is a joke played by God on all of us. It is a blessing, not a disaster, but a disaster that cannot be avoided.

Everyone’s destiny has been decided, let’s not think too much, cherish our relatives and friends as much as possible, and live every day well…”

Han Yiming nodded: "That's what I say, but I still feel that all this happiness was stolen from me.

Stolen parents, even stolen..."

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment. How could she not understand what he didn't finish.

If Han Yiming and Ziqing were not mistaken, then it would be Ziqing who Tong Anyang met when he went to the countryside!

She chuckled and said: "How could it be? I chose you because you are you, not the Han family.

Look at the many people in the village, did I choose them?

There is a fate between us, even if you are not Han Yiming, but Bai Yiming, but I live in Jin City, we are close to each other, maybe we will run into each other sometime.

Besides, where are there so many ifs in this world?

I am your wife now, no one can take me away! "

Han Yiming held her tighter. But he was still very lucky that he met the Han family and not the Li family.

As Han Yiming, he married her and was honest with her.

After returning home, Han Yiming felt guilty when facing the Han family's greetings and inquiries, and answered them honestly.

Father Han and Mother Han laughed, "Did you get into trouble again?

Are you usually so naughty that you want to poke a hole in the sky?

Once you show such an expression, you must have committed something! "

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Mom and Dad, what can I do?

I just feel that when my wife and I go to college, we won’t be able to stay together all the time, and I can’t accept it for a while. "

I know he is clingy to his wife, but it is rare to see her clinging to him like this.

Everyone can't laugh or cry, but they can also understand. Who makes Tong Anyang look so good-looking?

Whoever married her would want to pay tribute to her?

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