Yuan Anyang was stunned for a moment, feeling warm in his heart. He smiled and tugged at his clothes, "No, I usually have to wear work clothes at work, and I also have one on me. The season is about to change..."

After hearing this, Jin Yangyao not only did not change his mind, but pointed to two more autumn clothes.

One is khaki corduroy pants, paired with a light brown sweater and a dark pea coat. One set consists of black trousers, a red sweater and a mid-length houndstooth coat.

The coat basically cost one hundred and eighty yuan, so she hurriedly grabbed his clothes to prevent him from paying, "Jin Yangyao, what kind of person do you think I am?

Since I want to marry you, I naturally want to live a good life with you.

You, you don’t have to buy me so many clothes.

I can just buy it after I get paid. How can I buy everything at once? "

Jin Yangyao said with a cold face: "Don't worry, I didn't buy it for you, I just bought it for my wife."

Yuan Anyang blinked his eyes, his mind turned red, and his face turned red.

Isn't she his wife?

But she also understood the meaning of his words. As his wife, she couldn't dress too shabbily and let people say that he was not good to his wife.

Yuan Anyang smiled and said, "You bought me a lot of clothes just now. How about we buy a set of autumn clothes each?"

As she said this, she asked the salesperson to withdraw, and she chose one for Jin Yangyao.

Moreover, she didn’t want the sweater, and replaced it with wool, planning to go back and knit it for the two of them.

Jin Yangyao didn't say anything this time. After paying, he looked at her with a cold face and bought some more candies.

He followed behind and added some lunch boxes, enamel jars, washbasins, soaps, soap boxes, thermoses, etc. He also bought a lot of pastries to eat, especially a can of malted milk and a bag of milk powder.

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips, and before she could speak, Jin Yangyao said lightly: "I usually just think of it as a sleeping place, with nothing in it. I bought it for my own convenience.

I earn my own money, so I can't live frugally. It's not like my family can't afford malted milk.

Nutrition must be supplemented from now on to prevent the bones from becoming brittle when you are old..."

But he was still standing in front of the watch counter!

Yuan Anyang sighed slightly. Anyway, if he could spend money to buy it, he must have something in mind.

When he came out of the supply and marketing cooperative, Yuan Anyang was wearing a plum blossom watch on his wrist and pushing a Phoenix bicycle with lots of things hanging on it.

When others look at it at a glance, it's a fiery red.

After loading the things into the car, Jin Yangyao added: "It just so happens that we have a car today, so we can buy things in one step. This is not a gift for you. Don't think too much about it!"

Yuan Anyang turned his head and looked out the window, pursed his lips and smiled softly.

How could she not know that he was a duplicitous person?

The sunshine outside the window had risen very high. She raised her head slightly, and it seemed that all the haze in her heart had been dispelled.

The vehicle stopped in front of a tube building in the family courtyard of the General Post and Telecommunications Bureau in Chengdong District.

Although Jin Yangyao lives in a 20-square-meter room with one bedroom and one living room, it is on the first floor and there is a small courtyard of 20 square meters!

A kitchen was set up in one corner of the courtyard, and a clothesline was pulled out on the other side, leaving behind an aisle and sparsely planted vegetables in other areas.

Apparently he really regarded this place as a place to sleep. The vegetables were all yellow and wilted. Apart from the kettle and a stove, there was only a thick layer of dust in the kitchen.

The house is also very simple. The original door leading to the large corridor was blocked, and the only way in and out was through the small courtyard. This way, the house is highly utilized and a lot of troubles can be avoided.

The living room only has a simple set of tables and chairs for eating, while the back room has a bed, a set of desks and chairs, and a box.

Jin Yangyao unloaded the things in the car expressionlessly, and then called Yuan Anyang to go out and eat at the state-owned restaurant at the door.

The two ordered a portion of braised pork, a portion of fried pork with bean sprouts, a portion of braised eggplant, and a scrambled egg with tomatoes, plus corn soup and steamed buns. Yuan Anyang ate in small bites. From the corner of his eye, the man also ate very slowly, as if he had a bad appetite, and even went out for a while.

How long had it been since she'd seen him like this?

Jin Yangyao is a graduate student from Imperial University, and she is just a student from a nearby junior college.

It was a basketball game, and she was dragged by her classmates to watch the excitement, and then she met him.

Fate pulled them together, and then she could always run into him from time to time, and sometimes the two of them would be together while working part-time.

When the two of them eat together, he always waits for her to finish eating before he clears the rest of the meal.

Yuan Anyang was in a daze, with tears welling up in his eyes.

But she choked and finished her meal.

Sure enough, Jin Yangyao speeded up his eating after she put down her chopsticks.

After coming out of the state-owned hotel, Jin Yangyao drove her to a nearby furniture store.

Jin Yangyao asked for a set of wooden sofas and coffee tables, two chests of drawers, one tall and one short, a wardrobe, and a large bed.

These cost more than 200 yuan!

Including buying clothes, watches, two bicycles, and other miscellaneous things, they spent a total of 1,200 yuan today.

When paying, Jin Yangyao explained calmly: "Although I don't go back to Jiuli Beverage Factory often, I always give a gift to the neighbors and friends who my parents and I have a good relationship with who get married and have children.

When we held our wedding, everyone brought a gift, and Aunt Zhang gave it to me.

They were almost all five or ten yuan, which was equivalent to the gifts my parents and I had given us when we went out before, and we came back in a circle.

There are many people in the factory, so the total is five hundred and ninety yuan, but I spent all of it just now. "

Yuan Anyang smiled and nodded.

They wanted a lot of stuff, and the manufacturers brought the furniture to their doorsteps.

Yuan Anyang hurriedly took the broom to clean the ground, but Jin Yangyao snatched it away and asked her to get candies for everyone.

She pursed her lips and smiled, nodding.

The man worked quickly and carefully. He swept the floor once, mopped it again, and then used the broom to clean the walls.

The workers who moved the goods placed the furniture one by one according to Yuan Anyang's instructions.

The single bed at home was taken away by workers.

After the couple finished wiping the furniture and arranging the things they bought, it finally looked like home.

Jin Yangyao whispered to go out and let her rest for a while.

Yuan Anyang couldn't stay idle. Teng Xiuqi didn't respect her in her previous life, and her family also treated her as a nanny.

She numbly used work to escape everything, but she could do any kind of work, and she did it quite well.

Yuan Anyang used the cotton cloth he bought to make home clothes for himself and Jin Yangyao, washed them and hung them to dry in the yard.

She wanted to clear out the vegetable garden in the yard and see if she could plant something while it was still cold. Nothing would be wasted.

However, although they bought a lot of things, they still lacked everything at home. Without shovels and hoes, she couldn't do anything, so she went inside to knit sweaters.

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