Some people couldn't stand listening anymore and asked anxiously: "This won't work, and that won't work either. Can we just wait and wait?"

Someone said: "Otherwise? This is the sixth prince's decision. From the time he chose this path, he should have understood what kind of danger he would face... The emperor is not that easy to be. Not only must he To have a noble status, absolute strength, and also to be lucky enough..."

Everyone was quiet for a while. Yes, the sixth prince has not yet become the emperor, but he vaguely regards himself as the emperor, and there are many inappropriate things in his actions.

They looked at the spiritual jade pillar in the image and couldn't help but feel shaken in their hearts.

Among the people who can support the Sixth Prince, who doesn't step on blood and has great ambitions?

They recognized him as a strong man, someone who could truly ascend to the position of king.

Someone else said calmly: "Just wait, it's useless for us to be anxious, maybe the Sixth Prince can save the day, risk death and survive?"

None of us can make a conclusion until the last minute! "

Yes, no one will stand out.

"Congratulations to his aunt, Anyang is marrying into a wealthy family. You old couple and Tianjiao will live a life of excellence from now on..."

"I heard that the Yuan family gave you a gift of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine yuan and a two-bedroom house? Hey, who can be so generous?"

"I only regret that I didn't have a daughter..."

"Pull it down... You just gave birth to a daughter. With your single eyelids and flat nose, how can anyone like Anyang be beautiful?"

The buzzing sound woke up the woman who was leaning against the wall and wearing a red wedding dress with gold thread.

She has a fair face and exquisite facial features. When she closes her eyes, she looks like a porcelain doll in the window, too beautiful to be human.

But when she slowly opened her eyes, the pair of dark glasses were glowing with water, and the whole room was much brighter.

She groaned and touched the soreness on the back of her neck, her eyes turned cold.

Yuan Anyang is a staff member responsible for checking tickets at the train station. This is the job she got after passing the exam after graduating from college.

However, there is a brother at home who is two years younger than her and is uneducated.

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother tended to favor boys over girls, so they immediately asked Yuan Anyang to give the job to Yuan Tianjiao.

Yuan Anyang has given up many things since he was a child. She only struggled with her studies, wishing she could get into trouble with Yuan's father and Yuan's mother's workplace, but she also insisted on finishing college.

The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother had no choice but to agree to her continuing to go to school, but she had to make money to pay tuition and support herself.

Not only can she not expect her family to pay for it, but she also has to pay back the money that the Yuan family has spent on her over the years.

Therefore, since she entered college, she has been studying hard while earning tuition, living expenses, and repaying the Yuan family.

She couldn't bear to eat or wear anything.

It was her boyfriend Jin Yangyao who she secretly talked about, who was also one of the crazy part-time workers. He gave her all the money before and after leaving her for a month.

The two of them supported each other, and finally graduated from college. She found a stable job with good pay, but she was targeted because of her appearance...

The Yuan family didn't like the little money she earned at all. After the Teng family came to visit, they didn't ask her opinion and sold her to the Teng family for a high price.

In order to prevent trouble at the wedding.

They knocked Yuan Anyang unconscious and prepared to smuggle him to Teng's house. The person wearing a red turban and temporarily pretending to be the bride is her uncle’s cousin.

However, after Yuan Anyang was knocked unconscious, he had a long dream.

In the dream, when she woke up, she was already lying on the same bed with Teng Xiu.

And Teng Xiuqi turned out to be Jin Yangyao's half-brother...

It is conceivable that in their dreams, they will miss it in their lifetime!

There are too many memories in Yuan Anyang's mind, but her brain hurts, and the current situation is urgent, so she cannot waste any more time trying to sort things out.

She lowered her head to look at her wedding dress, stood up while holding on to the wall, walked to the cabinet on the side, and dug out Yuan Tianjiao's black shirt and navy blue trousers.

She didn't take off her wedding dress, but put on clothes directly outside.

Yuan Anyang is tall and slender, a head taller than the twenty-year-old Yuan Tianjiao who is less than 1.7 meters tall.

She felt no pressure to put on his clothes. Instead, the trousers turned into cropped pants on her body, revealing her slender and beautiful ankles.

The black shirt was worn loosely by her, with one corner casually tucked around her waist, making her appear extra carefree and casual, but it actually covered up the skirt tied around her waist.

She tied up all her hair, put it into a hat, lowered the brim of the hat, and put on black leather shoes.

Yuan Tianjiao hated his own height the most, so all of his shoes were filled with heightening insoles, which just gave Yuan Anyang an advantage.

The shoes originally had a two-centimeter heel, but the insole was three centimeters high. In other words, her height of 1.72 meters increased to 1.77 meters!

Yuan Anyang went to the closet mirror and looked at himself. Except that she was too white, had no Adam's apple and her hands and feet were too beautiful, there was nothing wrong with her.

And this issue, because of her size, would be subconsciously ignored by people.

Mother Yuan and her relatives were talking at the door.

Yuan Anyang definitely can't get out from here. She opened the window and looked out.

Xiahua people are very particular about picking up brides. They have to choose a good time, and the groom will set out with his people to pick up the bride early in the morning.

So it's still dark now, and the clothes on her body are expressive, so it's not easy for others to notice.

Although this is the fourth floor, there is a sewer pipe next to Yuan Tianjiao's house!

Yuan Anyang looked at it for a while, then found scissors, cut a few strips of sheets, and made a homemade safety belt.

She took a deep breath, pushed open the window and stepped to the side, closing the window on the way.

The fourth floor was already very high, and it was pitch black beneath her feet, which made her dare not look down.

She held the cloth in her hands and slid it down from the pipe little by little.

She did not go far, but joined the crowd watching the excitement.

At this time, the team to pick up the bride arrived. In 1985, those who could drive a car were extremely wealthy bosses.

The first one was a red car, followed by five vans!

The groom came out of the car in high spirits, holding flowers in his hands. With a happy face, he thanked those who congratulated him and ordered his brothers to spread wedding money to everyone.

Even from such a distance, Yuan Anyang still noticed that the young man driving the last van was her boyfriend Jin Yangyao.

He leaned on the van, lit a cigarette, looked up and stared at the brightly lit bedroom with the word "Happy" on the fourth floor, and smoked expressionlessly.

Yuan Anyang felt a throbbing pain in his heart. When the man's sharp eyes looked over, she quickly lowered her head, with some doubts in her eyes.

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