As soon as he said this, Jin Yangyao wished he could slap himself, and sure enough, he saw the woman's face turn pale.

He couldn't help but add in a dull tone: "I am a pragmatic person, which may have something to do with my study and career. It doesn't sound good to speak straightforwardly. Don't take it to heart."

For some reason, when he heard that she had become his sister-in-law, the thorns in his body stood up and he wanted to shoot her all over.

When facing other people, he can control his emotions very well, but when it comes to her, he can't control it!

Yuan Anyang nodded, "Okay."

Jin Yangyao pursed his lips and said nothing.

Arriving downstairs at Yuan's house, Jin Yangyao followed Yuan Anyang upstairs.

Perhaps because she felt that the important matter on her mind had been solved, Yuan's mother went out to visit her family, while Yuan's father lay on the bed inside and slept.

Yuan Anyang gently opened the door and made a silent gesture towards Jin Yangyao.

The Yuan family's house is more than 20 square meters, with one bedroom and one living room, but they live at the end of the Tongzi House, which is five square meters larger than the normal one-bedroom and one-living Tongzi House.

They separated a room for Yuan Tianjiao, but Yuan Anyang, a big girl, needed to sleep in the living room.

Every night she had to open the wire bed and put on the quilt.

A bed like that would make a squeaking sound even if she turned over it. Mother Yuan said that she was a light sleeper and couldn't hear any sound, so she either made the bed on the floor or made no noise.

Basically she sleeps on her back. Every day she woke up with pain and stiffness all over her body.

And her things were just in a small box.

Yuan Anyang opened the box and took out his two sets of work clothes and shoes, the two clothes he usually wore, as well as the graduation certificates and awards he had obtained before, but nothing else.

Taking their things, they left without alerting Father Yuan.

Back in the car, Yuan Anyang's heart was still beating hard.

"Jin Yangyao, go to the textile factory next door. I have to tell my uncle and aunt that the Teng family sent the bride price to the wrong place," she pursed her lips and sneered.

Jin Yangyao said nothing and drove the car to the third workshop of Kyoto No. 1 Textile Factory according to her instructions.

Yuan Anyang asked someone to call out his aunt Feng Xiaorong.

Feng Xiaorong frowned, "Anyang, aren't you getting married today? Why did you come here to call me?"

The wedding reception was relatively early. After watching the wedding reception team leave, she had dinner and went to work.

Yuan Anyang smiled and took Feng Xiaorong's arm, and whispered: "Aunt, I'm getting married today, but my husband's family doesn't have any serious elders, so he simply got a certificate.

But my cousin married into the Teng family. Didn't she go home and get her household registration book to get married?

I saw her bowing three times with the second young master of the Teng family..."

Feng Xiaorong was not used to Yuan Anyang's intimacy with her.

The old lady and the old man of the Li family favor boys over girls, and the two sisters-in-law in the family have been trained by the two old men to transfer things from their husband's family to their natal family.

It's just that this effect became weaker and weaker as they each gave birth to sons and their status in their husband's family improved.

Especially this time, when Li Yafang married her daughter, she got so much gift money and a house, but she didn't even get a penny from it!

For people who are used to reaching out to ask for things, the feeling of not being able to get something can be heartbreaking.

It's like those things should belong to their old Li family, but they can't reach them!

Feng Xiaorong was originally very sad and was thinking about how to get something from Li Yafang. What did she hear?

"You, what did you say?" Feng Xiaorong asked in disbelief with his eyes widened.

Yuan Anyang smiled and repeated it again, "I said my cousin is blessed and married to the youngest son of Chairman Teng of Jiuli Beverage Factory.

My cousin's betrothal gift is with my parents. Please take some time to collect it.

It doesn't make sense for you to marry your uncle to your daughter and let our family reap the benefits, right? "

Feng Xiaorong was extremely excited.

Li Yafang has been very shy these days. She tells everyone she meets that she wants to become the in-laws of the owner of Jiuli Beverage Factory. She also advertises the gifts she received, enjoying everyone's envy, jealousy, and admiration.

Now such a good thing has happened to Lao Li's family?

"Anyang, are you telling the truth? Don't lie to your aunt!" She couldn't help but ask again.

Yuan Anyang nodded repeatedly and pointed to Jin Yangyao not far away with a smile, "That's the man I just received the certificate from, Jin Yangyao, not a child of the Teng family, what do you think?

The one I married was my cousin, and everyone saw it.

Don't you know if you go back and see if your household registration book is still there?

Why don't you go to the Yingbin Hotel in Chengdong District? The Teng family is hosting a banquet there to entertain relatives and friends. "

Feng Xiaorong couldn't stay any longer and nodded quickly, "Okay, I'm going to ask for leave right now and go over and have a look.

Anyang, don't lie to me, or you will see how I tell your parents to take care of you! "

Yuan Anyang nodded: "Auntie, I feel sorry for you and my cousin, so I came here to inform you.

Whoever marries into the Teng family, the bride price and house should belong to whom. You think so?

But my parents, they only have my brother in their hearts, and if the money goes to them, they will never get it back..."

Feng Xiaorong sighed, "Yes, your parents are trying to dig out an egg, and their relatives don't even know how to help, and now they dare to take advantage of my Xiaonan!"

I just said how they were kind enough to let Xiao Nan try on any wedding turns out they wanted Tao Dai Li Jian..."

Yuan Anyang is so beautiful, how can she not be a man? Otherwise, she could get a marriage license from someone today?

This little girl must have been fooling around with someone. The Yuan family was afraid that the Teng family would find out, so they asked their family Xiao Nan to take her place.

"Okay, Anyang, my aunt accepts your love and will give you a big red envelope later!" After saying that, Feng Xiaorong didn't waste any time and quickly returned to the workshop to ask for leave.

Yuan Anyang returned to the car and said, "Okay, let's go home."

Jin Yangyao started the car and left, but he took her to the Chengdong District General Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

"We don't have anything at home. You can buy some." He took out two hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and put them into her hands. He coughed: "Well, you also need to buy two sets of clothes. We can't get married. What? None, right? I can’t afford to be embarrassed!"

Yuan Anyang looked at the money in his hand and was a little dazed. Two hundred yuan was not too small.

Many things that happened twenty years ago are relatively vague to her.

She never knew about Jin Yangyao's partnership with others to open a law firm, and she didn't think he could come up with two hundred yuan at a time.

But she nodded without saying anything more. After collecting the money, she went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things.

Jin Yangyao was following her, his eyes slightly lowered, but all his attention was on her.

Yuan Anyang didn't buy much, only a set of toiletries, and a little cruelly bought himself a dress with red bottom and white polka dots.

Instead, Jin Yangyao said to the salesperson: "Comrade, please help me get those two sets of clothes and that skirt..." (End of Chapter)

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