Yuan Anyang occasionally said that there was something wrong with the ticket, and the man was taken away. Not long after, everyone saw from the window that the man was indeed put on the train.

In this way, everyone thought that it might be due to the recent rainy weather, so many tickets were damp.

No one thought anything about the big guys being checked, because they bought their tickets through formal channels and were not afraid of checking at all. Instead, they enjoyed the preferential treatment of being put on the bus in person.

It’s just that everyone didn’t know that Yuan Anyang’s behavior of pretending to be unskilled in business, unable to tell the difference between real and fake bills, and seeking help from foreign aid from time to time, actually led to the arrest of a gang of five R dealers!

During the shift change at noon, Comrade Xiao Wang winked at her, and the two of them arrived at the guard room one after the other.

The tall man wearing a big cap walked forward slightly excitedly: "Comrade Yuan, you have made a great contribution this time!"

Yuan Anyang chuckled and said: "Captain Zhao, what great contribution have I made? Are there really problems with those children?

I think it's okay for one child to fall asleep, but it's a bit strange for them to have several children asleep.

Although they were holding their children separately, I smelled the same meat buns that they might have eaten this morning, and their mouths were also oily, so I paid more attention...

I also hold the idea that I would rather kill by mistake than let go..."

Team Zhao smiled and nodded: "There is a problem, it's a big problem. Three women and two men are a very experienced criminal gang.

There were three children on the surface, but in fact the first woman had one in her bag, the second woman had three babies less than half a year old in her basket, and the third woman carried two in a rattan box. Nine children!

The other two men had some martial arts skills and escorted them to the train.

According to their account, all transactions were conducted from the train.

In this way, even if they are discovered, they can still escape in the chaos, and there are only middlemen on both sides. They pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other, making it difficult for each other to find each other...

Our comrades also take action, pretend to be traffickers, and see who knows the law and breaks it! "

Yuan Anyang smiled and nodded, "As long as the children are fine, then Captain Zhao, you are busy, I'm going home from get off work."

Knowing that she was newly married, Captain Zhao did not keep her. After she left, he sighed: "This Comrade Yuan is a capable person. The identities of those children are not simple!"

Comrade Xiao Wang nodded and said angrily: "Can it be simple? The children taken from the nursery of the city's No. 1 Hospital are raised in the countryside for a few months to avoid the limelight, and then sold..."

In this industry, children’s genetic excellence has a clear price tag.

No one wants to bring home a stupid kid.

These businessmen are really willing to do anything for money, and they don't take the wealthy and wealthy people in their eyes at all.

Going to the hospital to give birth these days is the most difficult hospital in Kyoto and there are not many ordinary people!

The children's families were looking for them like crazy, but the children seemed to have disappeared, and no one knew where they had gone.

Moreover, the children are small, and parents may not recognize their children even if they meet face to face.

Yuan Anyang did not pay attention to the follow-up. If she remembered correctly, Xia Hua happened to apply DNA identification technology to personal identification in 1985.

She took her bag and drove to the vegetable market.

Nowadays, bills have basically been abolished. There are not many people in the market at noon, but the dishes and meat are still fresh.

Eating for two people is relatively simple, so she directly bought the dishes for today's two meals.

When she returned home, looking at the clean and tidy courtyard with the bright red words "Happy" on the doors and windows, she felt a faint sense of joy in her heart.

She closed the door, washed her hands and started cooking.

A scrambled egg with loofah, a braised black fish, a stir-fried eggplant with meat, plus a spinach salty soup, served with steamed buns. By the time she was almost done, Jin Yangyao came back on his bike.

There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and he looked at her with bright eyes.

"Come in, the food is almost cold," Yuan Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, stepping forward to take the briefcase in his hand.

Jin Yangyao put the car away and went to get some water to wash up first. After making sure that he was clean and fresh, he hugged the woman setting the dishes and kissed her intimately.

Yuan An's muscles were stiff at first, but slowly she relaxed and began to feel nostalgic and fond of him.

She spoke proudly in a low voice about the important event she had done silently that morning: "At that time, I looked at those people with their eyes wandering, but they didn't dare to look at me. I knew there was something wrong with them, and I deliberately said that their votes were wrong.

The comrades in my bureau have better eyesight than me...

I wonder if those children can find their parents. "

Jin Yangyao hugged her tightly and nodded with a smile: "Of course it will! Kyoto says it's not small, but it's not big. If you confirm the hospital where the child was born, you can find out the relevant information."

Yuan Anyang hummed. She thought so too.

Besides, now that we have paternity testing technology, those parents can accurately find their children!

The food cooked by Yuan Anyang is particularly delicious. In fact, all the dishes that can be classified as food for people have a lot of audiences. It’s not that the dishes are not delicious, but the cooking method is very important.

Like fish, many people don't like to eat fish, except that they don't like the smell of fish, and they don't like to be picky.

Blackened fish has less bones and is more delicious. After being marinated with seasonings to remove the fishy smell, it is then cooked in braised sauce. The meat is wrapped in sauce, making it especially smooth and tender.

Jin Yangyao tasted each one and praised with a smile: "My wife's cooking is really good. It's even more delicious than what the chefs of state-owned restaurants make!"

Can it not be delicious? Yuan Anyang has signed up for a training class.

The man didn't say much, but he showed his appreciation for her cooking skills with his actions.

After dinner, Jin Yangyao went to wash the pots and dishes as usual.

Yuan Anyang started knitting a sweater. In more than half an hour yesterday, she had knitted a sweater 20 centimeters long.

When Jin Yangyao came back, she smiled and told him about her gift of wedding candies, and also took out forty yuan, "I have only been employed for a month, and I have received three gifts. I have gained so much, I can just use it to treat them to dinner." , However, the money seems to be barely enough for two meals..."

She said slightly frustrated.

Jin Yangyao chuckled, "It's okay, wife, you just went to work, so you should treat everyone to dinner and connect with each other.

Now that they are paying out of their own pockets, we can only be happy. "

You are right to think so. Yuan Anyang nodded repeatedly with a smile, "Yes, this is called taking advantage of someone's weak hand and eating their short mouth."

Jin Yangyao raised his eyebrows: "I'm going to shock them and let them know that your wife has a man who is a lawyer. If they want to say nasty things to you in the future, they have to think twice."

Yuan Anyang hugged him strangely, "Yes, yes, if anyone makes me angry in the future, I will tell you and let you vent your anger for me!

See if they are afraid! "

She looks like the bully kids in kindergarten.

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