Not long after, Jin Yangyao came back carrying a gas tank and a gas stove, as well as the shovel and hoe that Yuan Anyang was thinking of just now.

He quietly fixed the gas stove and looked sideways at her: "Do you know how to use it?"

Yuan Anyang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's how it is in my family."

Jin Yangyao hummed: "Whenever the gas runs out, just tell me."

He also bought a lot of condiments, rice noodles and oil, and packed a box of them! The other box contained pots and pans.

After Yuan Anyang arranged the things, he saw a man wearing an I-shaped vest cleaning the yard.

The man had served in the military, attended a military academy, and studied law for two years. He has always been in the habit of exercising. His arms are full of tendons, and the fine beads of sweat on them reflect the light in the sun.

Her eyes seemed to be burning.

She turned her head and washed the kettle several times, boiled a pot of water, poured it out, and continued to boil it.

"Shall we eat egg pancakes, fry cucumbers, and drink cornstarch in the evening?" There was a lot of noise about their move, and neighbors came to watch the excitement.

Many people would enthusiastically stuff her with cucumbers and tomatoes, while others would stuff her with two eggs, noodles, etc.

Yuan Anyang returned the wedding candies and snacks one by one.

She likes such a harmonious neighborhood relationship, but she doesn't know if they can still get along after a long time.

Jin Yangyao hummed, "You have the final say in cooking."

Yuan Anyang worked quickly, and soon he baked a lot of cakes and brought out a small basket, "Jin Yangyao, I heard that many people here recognize you.

Do you want to give some fried cakes to people? I did quite a few. "

Jin Yangyao washed his hands and took the basket, "No, every household is not very wealthy. If we give people fried cakes, what kind of gift can they give us?"

Later, I will help you recognize someone. Just give them two wedding candies and happy fruits. There is no need to be too deliberate. "

Yuan Anyang smiled and nodded. She also doesn't like to be around people.

The fried pancakes she bakes are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, crispy and salty, and have a slight clicking sound when you bite them.

Jin Yangyao took a bite, his eyes lit up as he ate with big mouthfuls.

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips and smiled. He had never known that cooking for others felt so satisfying and happy.

After eating, Jin Yangyao took the initiative to clear away the dishes and go to the kitchen to wash them.

Yuan Anyang had nothing to do, so he took out a sweater and started knitting it.

The man's is made of navy blue cashmere thread, and she plans to weave him a rhombus pattern. It's simple and elegant, and it won't cinch you when worn.

She was knitting so quickly that her movements were almost an afterimage.

The Yuan family kept asking Teng Xiuqi for money, but instead of facing Yuan Anyang, they told her that they were her natal family and for her own good they could not ask for money.

However, her family's living conditions were difficult, so she had to find a way to make up for it.

So Yuan Anyang went home to work as a nanny for the Teng family, and took time out to knit sweaters to make money while at work.

With the skills she has honed over more than ten years, she doesn’t even need a tape measure. She can tell the size of a sweater just by looking at it, and she can knit a sweater even in the dark.

She knows a lot of patterns!

After Jin Yangyao washed the dishes, he boiled water, took a bath himself, wiped his hair, and lowered his eyes: "I've mixed the water for you, you can go to the kitchen and wash it."

Yuan Anyang was stunned for a moment, hummed, and went to the kitchen with a change of clothes.

She washed very slowly, knowing that when two people got married, they would always have to pass this test, but she was very resistant to this matter.

It was a fear that was engraved in her bones, and every time there was no integrity in her body.

She lingered until the water became cold, and she washed a change of clothes and hung them to dry in the yard. She wiped her hair and walked back to the house step by step.

Unexpectedly, the man was already lying on the bed and fell asleep!

She breathed a sigh of relief and continued to wipe her hair. When her hair was almost dry, she quietly turned on the light and carefully stepped over him to enter the bed.

Unexpectedly, the man suddenly grabbed her, and after the world was spinning, she was held tightly by him.

The man's heavy body in the darkness evoked Yuan Anyang's pain for so many days and nights.

Her body couldn't help but tremble with fear, and her hands and feet almost used all their strength to resist his embrace, "No, let me go..."

Even so, her voice was growled, for fear of being heard by others.

Jin Yangyao clenched his fists and sneered: "Yuan Anyang, I got a wife, not just a doll to display at home.

What, it wasn't you who proposed the marriage? What kind of loyalty are you pretending to be now?

Or, who are you going to keep the festival for? "

Yuan Anyang held his chest with his hands, his breathing was extremely rapid, and his voice was crying: "A Yao, I'm scared, I'm sorry..."

Her words hit his heart hard.

He punched him angrily, stood up, put on his clothes and walked out with an expressionless expression.

"Ah...Jin Yangyao, you, where are you going?" Yuan Anyang sat up, and now she suppressed her tears.

Jin Yangyao laughed: "What can a man and a woman do if they sleep on the same bed?

Since you're not willing, and I'm not the kind who insists, you can sleep here while I sleep in the office!

Lock the door yourself. "

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Yuan Anyang locked the door, couldn't hold back the strength and squatted down, hugging himself and couldn't help crying.

It’s different after all.

Her painful memories of twenty years made her dare not trust people easily, dare not love others, let alone have close contact with anyone.

Teng Xiuqi has really mastered the psychology of bullying to the extreme.

She didn't know how much evil she had done to make Teng Xiuqi treat her like this.

Now even Ah Yao's approach made her uncontrollably afraid and resistant.

What should she do?

She thought she would be able to run towards happiness after being reborn and avoiding Teng Xiuqi, but now it seemed that it was so difficult.

It's as if my thoughts can't control my body, and many of my movements and thoughts have been trained to become instinctive.

Smelling the faint smell of smoke in the crack of the door, she stood up suddenly and opened the door.

The man stood not far away, holding a cigarette in his mouth and looking at her with a frown: "Are you so unhappy when you marry me?

You married someone with a strong spirit, and you didn't even last a day, so you're going to regret it, right? "

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips, "I'm not unhappy. Being able to become husband and wife with you is the happiest thing for me."

Jin Yangyao strode forward, held her chin, watched her retreat in fear, and sneered: "Lie, you are afraid of me, how can you be happy?

Men and women don't just have that kind of thing, a woman should be honest with the man she likes, but you don't want to.

Even if I touch you, you will want to run away.

Do you think I don’t have eyes or can’t see your fear? "

He didn't mean to do anything to her, but he just couldn't see her resisting him and not speaking sincerely.

Yuan Anyang took a deep breath, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, threw himself into his arms, and hugged his waist tightly.

The man's chest was hot and powerful, and the overwhelming sense of security made her couldn't help but push her arms harder.

"Ah Yao, can you give me some time?" She nuzzled him obediently.

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