Ziqing read the note for two minutes before he treasured it and solemnly stored it in his diary.

After washing up, he went to the kitchen, opened the lid, and saw a bowl of tofu puffs topped with minced meat, two hard-boiled eggs, and two chubby, extraordinarily honest burritos.

He stared at the rich breakfast for half a minute, then took out the food one by one, and sat on the maza to eat.

The burrito was filled with shredded potatoes, tofu skin, bean sprouts, cucumber sticks, carrot sticks and shredded pork with Beijing sauce. The salty aroma was slightly spicy. When he took a bite, the deliciousness seemed to explode in the buds.

It was like that irresistible warmth swept through his body.

It was so delicious, even better than the delicacies he had tasted before.

For the first time, he learned that food has temperature, not just surface temperature, but the power to warm people's hearts!

After dinner, he went to work. He was extremely devoted to his work throughout the morning, and his whole state was so positive that his colleagues around him noticed that something was wrong.

As soon as it was time to get off work in the morning, he packed up his things and went home for dinner on time.

When he arrived, the meal was already ready. There are many Han family members, but the main room of the house is also large. There are two tables surrounded by adults and children, which is particularly lively.

The food on the table is very rich, the meat and vegetables are well matched, and the taste is quite delicious.

When the Han family eats, they like to share with each other the people and things they encountered today.

Ziqing was not disgusted, but rather liked the atmosphere.

Unlike the Bai family, where there are rules everywhere, his cold aura was cultivated in this way.

It can be said that the rules cut off his fresh life, and also made it difficult for him to touch family affection, and his heart became cold.

The Han family is not considered rich, and their living conditions are much better than ordinary people, but this is all obtained through their hard work.

The more contact and understanding they had with the Han family, the more Ziqing gradually fell in love with this family.

There is no intrigue between them, they all treat each other sincerely, help each other, are kind-hearted, diligent and simple.

When Han Yiming and Tong Anyang spent the weekend again, Ziqing couldn't help but said: "I, I want to recognize my ancestor and return to my clan."

Hearing his words, Han Yiming and Tong Anyang were both happy.

Because of the kindness and love of the Han family, they hope that everyone in the Han family will be well, including Ziqing.

Therefore, Han Yiming and Tong Anyang did not hesitate and solemnly introduced Zi Qing's identity to everyone when they had lunch at lunch.

When they heard that the Han family and the Bai family had the wrong child more than 20 years ago, the Han family was stunned, thinking that Xiao Liu must be joking.

They were just people from the ravine. Because Han's mother was a little difficult at the time, Han's father was worried and took her to the hospital, but something like this happened.

But when they looked at Ziqing, they felt like they were seeing him for the first time, and there was an indescribable sense of familiarity and intimacy in their hearts.

Mother Han trembled as she looked at Ziqing who rushed to her. She also cried and hugged him, shouting like a baby.

Everyone's eyes were red.

After everyone calmed down, Han Yiming took a deep breath and told everything that happened during this period.

"You are all mother's good children. Whether it is Yiming, who has been raised by us for more than 20 years and is not related by blood, or Ziqing, who lost a piece of meat from me and was carried in the wrong arms, you are all my mother's sweethearts. …

You are all grown up and have your own choices. Parents will not stop you and will always be your strongest support..." Tong Anyang watched the mother and son hug each other tightly, pursed her lips and chuckled, feeling very happy in her heart.

It's great that she has a chance to be reborn and correct her mistakes in time.

Ziqing was changed to Han Ziqing this time, but Han Yiming's name remained unchanged.

After several contacts with the Bai family, they knew Han Yiming's temperament and understood that he didn't want to recognize the Bai family at all.

They were helpless, but they also knew that they had done many things wrong. They could only hope that as time passed, Han Yiming could see their true feelings.

Without the eyesore, Han Yiming and Tong Anyang spent four extremely arduous years in college.

During the past four years, Han Yiming and Tong Anyang set up stalls to make money whenever they had time.

The products they selected are beautiful and fashionable, especially suitable for college students, and the prices are cheap, so their business is particularly good.

By the time they graduate, they have saved a lot of money.

After Han Yiming graduated, he directly entered the Computer Research Institute and participated in a core project.

Tong Anyang took the money saved by the two of them and bought a courtyard with a shop to open Mala Tang in the university town!

It is conceivable that one of the most popular delicacies in later generations is still extremely popular today, and every table will be packed when meal time comes.

Their progress was made step by step. No one knew that they had a box of gold as their backing.

When every family could only have one child, Tong Anyang was pregnant with triplets, two sons and one daughter, which made both Bai and Han families crazy with joy.

After hearing the news, people around him came to secretly seek advice and asked for the secret of how to have more children.

Tong Anyang couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only give a few random reasons, such as taking folic acid to prepare for pregnancy and having a certain chance of giving birth to multiple births, finding a partner with a multiple birth gene in the family, or taking Chinese medicine to regulate it.

Whatever she said, everyone would implement it very strictly!

Even her children, some people want to give them to their own children...


"It's not good, the Sixth Prince's mental pillar is abnormal..."

Each mission member lying in the nutrition cabin takes eight hours to complete one life.

Hold on tight, everyone is waiting outside the Sixth Prince's dormitory. Although the Sixth Prince insists on going his own way and personally takes risks, he wants to make the Nine Emperors Sun completely lost in the mission interface and raise the difficulty of the mission to hell level, infinite mode.

But everyone is still worried, to see if the Sixth Prince can carry out missions one after another safely and smoothly.

After passing through two planes, the Sixth Prince's spiritual pillar started to have problems!

"Send the image over here quickly..." someone shouted.

Immediately, someone displayed the spiritual pillar representing the life and death of the Sixth Prince in front of everyone.

The pillars that should have been golden and stable are getting a little dim, and occasionally have mental fluctuations. This is a disorder caused by mental endurance reaching the limit.

Everyone was a little anxious and discussed: "What should we do? Should we turn off the game mode?"

"How to close it? This is called the hell difficulty mode. It is like shooting a bow without turning back. Once it is started, it is difficult to terminate. Unless one of the people is too weak mentally to be captured by the system, the other can Escape! Anyway, at this age, I have never heard of anyone who can break this pattern!"

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