Jin Yangyao's hand grasped Yuan Anyang's wrist and slid down, clasping fingers with hers. He smiled lightly at Director Zhang and said: "Aunt Zhang, I'm sorry, if I don't marry her, she will die.

Anyway, I don’t have a suitable candidate, and there are no serious elders, only your uncles and friends who are here.

Then I will shamelessly take advantage of my brother's joy and let everyone bear witness that Comrade Yuan Anyang and I are married, and we will share the honor and disgrace together through thick and thin...

I have to ask you to help me host the wedding. "

This time it was Yuan Anyang's turn to be dumbfounded. Why does she have to depend on him for life and death?

If he doesn't want to, he can just say that she is not such a shameless person!

There was a smile on Yuan Anyang's lips, and his eyes were as bright as clear glass beads.

No one can force Jin Yangyao to do anything, but whatever he said, he can always do it.

No matter what reason he finally decided to marry her, he was willing to protect her.

Director Zhang smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, you are also lucky to have a little girl who treats you like this.

How many people will love you with their lives?

You are young now and don’t understand. You will know later.

Aunt Zhang is happy for you. Since you agreed to marry her, you must treat her well, you know? "

Jin Yangyao lowered his head and glanced at Yuan Anyang. The woman smiled lightly and wore a red dress, which gave people a burning feeling of tranquility over time. She was so beautiful that no one dared to approach her.

He looked away and nodded: "Thank you Aunt Zhang..."

Director Zhang picked up the microphone and was about to take charge.

Teng Xueyi said to the master of ceremonies: "I have to ask my comrade to help my eldest son, host the wedding, and settle the settlement with you later."

The emcee then stepped forward with a smile, took the microphone, and quickly went through all the procedures just now.

After bowing three times, the master of ceremonies shouted: "The bride and groom enter the bridal chamber!"

Everyone laughed and cheered.

Yuan Anyang took the microphone again, "That's not possible, I have to go with Ah Yao to get the certificate.

Hey, by the way, the second brother and his sister-in-law were also in a hurry to prepare for the wedding, so they didn't have time to get the certificate, right?

We are young people in the new era, and we don’t want to do the kind of thing in rural areas where we only hold weddings and wait for the bride to give birth to a son before making up for it. This is unfair and disrespectful to women!

Cousin, please go back quickly and get your household registration book. "

After speaking, she turned to Director Zhang and said with a smile: "Aunt Zhang, is this considered a project of your work?

I'll find someone to take a photo later, and you can use it as a positive publicity material..."

Director Zhang nodded repeatedly: "That's right. Now every household can only have one child, and many people are starting to be petty. It's our female comrades who are hurt.

You must obtain a certificate before you can get married!

In the future, we will strengthen the jurisdiction of this aspect of the community. If the marriage certificate cannot be seen, the groom will not be allowed to take the bride home. "

But at this moment, everyone looked at the beautiful girl in a red skirt on the stage and came back to their senses.

The Teng family really wanted to rob someone else, but the little girl resisted and turned around and married the big loser of the Teng family!

Otherwise, why did they pick up a bride from the Yuan family, but the bride they picked up was the cousin of the bride whose name was on the banner.

Why did you ask your cousin to marry you if you were not feeling well? How about coaxing a child?

Director Zhang immediately asked the clerk to get a camera and went with him to the Civil Affairs Bureau to take pictures.

Before Yuan Anyang left, he smiled and said to Teng Xueyi: "Uncle, if my parents are stuck with my household registration book later, you have to say a few good words for us.

They are ignorant and greedy, but they are them and I am me.

They can't be in trouble because they're greedy, but they need me to do it for them, right?

I would like to go as a filial piety, but the comrades in the bureau won't allow it, don't you think so? "

Teng Xueyi couldn't remember how long it had been since he had suffered such a boring loss, but he still smiled and nodded kindly: "That's natural, our Xiaoyao is very good, a top student who graduated from Imperial University, and he looks very talented, if not He has a cold temper, and he might have gotten married and had children long ago." Yuan Anyang smiled and thanked him, took Jin Yangyao's hand and walked to the van with red flowers hanging on it, "Ah Yao, drive to my house quickly to get the household registration book!"

Jin Yangyao looked down at his empty palms, then looked at Yuan Anyang with deep eyes, "Don't regret it?

I can't give you a gift of two thousand yuan and a house.

And I'm just a poor boy now, I don't even have a decent place to live. Can you endure hardships with me? "

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips, "Ah Yao, you..."

Jin Yangyao sneered: "Don't call me these two words!

Yuan Anyang, let me ask you one last time, have you thought clearly?

There is no turning back if you marry me. Unless my wife, Jin Yangyao, dies, I will not agree to divorce. "

Yuan Anyang nodded and said softly: "I know there is a deep misunderstanding between us, and you may not believe anything I say, but I sincerely want to marry you.

I'm not afraid of hardship, I believe you can achieve something! "

Jin Yangyao didn't say anything else. He got in the car and said coldly: "What are you still doing standing here, waiting for someone to tell your parents?"

Yuan Anyang hurriedly got into the car and sat behind him.

Jiuli Beverage Factory is located on the outskirts of Chengdong District, while Yuanjia is in Chengbei District, only a twenty-minute drive away.

Everyone had gone to work at this time, and there were few people on the street. Jin Yangyao drove very fast, and arrived downstairs at Yuan's house in about ten minutes.

"Do you need me to follow you?" Jin Yangyao took out another cigarette and asked casually, obviously not sincere in following him.

Yuan Anyang felt that he was wrong and shook his head dullly, "No need!"

That's right, Jin Yangyao is her boyfriend, but he learned from others that the wife of his younger brother is his girlfriend.

He probably thinks his hair is green, right?

What's more, when anyone talks about the marriage between two families, the most mentioned thing is the bride price.

Unless you are from a wealthy family, how have you ever heard of such a betrothal gift?

In addition, she used to give her parents the money she earned from her part-time job, and she was reluctant to give up food and clothing.

It was Jin Yangyao who couldn't stand it and raised her for three years. Let her slowly grow from a skinny and yellow state to a plump and delicate appearance.

She was so in need of love that after meeting Jin Yangyao, she completely relied on and trusted him.

She felt sorry for him and enjoyed him feeding her.

The campus relationship between the two had not experienced ups and downs, and died in the face of reality.

In the dream, I thought countless times, if she had not stubbornly swallowed the pain alone, but asked him for help, would she have been able to escape the fate of being manipulated?

Yuan Anyang didn't dare to think too much, got out of the car and ran upstairs, shouting: "Mom and Dad, where is the household registration book?

You didn't get me your household registration book just now. When you were hosting the wedding, the women's director found out.

The bride and groom can't go home until we get the certificate..." (End of Chapter)

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