Jin Yangyao smiled and rubbed her head: "That's right. If you can't handle it in the future, just tell me.

What to do when marrying a man? Of course, it must be pampered and protected.

Wife, I can't be with you 24 hours a day.

If you encounter any grievances, tell me, you know? "

Yuan Anyang hummed and said with a smile: "Yes, my job is quite boring anyway, but it is also a very important link in society.

I encounter many people and things every day, but there are not many people and things that I can really tell you about. Just don’t find it annoying. "

Jin Yangyao pinched her nose: "I hope you won't stop talking.

I like to hear you talk, and even more, I like to hear everything about you. "

Yuan Anyang hugged his neck, "Then it's your turn. I've told you what happened when I was at work, what about you?"

Jin Yangyao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and told her about his work.

Many people say that couples cannot go far without common topics. Gradually, they will be annoyed by the inconveniences of life, their love will be exhausted, and their family ties will not last long.

In fact, Jin Yangyao feels that common topics need to be created. They are engaged in different jobs, but they can share their happiness and confusion.

If people don’t communicate, they may not be able to keep up.

"Our current law firm is not well-known yet. We usually spend half of our time in the court to see if anyone needs our help, and half of our time we have to go out to distribute advertisements or go to schools and work units to promote legal knowledge. , enhance the company's reputation and popularity.

It was difficult in the early stage, but now we have started to get customers, which is a good start..."

Yuan Anyang asked curiously: "Now Ah Yao, what kind of cases are you taking on?"

Jin Yangyao coughed: "It's not a big case, just some divorce cases, custody or alimony cases, or debt repayment."

Yuan Anyang blinked his eyes. Ah, it is true that filters exist in every industry.

She thought being a lawyer would be exciting, but she didn't expect that it would be as boring as herself.

However, such a case is suitable to be listened to as a story. Under her questioning, Jin Yangyao impatiently shared with her the emotional entanglements of becoming someone A, person B, person C or person D.

How is this different from later generations of emotional conditioning programs?

It was hard for her to imagine her man with a solemn face listening to the conflicts and disputes between other people's mothers-in-law, aunts-in-law, sisters-in-law, and husbands and wives.

The two of them seemed to have endless topics to talk about. Even if they didn't speak, they both felt happy just being in a quiet place.

When he went to work in the afternoon, Yuan Anyang did not need to check tickets. Instead, he was in the platform broadcasting room, making announcements based on the train's arrival at the station.

Some positions at the station are rotated. This is because employees are afraid that doing one thing will be too boring. Moreover, employees know all the jobs so that they can better serve passengers.

"Hey, Yuan Anyang, right? Deputy Station Manager Liu is looking for you. I will be in charge of broadcasting this afternoon," a young woman said with a smile.

Yuan Anyang was stunned for a moment, smiled, nodded his thanks, and walked to the deputy stationmaster's office.

Deputy station manager Liu is responsible for personnel transfer at the station. In her last life, she seemed to have taken the initiative to apply to follow the train today.

At that time, she woke up and found that she was already married to a man, and the man was still the same guy who had been pestering her when she was at work.

She was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to call the police, but Teng Xiuqi threatened her with the Yuan family's parents. At that time, she had not fully seen the true face of her parents, thinking that they were the choices made out of helplessness after being bullied by the Teng family.

For the sake of her family, she could only swallow her pain with hatred and push herself to go to work.

Not wanting to go home and face Teng Xiuqi, she chose to follow the car.

However, her request was rejected at that time, saying that the ride-hailing attendant had relatively high quality requirements for service, and she, a newbie who had just started working, was not qualified to do the job.

The flight attendants who follow the train are required to follow the train for four days and rest for four days, and the four days of following the train are 12 hours on and 12 hours off. This kind of schedule is the favorite shift of some staff who are not married or have a partner. .

Moreover, the flight attendants are given special care. Riding is free and they can go to any city they want after get off work.

This kind of job is particularly popular, so it is reasonable for her to be rejected.

But she couldn't figure out what Deputy Station Manager Liu wanted to do with herself this time.

Yuan Anyang couldn't figure it out and didn't continue to embarrass himself. He walked to the door of the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said Deputy Station Manager Liu, who was not the pot-bellied person he would be in the future, and the Mediterranean Sea on his head.

He also has a somewhat gentle manner. He smiled and pushed the frame, "Xiao Yuan is here? Sit down quickly."

As he said that, he stood up and poured a glass of water for Yuan Anyang.

Yuan Anyang smiled lightly and thanked him.

"Xiao Yuan has been at the company for more than a month and has officially started working for more than a week. How do you feel? Are you still getting used to it?"

It was a very routine opening statement, and Yuan Anyang answered them one by one with a smile.

After starting work, she has a one-month training period, during which she will learn the rules and regulations while going to various positions to learn from veteran employees.

The work in each position is not difficult, only certain positions have higher professional requirements.

She is smart and studious, and has no difficulty in taking up the job, not to mention that she is reborn now.

"It's like this. We are laying more and more train tracks now. There are five new vehicles starting from Kyoto alone, not to mention many passing vehicles... So we have reviewed the daily routines of our employees. After reviewing the work attitude and ability, we found that you are very suitable, so we want to put you into the new car team...

It's from Kyoto to Jiangshi. It takes two and a half days one way, and the round trip takes exactly five days... But you can work for five days and rest at home for five days...

Xiao Yuan, you also know that car service personnel have relatively high requirements for professional abilities and may encounter various emergencies. This is the most challenging situation, and it is also an opportunity for you to rise quickly...

Not to mention anything else, if you become a team leader, your salary will be half of what it is now..."

Yuan Anyang lowered his eyes slightly, why is it different?

In the last life, she took the initiative to apply for a car ride, but was rejected, but this time she didn't move at all, but she was actively recommended?

Deputy station director Liu continued to persuade: "I know you have just gotten married, so it is quite difficult for you to be transferred to a flight attendant.

But our site doesn't have enough manpower, and we don't have time to train now. It can only take two months at most. If you still don't like it by then, how about you transfer it back?

Xiao Yuan, you are a woman in the new society, a college graduate, and you got married right after graduation. However, you cannot put your heart completely into your family, and you have to make more plans for yourself...

Only when a woman has a career can she be attractive and be able to straighten her back..."

Yuan Anyang didn't know if he was being careless, but he always felt that Deputy Webmaster Liu was being a little deliberate.

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