Jin Yangyao felt filled with anger and sourness, which dissipated without a trace at this moment. He couldn't help but put his arms around her, feeling that the woman was like a frightened little animal. She was clearly trembling with fear, but she stubbornly took another step forward. Hold him tight.

He sighed slightly and couldn't help kissing her forehead. His voice was hoarse and helpless: "Anyang, what should I do with you?"

Yuan Anyang was stunned for a moment and raised his head in confusion. She had never known that such a kiss gave her the urge to cry.

It was care, true love, and a kind of happiness that could move her to tears!

"You don't have to do anything, you have to believe that I am very happy to marry you!

Really, I had no idea what kind of agreement my parents had reached with Teng Xiuqi before.

I was knocked unconscious and locked in my brother's room.

In order to prevent me from causing trouble, they asked my cousin to marry me. Since she was wearing a red hijab, no one would suspect that she was not me.

Wait until night, and they will send me to... As long as the rice is raw and cooked, what can I do? "

Jin Yangyao looked at her in disbelief, "My brother is not someone who forcibly marries like this!"

Yuan Anyang smiled bitterly and said: "Look, you won't believe anything I say.

One is your blood relative, and the other is a woman who may abandon love for money.

Normal people would trust their blood relatives, right? "

Jin Yangyao glared at her, took her hand and sat back on the bed, "I'm not a person who doesn't know right from wrong, tell me what you know.

I have to collect evidence and investigate to find out the truth. Have you forgotten what I do? "

Yuan Anyang looked at him with a serious face, "I check in at work at work, and he often travels by car and will deliberately talk to me.

I ignored him. But once I was followed home by him after get off work...

My parents received the bride price and house from the Teng family, and my name was also on the wedding scene. The words of my cousin and Teng Xiuqi also stated that the bride at the wedding was me.

But I am in good health, why should I ask my cousin to marry me on my behalf?

What's more, our relationship has always been very stable, and even when your job becomes stable, we will be together openly..."

Jin Yangyao frowned and thought. Yuan Anyang didn't need to say these words, he also saw them.

"I grew up with my brother, who was six years younger than me. When my dad didn't exist, I was sixteen and he was ten.

He is quite sensible and smart, and he respects me very much. Before, he was very happy to say that he was going to marry a wife and asked me to help drive her to pick her up.

Said that the bride is very smart and beautiful, and they are in love with each other. The words of the matchmaker were ordered by the parents..."

It's because he has particularly good senses for his younger brother. After all, he brought Teng Xiuqi up since he was a child.

Even though he didn't come home often, he would often meet with Teng Xiuqi outside, and he would give him a little pocket money from time to time.

But this kind of relationship is superficial, and it's really hard for him to see through a person's inner workings.

Yuan Anyang hummed, "Don't you know people can change?

You are defining them based on your previous impression of them. How do you know they are still where they are? "

Jin Yangyao smiled and said: "Okay, then I will get to know them again.

Anyang, you are my wife, and you are the one who will spend the rest of my life with me.

I like you. Compared to them who I meet several times a year, you and I know each other and love each other. You are ahead of them! "

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips and smiled: "That's enough, you have to believe in your own vision.

I can walk and sit upright! I have never coveted the wealth given by others. I am very satisfied that I was able to get a job as a ticket collector at a railway station through my own efforts.

I can spend as much as I can earn without looking into other people's pockets.     It's not my thing, so I don't feel at ease if I come here.

As for my parents, it’s not that I owe them, but they owe me!

They are human trafficking. They are my parents after all, and I can't possibly send them to the bureau, but from now on, I have nothing to do with them. "

Jin Yangyao looked at a woman who looked like she had gone through a transformation. While feeling distressed, he was also very pleased: "Anyang, you are right to think so.

No one can enslave you for a lifetime by relying on the gift of procreation.

Look at how you have starved yourself just to support them before you have graduated from college!

If there is no one around you who cares about you, I am afraid that you will become sick from overwork even at such a young age. "

But he was not qualified to stop her.

He has no parents. Many times he thinks that even if his parents treat him badly and use him as a tool to make money, as long as they are healthy and alive, he will be happy!

However, he did not allow others to harm Yuan Anyang.

She is a little girl. There is a saying that marriage is a woman's second reincarnation.

Whether she will be happy in the future has a lot to do with marriage.

They pushed her into the fire pit!

Yuan Anyang nodded, "Yes, so thank you Comrade Jin Yangyao for your unwavering care and support."

Jin Yangyao saw her obediently listening to the advice, and couldn't help but put his arms around her waist and kiss her tentatively.

The woman in his arms was a little stiff, but he patiently pecked her little by little, slowly softening her, and then captured the city when the heat was up!

Yuan Anyang's mind had turned into a ball of mush, clinging to him feebly.

Fortunately, Jin Yangyao kissed honestly and knew when to stop. He buried his head on her neck and shoulder and said in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, I can wait for you, but don't make me wait too long, your man won't be able to bear it."

He knows very well how beautiful his wife is, hugging her every day and not being able to chew her, who can bear it?

Yuan Anyang blushed and nodded, "Okay..."

Jin Yangyao said in a low voice: "This time the matter is too serious. Even if you don't take your parents to court, you still have to hold on to it, so as not to bite them back in the long run.

We need to collect evidence, find comrades in the bureau to help mediate, and sign a mediation letter.

In this way, they will be the one at fault, and they can no longer accuse you of being unfilial in the future...

When they get old, we will pay pensions according to the standard, and no one will be able to fault them. "

Yuan Anyang nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I listen to you!"

Yes, she didn't think carefully and had no evidence on paper. At most, her parents were scared off for a while, and then Jin Yangyao would also fall into endless entanglements with her.

Still thinking that the future is long.

Jin Yangyao touched her head at this moment: "Okay, it's been a tiring day, let's go to bed early, we have to go to work tomorrow.

If anything happens in the future, you have to tell me, one person will calculate the shortcomings and two will calculate the advantages! "

Yuan Anyang climbed onto the bed obediently and lay down obediently.

Jin Yangyao also lay down after turning off the light, but he held her in his arms domineeringly, caressing her stiff back: "Daughter-in-law, you have to get used to my existence!"

Yuan Anyang leaned into his arms and smiled and hummed.

Maybe she was really tired, maybe she had just been reborn and experienced so many things. Lying in such an embrace, she fell asleep quickly.

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