In 1985, the Yuan family still lived in the Tongzi Building, but their house was slightly larger. It was Yuan's mother who obtained the house on the far side by crying, making trouble, and hanging herself.

It is more than 20 square meters, five square meters more than other homes.

They loved their son so much that they used bricks to separate a room from Yuan Tianjiao. Unexpectedly, it became her hope of escape.

At this point, the children have gone to school, and the adults have also gone to work, but some family members are not working, and some elderly people are at home.

Hearing this movement, they all looked out to see the excitement.

The Yuan family is getting married today, and both Yuan's father and Yuan's mother have taken half a day off.

They are worried at home now. Their daughter who drank sleeping pills is missing in the house!

After they accepted the betrothal gift and house from the Teng family, where could they go to give someone a wife?

"This little girl just wants to piss me off! I raised her so much, and it's time for her to repay her kindness, but she slapped her butt and walked away. This is to drive us two to death..." Mother Yuan really said I feel so bad. If I can't find my daughter, I have to spit out what I swallowed. If this isn't to kill her, what else?

But she couldn't cry loudly, so she just beat her chest and howled softly.

"I owed her a debt in my previous life... She is such a cruel girl, she doesn't care about her parents' life and death..."

Father Yuan also gritted his teeth in hatred: "I think she can run away but the monk can't run away from the temple.

Doesn’t she value her job? In order to go to school, she said she would go to our workplace to cause trouble.

This time we went to her workplace to make trouble, saying that she was unfilial and beating and scolding her parents. Let me see how shameless she is at staying in the workplace! "

Mother Yuan cried and said, "You go ahead and make trouble. When she loses her job, isn't she going to make trouble for both of us?"

Father Yuan was choked. The girl seemed gentle and filial and didn't know how to resist, but once her vagina was touched, she risked her life to make trouble.

"When I find her and send her to Teng's house, when the rice is cooked, I'll see if she can still jump.

If she makes trouble again, we have a son-in-law to take care of her at home. At worst, we will go to work at Jiuli Beverage Factory as a workshop director..."

Mother Yuan also burst into tears and smiled, nodded and began to think: "Yes, let's tell the Teng family carefully, the wedding is already going on anyway, and no one believes her when she goes out and talks nonsense.

Does she have any other choice besides marrying the Teng family?

The Teng family is rich, and whatever comes out of their fingers is enough for our family to chew on..."

Just as they were talking, they heard Yuan Anyang's noisy voice.

Yuan's mother went to open the door angrily, but when the door opened, she didn't see Yuan Anyang. All the neighbors were already in place.

Yuan Anyang walked up, breathless from exhaustion, and smiled and stretched out his hand to her: "Mom, where is the household registration book? The car is waiting downstairs. I have to leave quickly to avoid delaying the auspicious time at noon."

Mother Yuan was stunned for a moment, "You, you just went to get married?"

Then she closed her mouth, and people around her became suspicious.

Yuan Anyang asked funnyly: "Mom, look at what you said, what am I doing if I'm not getting married?

Director Zhang, the women's director of Jiuli Beverage Factory, said that she was afraid that someone would take advantage of the situation and wait for the bride to give birth to a son before the husband would be willing to get the certificate, so she had to watch us get the certificate before agreeing to our marriage. "

Mother Yuan looked out from the corridor, and sure enough, there was a vehicle parked downstairs to pick up the bride in the morning.

Yuan Anyang pointed to the man leaning against the car, "That's Teng Xiuqi's brother. Look at the red flower hanging on his chest, which says Big Brother!"

She and Jin Yangyao had an underground relationship, and only a few close friends knew about it.

She didn't dare tell her family. First, dating in college was still a very open matter, and everyone came here secretly.

Besides, she knew her parents' temperaments. They made no secret of their intention to "sell" her for a high price.

If they hadn't had this idea, they wouldn't have allowed her to finish college.

For them, it is useless for girls to go to college. At most, it is easier to find a partner because of their high academic qualifications. Many wealthy families like to find wives who are good at studying, so that their children will be smart and good at studying.

Father Yuan and Mother Yuan were dubious, but someone had already gone downstairs to take a look.

Seeing that there was no movement among the busy people, it meant that the man downstairs was really the groom's eldest brother!

The car was facing each other, the person was facing each other, and there was no panic on Yuan Anyang's face, and he was accepting the scrutiny of the two people openly.

The two looked at each other, and Yuan's father said: "Yafang, hurry up and get the household registration book for your child.

You will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with them later..."

Yuan Anyang said in surprise: "Mom and Dad, whose husband and wife received the certificate and brought their mother-in-law with them?

Where do you want the Teng family to put their face? Are you thinking that after I get married, I will interfere in their family affairs? "

The neighbors also said: "Yes, you are too strict with Anyang. What age are we in now? Why do you still have to worry about everything for them?"

Isn't it just to get a certificate? Are you still worried that she got the wrong person for you? "

Yuan's mother smiled and took out the household registration book, the wallet containing a few yuan of bills and identity documents, and stuffed it into Yuan Anyang's hand, "You girl, your wings are hard after you get married, how can you talk about your parents?

We don’t care about the water your married daughter throws away.

When it comes to your husband's family, be smart and don't let people say that your parents don't know how to teach their children. Look back and see how I deal with you..."

She used a joking tone, but when she squeezed Yuan Anyang's hand, it was a strong warning.

Yuan Anyang nodded quickly: "Mom and dad, don't worry, I'm a very traditional girl. My parents ordered me to be a matchmaker, and I believe the man you find for me is a good one.

Finding a job after graduation, getting married and having children immediately is a life that others cannot envy.

What's more, the conditions of the Teng family are good, and I only had a happy life when I married. How could I be stupid enough to have other ideas?

I guarantee that after we get married, we will have a boy in one fell swoop..."

She whispered the last sentence into Mother Yuan's ear.

The little girl's family is not ashamed, but Mother Yuan is more convinced that what kind of parents have what kind of daughter.

Her daughter must have enlightened herself and knows the good things about rich people.

Otherwise, with Yuan Anyang's stubborn temper, any unhappiness in his heart would show on his face.

Little did she know that Yuan Anyang had lived for twenty more years and had long since learned the ability to separate his expression from his heart.

How could it be possible that she was still the little girl who looked all the way to the end?

After all, Yuan's mother handed her household registration book to Yuan Anyang and watched her go downstairs and get into the car.

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother felt relieved. Their daughter understood that they no longer had to deal with that girl.

After getting in the car, the smile on Yuan Anyang's face disappeared a little.

Feeling the emotions spreading on her body, Jin Yangyao tightened his grip on the steering wheel, and inadvertently saw tears in the woman's eyes.

His heart still throbbed with hopelessness.

He sneered coldly: "I'm not forcing you to get the certificate. If you don't want to, we'll go back right now.

No one stipulates that you do a full set of performances. Now that there is no audience, who are you going to show to with your sad face? "

Yuan Anyang glared at him from the rearview mirror. Why was she crying?

He was obviously crying with joy! (End of chapter)

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