No matter in which era, it is very dangerous for a beautiful woman to have no one to protect her.

Anyone might miss and bully her.

Teng Xiuqi was particularly good at torturing people. At first, she had a stubborn temper and would often run away while working, but he would always bring her back.

It was still the kind of time when he was almost desperate when he saw her being abducted by others, and he appeared like a savior.

Every time, she felt the darkness of the world deepen.

Until later, even if she endured Teng Xiuqi's domestic violence and bullying, she could not think of running away.

At that time, the little star pushed her. In fact, she could swim to save herself. But seeing the panic and fear of those on the shore, she suddenly felt very happy. She completely gave up her struggle and let herself sink to the bottom of the lake. Her feet were entangled with algae, and she looked at With the blue sky and white clouds above my head, I felt that only by leaving like this could my soul be washed away from some of the dirt.

Being able to be reborn, she especially cherishes her life.

She is so beautiful and smart, why does she live such a dark and dirty life?

Was it because God couldn't bear to see it, so it gave her this chance to be reborn?

In order to live an honest and beautiful life, the only thing she could think of at the moment was to marry herself off in advance so that they would not have the possibility of plotting against her.

But, is she too selfish to involve him?

Yuan Anyang held the household registration book and whispered: "Jin Yangyao, I should have said these words to you.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used you as a shield..."

The car suddenly stopped, and Jin Yangyao turned his head and stared at her, his teeth gnashing as if he wanted to pounce on her and bite her.

Yuan Anyang's face was slightly pale, and her instinctive fear of being beaten and scolded by Teng Xiuqi made her tense up and shrink back.

Jin Yangyao froze for a moment, and then he said calmly: "Are you afraid of me?

Oh, you are a woman, what can I do to you?

It's up to you whether you want to get married or not. You only have this chance, you just have to think clearly. "

After saying that, he turned around and drove the vehicle back to his residence to get his household registration book, and then drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

It's now 1985. Last year, everyone started to apply for identity documents, so they didn't need a letter of introduction when they went out or did errands.

When they arrived at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Jin Yangyao parked the car. Neither of them gave themselves a chance to regret. They took the household registration book, certificates and photos and went straight through the process, agreeing to get married and signing.

When I came out with my stamped marriage certificate, only ten minutes had passed.

Yuan Anyang couldn't help but look at it over and over again. Seeing his name and photo next to his, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sweetness in his heart and look forward to the future.

Suddenly the marriage certificate was taken away from her hand, and Jin Yangyao said without looking at her: "You go home and pack your things first, and then move to my place later.

You should have thought about this issue from the moment you decided to marry me, right? "

Yuan Anyang tangled his hands together and became nervous. She knew that Jin Yangyao was a very sensitive person, and that he was not good at words and always did more than he talked.

She nodded, "Can you go with me?

I'm afraid I can't beat them. "

Jin Yangyao rubbed his forehead: "When you deceived them about their household registration book just now, weren't you very brave and resourceful?

Are you scared now? "

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips, "Didn't I just take it one step at a time and jump out of the fire pit first?"

Jin Yangyao suddenly felt weak and glared at her angrily: "Aren't you afraid that you will end up in a wolf's den just after leaving the tiger's den?" He was really not angry with her, but more angry that he had no future and was being led away by her again.

Yuan Anyang blinked, "No, you are a gentleman..."

Jin Yangyao sneered: "Yuan Anyang, you think too well of me. I can be a gentleman before getting married, but after getting married, you are a woman and I am a man.

I'm not that great, what am I Liu Xiahui! "

Yuan Anyang suddenly remembered some scenes from his previous life, and his face turned red and white for a while.

Jin Yangyao had already started driving by himself with the tips of his ears red.

Yuan Anyang continued to sit behind him, his thoughts drifting away.

I remember the last time she was bullied by Teng Xiuqi while she was sleeping. When she woke up, she slept with that man.

She wanted to hit the wall with shame and anger, but Teng Xiuqi said that he had taken a photo of her. If she didn't want the photo to be seen and scorned by everyone after her death, her family would live under her dissolute reputation, even if she chose the stupidest way to die.

A person's decision to die only lasts a moment. After that moment passed, she was left with a hopeless greed for life and a fear of death.

When she got up the next day, she didn't see Jin Yangyao, and she didn't know the relationship between Teng Xiuqi and him. She didn't see him at home until New Year's Day.

Teng Xiuqi was like an innocent child, standing next to Jin Yangyao, talking about how happy he was to be married and how beautiful and considerate his wife was. He also said that he would do a good job in the future so that his wife and future children could live a good life.

Only then did she know that her ex-boyfriend had become her eldest uncle!

After discovering that she had lost her virginity and was married off, she couldn't accept it at best. She resented the unfair fate and tried every means to escape from here.

But at that moment she felt overwhelming despair.

Especially the way Jin Yangyao looked at her coldly, it was more like a needle pricking her with dense pain.

She didn't dare to look at him directly, and she just called him "big brother" softly and hid in the kitchen as if he were a stranger.

Jin Yangyao doesn't live at home, and the two of them rarely interact with each other. They can count the number of times they bump into each other in a year.

During the Chinese New Year, she woke up in a daze to go to the toilet, but met Jin Yangyao coming out of the shower.

He pushed her against the wall, held her chin tightly, and looked at her coldly.

The two of them spoke very little, so she remembered every word he said.

He said: "Yuan Anyang, you'd better hide away when I'm at home, lest I offend you!"

Seeing the woman in a daze in the rearview mirror, Jin Yangyao said calmly: "I opened a law firm with a friend. Currently, I only take on some small cases. I don't make much money. It's enough to support you.

The place I live in is not big, just a 20-square-meter building with one bedroom and one living room, but it is not far from the train station and can be reached by bicycle in fifteen minutes.

I'm sorry that I can't let you live in the villa. "

Yuan Anyang pinched his fingers and subconsciously wondered if he had also taken her into consideration when he opened an office and chose a place to live.

She chuckled and nodded: "It's okay, as long as you have a place to live, I don't choose.

And, Jin Yangyao, thank you! "

Obviously he didn't let her call Ah Yao, but when he heard his full name from her mouth, Jin Yangyao felt a little irritable.

"There are many things you need to thank me for. If you don't take concrete actions, don't talk about these two words easily. I will feel cheap!" (End of Chapter)

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