Someone muttered dissatisfiedly: "That's what I say, but people who follow the ceremony can go to the banquet..."

The team leader glared at the man: "Why didn't you say that it would cost transportation to go to the banquet, or that you would have to ask for leave?

It’s not like you can catch up with each other at every meal. You are all colleagues you see every day but still care about this meal? "

As he said that, the team leader smiled and took out five dollars from his bag and handed it to Yuan Anyang: "Anyang, happy wedding, may you have a son soon!"

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips and smiled and thanked: "Thank you, team leader."

The team leader waved his hand: "What's the point? Last time when my daughter was admitted to college, didn't you also give her a lot of things as gifts?

People get along with each other, and you will gain as much as you show sincerity, unless that person has no heart..."

People around felt that the team leader was blaming Sang and Huai, but they had no evidence, so they could only reluctantly pay two yuan for this and three yuan for that.

They are colleagues, so courtesy is not considered too high.

Yuan Anyang smiled and accepted it, thinking of what Jin Yangyao said last night, he said: "My husband said that our wedding was held in a hurry and we didn't have time to notify everyone, so he will treat you to dinner alone another day.

At that time, I hope everyone will give me a favor. "

After hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

They went out as gifts, saved a meal, and got a few pieces of candy. They felt balanced.

Yuan Anyang was wearing dark blue overalls and his hair was tied low. She just went to the clinic to ask for a pack of masks. After putting them on, she went to work at her post as usual.

She is a ticket inspector, and her daily job is to wait for the train to arrive at the station and check the tickets for the passengers who will take the train.

Compared with the current situation where many large factories run by organizations have closed down and employees have been laid off, and she works as a ticket collector at the train station, her job is stable and has good benefits.

It's just that this job is boring and boring, and young people lack patience. Some people resign or sell their jobs despite the opposition of their families and go into business.

Yuan Anyang has been working in this position for more than 20 years. From a young ticket collector, he worked hard to become a webmaster by virtue of his intelligence, studiousness and familiarity with the work.

Her misfortune in marriage caused her to vent all her pain and hatred on her work, but she did not expect to achieve anything.

It's just that the Teng family was very prosperous at that time, and she, the webmaster, was just a decoration.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Anyang told himself over and over again that he had been reborn and a beautiful life had just begun.

She wants to break free from the shackles that have been on her heart for the past life!

Yuan Anyang stood at the ticket gate with a chuckle. After more than ten years, she became a ticket inspector again, but her professional skills have not diminished. She can tell whether the ticket is for this train without even looking at the ticket.

There are many passengers in each car, and she must strictly guard this level.

Many passengers were mingling with the crowd with expired tickets or tickets for the next few days.

She checked tickets very quickly, and passengers started queuing up.

Someone in the crowd rolled their eyes and heard the people next to them talking: "Hey, why is the team on the left moving so fast?"

"I know that the beautiful ticket inspector just came last week and has been trained for several months... For such a beautiful lesbian, checking tickets is just a matter of course. Has she really taken it into her head?"

"Yeah, I bet that even if you have a ticket to go somewhere else, she can check it for you with her eyes closed..."

"Just last time, I held the ticket and before I let go, she punched it and passed it... Do you think if I put my hand on the hole, she wouldn't be able to tell that it was an expired ticket? …” ˆ ˆ Others shook their heads helplessly and sighed, “The quality of today’s service staff is getting worse and worse... holding an iron rice bowl but not serving seriously, what if gangsters take advantage of the loopholes...”

Hearing this, more people crowded into the queue with tickets.

There are many people taking every train in Kyoto. Everyone is anxious and it is crowded when checking in.

If it weren't for the fact that the iron railings in front of them could only allow one person to pass through, and there were security personnel patrolling, they might have rushed in long ago.

Even so, the crowds put psychological pressure on the ticket inspectors, causing them to speed up involuntarily. As soon as this speed increases, the ticket inspector will easily make mistakes.

Some people took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and their experience was particularly rich!

Yuan Anyang almost took a ticket and scanned it, and then punched holes in the ticket while looking at the expression on the person's face. These two actions were completed in almost one second.

She has read countless people and can detect something from their subtle expressions.

In fact, this is also because Teng Xiuqi studied psychology in depth in order to control her.

Yuan Anyang also took advantage of his free time at work to read a lot of related books. Combined with his own work experience, he was able to achieve a higher level of knowledge and a higher level of magic!

Teng Xiuqi used a variety of methods to break her proud body into pieces and sculpt her into a look he was satisfied with little by little.

Yuan Anyang took the ticket from a woman who had a child on her back and another in her arms.

The two children fell asleep a little too much in the noisy environment.

Yuan Anyang glanced at her, took the ticket to look at it, and called the security personnel next to him: "Comrade Xiao Zhang, there is something wrong with this comrade's ticket. Take her over there for a while."

The woman asked anxiously: "Why is there something wrong with this ticket? I'm in a hurry... It's not easy for me to take care of two children..."

The security guard smiled and said: "Comrade, we are just taking a closer look at your ticket. It only takes a few minutes and will not delay you for too long. We will put you on the bus later."

The woman nodded reluctantly and followed.

But at this time, Yuan Anyang had already taken the ticket for the next lesbian. This lesbian was carrying a huge bamboo basket on her back and carrying a child in her arms, just like other people who were dragging their carriages with large and small bags.

However, she still frowned: "Comrade Xiao Wang, look at this comrade, did they buy it together?

There are problems! "

When she handed the ticket to Comrade Xiao Wang, she pinched him with a little force, winked with her back to everyone, and said silently, "Child."

Anyone who can work as a security guard at Kyoto Railway Station is extraordinary.

After receiving her signal, Comrade Xiao Wang's expression did not change, he smiled and invited the woman to leave.

Soon Comrade Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang came back again.

While checking the tickets, Yuan Anyang asked with a smile: "Have the two sisters-in-law already been on the bus?"

The two comrades nodded: "Yes, there is nothing wrong with their tickets. They just put them in a humid place, so there is something wrong after drying them, and they look like fakes."

"Our colleagues have put them in the car..."

The people behind him also breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere became relaxed again.

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