If it weren't for the dream she had just now and the fact that she saw him getting off the wedding car, Yuan Anyang would have really thought that Jin Yangyao was just like him, a child from an ordinary family.

He is Teng Xiuqi's half-brother. Teng Xiuqi was able to pay a generous gift to marry a wife, but as the elder brother, how could Jin Yangyao be so miserable that he had to work three jobs a day?

If her dream was a warning from God and everything that happened in the dream was true, then he would enter the Jiuli Beverage Factory this year and work as a courier for the Teng family.

He studies well and is an outstanding master's student at Imperial University, so his abilities are naturally very good.

Originally, he made money not only to cover his own living expenses, but also to accumulate entrepreneurial funds.

But all this money filled the hole in the Yuan family for her.

Compared with the hardships in the early stage of starting a business and the unlimited potential in the future, he served as a stormtrooper for Tengjia and turned Jiuli Beverage into an international brand. He only received a so-called high salary of 10,080 yuan, which was too much!

Yuan Anyang intuitively felt that what happened in her dream was real, but she was just looking at the development of the next twenty years.

She was a little star who was raised by Teng Xiuqi. She was pushed into the lake in late autumn and drowned.

Everything in the dream made her feel depressed, and now she felt a little breathless.

It seems like there is not a day when she is happy and living for herself!

Teng Xiuqi was just a novelty to her, and when the novelty wore off, he punched and kicked her.

The Yuan family knew that she was suffering from domestic violence, but turned a blind eye. Instead, they used it to ask Teng Xiuqi for money.

When Jin Yangyao was at Teng's house, Teng Xiuqi would restrain himself a little and let her live a peaceful life for a few days, but he humiliated her in that regard.

Whenever she thought of the coldness of Jin Yang's sun when it landed on her neck, Yuan Anyang felt aggrieved, embarrassed and scared!

He hates her...

Yuan Anyang took a deep breath and was reborn. She knew very well how Teng Xiuqi and the Yuan family dealt with people.

Because of this, she must take the first step and marry herself in full view of the public!

The wedding reception was just a formality. Teng Xiuqi asked people to scatter money along the way, but the big guys just focused on picking up money, three to five cents, one cent to two cents, and whatever they picked up was all profit.

The groom and groomsmen were able to get the bride out quickly.

With a shout, everyone got on the car one after another. Yuan Anyang also lowered the brim of his hat and got on the last car.

After getting in the car, she leaned on the chair and pretended to sleep.

There were relatives and friends of the groom and people following the bride in the car. They didn't know each other, but no one was bold enough to take the car so naturally.

So they didn't have the slightest doubt about her.

The car circled the eastern part of the city and then slowly drove into the Teng family's two-story villa.

The groom took the bride out of the car with the bride in his arms.

A banner has been put up at the door of Teng's house, which reads groom Teng Xiuqi and bride Yuan Anyang.

Jin Yangyao looked up and continued to lean against the car with an expressionless face, playing with the matchbox in his hand. If he hadn't been wearing a red flower with the word "Big Brother" on his chest, no one would have thought that he had anything to do with the wedding.

"Director Teng is really a kind man. He took over the original wife and children of Director Jin and regarded these two children as his own. For so many years, he has not thought about having a child of his own blood..."

"Yes, look at how grand the wedding of the second young master of the Teng family was. Those who didn't know it thought he was Dong Teng's biological son... I heard that the Teng family gave the Yuan family a gift of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine yuan. , and also gave me a two-bedroom apartment..." "Well, you see that person? The Teng family is a big drag, and they don't know how to be grateful at all. They don't call people daddy and they don't even change their last names. They live in school and only meet each other when they meet. It’s just a formality during the New Year holiday... Look at his brother’s wedding, he doesn’t even show a smile, he might as well be Teng Dong..."

The September morning was already deeply chilly.

The mist slowly dissipated after the morning sun rose, and the sun shone down, making everything in sight look delightfully red.

The emcee was wearing a suit, holding the microphone and seemed to be more excited than the groom, and spoke in a high-pitched voice.

Yuan Anyang stood in the crowd, standing with his arms crossed casually. His posture was similar to that of a delinquent, which made the people around him stay half a meter away from him.

When she heard the bow, she squeezed out from the crowd and pulled away the van she had just arrived in.

Jin Yangyao heard the commotion, frowned and looked over, and saw the thin young man taking off his clothes, revealing a familiar face!

He was startled for a moment, and then his face turned pale.

He walked around the car body, pulled the car and got in. His voice was very cold: "Yuan Anyang, what are you playing?"

Yuan Anyang was wearing a long red waist dress, her hair was tied up high, and her unpainted face, against the backdrop of this red dress, was as white as fine porcelain, smooth and tender, and her cheeks were lightly dyed. pink.

She smiled lightly at him and bent closer.

Jin Yangyao, a tall and muscular man, couldn't help but step out of the car.

After Yuan Anyang got out of the car, he took his arm and pulled him through the crowd with a gesture that could not be refused. When the master of ceremonies shouted and sent him into the bridal chamber, he walked onto the makeshift stage with a smile.

She grabbed the microphone from the emcee and said with a chuckle: "Comrade emcee, by the way, can you also say three bows to me and Comrade Jin Yangyao?"

If you talk to us about money, then we will find an enthusiastic crowd..."

Ignoring the man's body stiffening and staring at her in disbelief.

Yuan Anyang looked at the crowd, all glowing with gossip, and pointed to a short-haired and capable woman with a smile, "Auntie, can you help us host the wedding?

Comrade Jin Yangyao and I met when we were in school.

We studied together and made money together. We were classmates who witnessed a deep friendship together and agreed to get married after graduation.

Where is the younger brother getting married and the older brother still single?

We are not advocating freedom of marriage now. I felt sorry for him and was afraid that he would be gossiped about, so I married him myself..."

Her open and generous look made the big guy's thinking turn around.

That's right, they just think that Jin Yangyao is a white-eyed wolf who has let down Dong Teng's good intentions.

But they thought about it again. When Pang Danqiu and her two children remarried to Teng Xueyi, Jin Yangyao was already sixteen years old and going to college!

What were they thinking before?

The child was originally quite resistant to the stepmother, and now the stepmother has remarried, not to mention that Teng Dong had a good relationship with Jin Dong before, and they were the kind of people who grew up wearing a pair of pants.

Who can stand this messy relationship?

Time has passed so long that they have forgotten how difficult it was when Teng Xueyi and Pang Danqiu got together.

If Teng Xiuqi hadn't been Jin Yangyao's biological brother, he wouldn't have even stepped into the Teng family, right?

Looking at Jin Yangyao, who has grown from a boy to a young man, he is so thin that it makes people feel distressed. (End of chapter)

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