Yuan Anyang nodded: "When you married me, you didn't say hello to me. I thought it was our family's wedding tradition.

But you may have made a mistake. It was Teng Xiuqi's eldest brother who fell in love with me.

The Teng family has lost a lot of face because you got the wrong bride. They are not looking for trouble with you, are they?

Probably not. I think Teng Dong is a very reasonable person. Teng Xiuqi married my cousin, and we all became in-laws...

The most they can do is give you small shoes..."

Yuan's father kept smoking in silence, while Yuan's mother said angrily: "Mom and dad are doing this for your own good.

The conditions of the Teng family are so good, so many girls are rushing to get married but they can't get married. If you weren't good-looking, you wouldn't have this chance..."

Yuan's mother was so angry that she continued to point at Yuan Anyang and said: "Marrying is a woman's second reincarnation. Your parents found such a good partner for you, but you didn't show consideration for our good intentions and still married that poor boy." ?

We have inquired about it and found out that Jin Yangyao is just a dragster and an ignorant idiot.

As long as he calls Teng Dong daddy and changes his surname to Teng, then he will be the one to marry you!

But he, hey, can't see the reality at all. He would rather let you suffer hardships with him than give you a prosperous life...

Maybe, he hates that family and deliberately marries you..."

Yuan Anyang looked indifferent and let her speak, listening with left ear and thinking about what to eat later.

The weather is cold now, so it’s okay to store meat and vegetables for a day. Otherwise, she can make dumplings, right?

She also specially ordered some pork skin, wrapped it in dumplings, and put mushrooms on it. It should be especially fragrant!

Speaking of which, today was their third day of marriage and they should have returned, but neither of them mentioned it.

Now that Father Yuan and Mother Yuan are here, it’s just a matter of returning home.

"I'm talking to you, do you hear me? We don't recognize Jin Yangyao as our son-in-law unless he gives the same betrothal gift as Teng Xiuqi.

It's not that the parents are interested in the money, it's actually the amount of betrothal gift given by the man that shows respect for the woman.

If we let you young people do not want anything, then they will think that you are a picked-up daughter-in-law, and they will not respect you at all and will not take you seriously...

We are people who have been here before. How can we lie to your biological parents? "

Yuan Anyang tilted his head, looked at them both, and suddenly asked: "Mom and Dad, are you really my biological parents?

Why am I nothing like you? "

This sentence seemed to sting Mother Yuan's pain: "Why not? Everyone saw it when I was pregnant. At that time, I was hospitalized for dystocia and almost lost half my life before giving birth to you.

You were weak and sick at first, and your father and I were heartbroken...

There are so many children in the world who don’t look like their parents. You look like your grandma. Your grandma was a great beauty when she was young..."

Yuan Anyang blinked. Fortunately, she had studied psychology. From Yuan's mother's bluffing look, she could tell that the other party was lying!

Thinking of a possibility, Yuan Anyang's heart skipped a beat.

Everyone says that there are no parents in the world who do not love their children. Even parents who are extremely partial will occasionally feel love for their children.

At least they won't actually push the child into the fire pit.

And they look completely different, making it hard to believe that they are a family.

But the neighbors did watch Yuan’s mother get pregnant and give birth in the hospital. If she was not the Yuan family’s child, then where were the Yuan family’s real children?

Yuan Anyang thought that he would mention this matter to Jin Yangyao later and ask him to help him check it out.

She pursed her lips: "But I am married to Ah Yao. He has just started working now, and we have no money." Mother Yuan glared at her: "How can you get married without money? Are you so short of a man?"

Yuan Anyang said lightly: "I thought you disliked me being an eyesore at home and couldn't wait to marry me off, so I found someone to marry myself to save you from worrying.

I am an ordinary person, and my man is also an ordinary person. I am barely able to make ends meet, and I really cannot afford to feed your family.

Speaking of which, my parents’ salary is okay, so why do they still care about the eight yuan in my hand? "

Father Yuan gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "I have raised you for more than twenty years and you can't make a single profit?"

Yuan Anyang smiled: "I have been a nanny for your family since I was three or four years old, helping you take care of your children, wash pots, cook and wash clothes, but you didn't give me any salary.

And I also eat your leftovers when I eat. If you tell me, it will make people laugh...

Don't say that it's all your fault that I look good now. Without my man to support me, I would probably be lying in a hospital bed due to malnutrition, anemia, and hypoglycemia...

I won’t talk nonsense to you anymore. From the time you calculated that I would exchange the bride price for your son, our relationship for childbirth and childbirth was cut off!

Even if you sue me, the most you will be sentenced to is that you will be paralyzed in bed and unable to move. I will give you two money to keep you from starving to death..."

Father Yuan and Mother Yuan's eyes widened, they couldn't believe that the person who said such words was Yuan Anyang!

In their impression, Yuan Anyang was cowardly, did not know how to resist, and allowed himself to be beaten and scolded by them.

When she was full of sarcasm and indifference.

"You..." Father Yuan was so angry that he was shaking all over: "You have offended the Teng family, what good fruit can I get from you?

We are also doing this for your own good. It was you who behaved inappropriately and got into trouble with Teng Xiuqi.

We are just ordinary employees, how can we compete with the Teng family? If we don't agree with your marriage and don't cooperate with them, they will break off your brother's legs...

Do you just have the heart to watch our family of three suffer because of you? "

Look, every time they get too hard, they start crying and playing emotional cards.

She had not been severely beaten by society in her previous life, so she couldn't bear it at all and couldn't play with this pair of villains.

"It's okay, if they dare to do it, we will file a complaint! This is a society governed by law, and we are in Kyoto. We cannot allow them to be rampant. They are just scaring you.

Is it possible that they can still SHA people? "

Yuan Anyang waved his hand indifferently.

Yuan's mother and Yuan's father were so angry that they were itching their teeth. How come this girl couldn't get enough of oil and salt?

"Anyway, I don't care. If you want to live a peaceful life, just come up with two thousand yuan and a 60-square-meter house. Otherwise, we will make trouble every day!"

Yuan Anyang nodded: "Okay, you guys can make trouble. Anyway, I'm in a very good mood. I'll be on the train in two days. You can't stop me."

On the other hand, you have to drive here from Chengbei District every day. Isn’t it hard?

You don’t go to work to make money anymore? "

Father Yuan was so angry that he raised his hand to slap Yuan Anyang.

But Yuan Anyang took a step back with a smile, covered his face and screamed: "I killed someone. My parents want to sell their daughter to their son in exchange for his wife. Help..."

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