The next day, Han Yiming and Tong Anyang had to go to school to start their college life.

After half a month of military training, the college students devoted themselves to arduous study.

Others think that once they step into the university gate, everything will be fine.

But universities are places that deliver talents to society. The courses offered in universities are numerous and practical, allowing students to master theory while also focusing on cultivating and improving practical abilities.

The couple, who originally didn't want to separate, now wished they could study as soon as they opened their eyes. After washing up at night, they were too tired to think about each other.

It was another Friday, and Tong Anyang walked to the school gate after school.

From a distance, I saw a motorcycle parked at the gate. The man was wearing a leather jacket and jeans, and his short hair looked tough and handsome.

Seeing her, Han Yiming smiled and waved his hand vigorously.

"Yiming, have you bought a motorcycle?" Tong Anyang touched the motorcycle and asked curiously.

Han Yiming nodded: "Yes, I have thought about it. We study hard on weekdays, but on weekends, can we ride motorcycles and drive around the city?"

Tong Anyang wouldn't have gone to college if it wasn't for the sake of getting a diploma.

She found herself falling into the pit dug by Han Yiming.

"Okay, I want to eat a lot of delicious food," Tong Anyang hummed.

Amidst the envy and jealousy of everyone, she sat astride him and put on her helmet.

They did not return to the Han family, but went to look for Ziqing first.

After not seeing each other for more than 20 days, Zi Qing returned to his original appearance early in the morning, and he also relied on his own efforts to work in a newspaper office.

With a slight smile on his face, he said, "What happened this time was almost a devastating blow to me. If I hadn't survived it, you might not be able to see me now.

I'm glad that fate didn't abandon me...

I work in a newspaper and was actually inspired by this incident.

All kinds of tragedies are happening around us all the time. I hope that when those people cry for help, someone like you can lend a helping hand to them. "

Han Yiming felt happy for him, "It doesn't matter that you always stay in the guest house. Anyway, your newspaper office is not far from home.

Just live at home as my classmate and see if the Han family deserves to be loved by you and recognized by you! "

Ziqing was a little nervous: "I, what do I need to prepare?

What food would I bring that they would like? "

Han Yiming smiled and said: "You can do whatever you want, they won't care."

In fact, Ziqing had no money, but he found a new job and received half a month's salary in advance from the Finance Office.

He didn't try to be brave. He bought two or three things he liked to eat and followed Han Yiming and Tong Anyang home.

On the way, Han Yiming told Ziqing a lot about the Han family, hoping that Ziqing could accept his family from the bottom of his heart after getting to know the character of the Han family.

Ziqing will definitely not return to the Bai family. If Ziqing doesn't even recognize the Han family, then he really has no family and no worries!

Knowing that Han Yiming had brought his classmates, the Han family were very enthusiastic and invited Ziqing to eat and drink tea.

Ziqing has never suffered much. Even though he suffered in the Li family during those few months, after more than twenty days, he returned to his former self.

There wasn't much of a smile on his face, and his dignified air made his facial features seem less important.

In the eyes of Han Yiming and Tong Anyang, Ziqing looks very much like his five brothers.

But no one in the Han family discovered this problem.

Zi Qing smiled lightly and nodded her thanks, her eyes pretending not to be easy, looking at everyone present.

They are simple, kind, hard-working, and sincere in their treatment of others. Even celebrities may not be able to interpret such qualities so well. Ziqing's anxious heart before arriving now calmed down and he began to find his own way to get along with them bit by bit.

Han Yiming explained to his family that Ziqing was his schoolmate and the same age, but Ziqing had just graduated this year and had no place to go, so he was staying at home for the time being.

How could the Han family not agree?

Ziqing works during the day and eats three meals a day outside. He would come back after dinner in the evening, and would even take a walk outside, then enter the house when it was time to go to bed.

Mother Han would bring him a cup of hot soy milk every morning and a bowl of brown sugar eggs in the evening.

Ziqing wanted to refuse, but he was greedy for this feeling.

The Bai family has no shortage of food and flowers, but everyone is particularly stingy about feelings.

Not to mention anything else, the Bai family couple were married, and their relationship was very weak originally. As they got older, they went their separate ways and did not interfere with each other.

They love themselves more. The children at home are left to the nanny, who appears two or three times a week to prevent the children from forgetting them.

Without the control of his parents, Ziqing longed for his parents' love. Even if he was beaten, his ears were pulled, or his head was patted, he would look forward to it.

Later, he devoted all this hopelessness to studying. He became someone else's child, a tool for his parents to show off to.

He was just Han Yiming's classmate, and he was entertained by Han's mother morning and night.

How could he refuse, he just smiled and thanked her.

Mother Han couldn't help but ask: "Ziqing, do you eat in the canteen for three meals a day? Will you get tired of eating in the canteen all the time?"

Otherwise, you can eat at home. We have a lot of people at home, and it’s just a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks...

Our family’s food is of good quality. Only when we have fat in our stomachs can we be energetic at work...

Auntie, let me tell you the truth. We have a large family and we can’t control the amount of food we cook. We often believe that cooking more is better than not having enough food for everyone...

But you guys don’t like to eat leftovers, why don’t we do it together? "

Ziqing smiled and nodded: "Okay, as long as Aunt Han doesn't find it troublesome.

However, I have to pay you rent and food expenses every month.

I have a job, so you have to give me a chance to spend money..."

Mother Han understood that he was a strong person, "Okay, the house you live in is small, and it costs two yuan a month..."

As for food money, as I said before, there are many people in the family, so every time we buy food, it is very cheap. In addition, we have a stall in the market and can get a very affordable price. Just charge you 20 a month? "

She thought that the subsidy for college students was eighteen and eighty yuan, but it was also the standard of nineteen yuan.

In school, students have to be economical, but they can eat big and small.

The price she asked was not high, but it was not low enough to make people think that she was taking special care of people.

Ziqing smiled and agreed, "Aunt Han, but I have to wait until next month..."

Before he finished speaking, Mother Han smiled and said: "You are my classmate in Primary 6. We have agreed that we will start from tomorrow...

I'll make it up when you get paid. Auntie believes in you! "

Ziqing couldn't refuse her words at all.

The next morning, he deliberately got up early. The Han family had already left the stall, but there was a note on his door saying that his food was covered in the pot.

He looked at the note carefully and slightly raised the corners of his lips to guess who wrote it.

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