Father Yuan and Mother Yuan were startled by her shouting. When they heard what she was shouting clearly, their faces became extremely dark.

"What nonsense are you talking about, girl? Where did I hit you?" Yuan's father looked at the security guard running over, and growled in anger and embarrassment.

Yuan Anyang trembled with fear: "Don't come here, don't hit me... I'm already married, and a good girl won't wait for her second husband..."

Everyone stepped forward to protect Yuan Anyang behind them and glared at Yuan's father and Yuan's mother.

Father Yuan and Mother Yuan put on their honest faces, rubbed their hands and said helplessly and embarrassedly: "Comrades, that's not the case, we are her parents.

But look at her beautiful appearance, does it look like she was beaten and scolded? It's too late for us to feel sorry for her, so how could we be willing to beat her?

This is not because she got the marriage certificate. When we returned home today, our daughter and son-in-law didn't come. We thought something had happened to her, so we drove over for a long time to have a look...

She, as long as she’s fine, how can I think that she doesn’t look down on our husband and wife..."

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother always dress brightly, no matter how expensive they are, but they buy new clothes every year.

Now they actually wear patched clothes!

Yuan Anyang had always been facing them, not knowing what was going on behind them. Now they all turned around, showing the audience how shabby they were.

She just cried silently, almost forgetting her sadness: "It's whatever you say, anyway, you received a bride price of 2,000 yuan from others, and you also have a house.

Everyone in the neighborhood knows that when we got married, the bride’s name was me, but the person getting married was my cousin, and you gave me sleeping pills...

These are things you can’t even explain with your mouth full...

Don’t think that if you are older than me, you can deceive the masses by wiping your tears and pretending to be honest...

You guys all have sharp eyes... These things I said are all facts. If I hadn't seen your cruelty clearly, how could you have married yourself in a hurry?

I'm really afraid that you won't succeed this time and will sell me to an old man next time..."

If in her previous life, she would have been snatched away by Yuan Yuan's father and mother, and she would have become an unfilial daughter in the eyes of everyone. Shouldn't she just let them manipulate her?

But after she was reborn, she had a big mouth, and it was her turn to steal the show.

"I have never seen such cruel parents as you... I really doubt whether I am your biological child. Why are you so cruel to me when there are only two children in the house? You want to strangle me to death..."

Everyone looks at this and that, and they really can't imagine how such an ordinary-looking person could give birth to such a charming little girl?

At this time, a tall figure squeezed in from the crowd, stood beside Yuan Anyang, held her shoulders and looked up and down.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: "Uncle and aunt, I am Jin Yangyao, Anyang's legal husband and a lawyer.

I have collected strong evidence that you and Teng Xiuqi jointly planned to buy and sell people.

If you do not accept private mediation, we can take you to court to seek justice.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce you. I am a law graduate student at Imperial University, and I have never lost a lawsuit.

I don't want to have to go to court with you! "

As soon as he appeared like a lawyer, Yuan's father and Yuan's mother, who had little knowledge, felt uncertain.

"You, don't think that I am scared. You said there is evidence, there is evidence?" Father Yuan thought for a while and didn't think they had any leverage in this transaction.

Jin Yangyao smiled and took out a palm-sized tape recorder from his pocket, "You may not recognize this thing. Its function is to record. Do you want me to play a piece of your conversation at that time?"

He pressed the button, and Teng Xiuqi's voice appeared on it: "...I will not treat my uncle and aunt badly...I have prepared a gift of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and a two-bedroom apartment for you..." He smiled Laughing: "You want me to continue playing and see how my uncle and aunt sold their daughter for the money and the house?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan's father and Yuan's mother's expressions changed.

They didn't expect that Teng Xiuqi would keep this trick!

Jin Yangyao stepped forward step by step and whispered: "If you don't want to be arrested, then accept private mediation.

Do you want money or freedom? Now that the good times have just been released for a few years, many rules and regulations are still there. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life in prison because of this deal, right?

In addition to these, we have many witnesses...

Only when Anyang signs the consent form will this matter be completely over..."

Father Yuan and Mother Yuan could only nod silently.

Jin Yangyao took out two pages of paper from his pocket and said calmly: "Take a look and sign if you have no questions.

With this agreement, both of us can be more restrained. "

Yuan's father angrily took the agreement, which said that Yuan's father and Yuan's mother plotted against Yuan Anyang in order to save a wife for their son, and elaborated on the process.

But Anyang wanted to forget about it because Yuan's father and Yuan's mother were the parents who gave birth to her, and the matter would be different in the future.

However, Yuan's father and Yuan's mother are not allowed to continue to pester Anyang, otherwise they will continue to prosecute.

However, after all, Jin Yangyao married Yuan Anyang, so he would give a betrothal gift according to the standard marriage standards in the city.

Seeing this, Father Yuan's heart was slightly balanced. No matter how much, he could at least catch something.

The main thing is that now that they have been caught, they should get over it first.

They are Yuan Anyang's parents, and she will never be able to throw them away in her entire life!

Father Yuan thought for a while and signed his name neatly.

At this time, Jin Yangyao took out the sealing pad again, and Father Yuan pressed his fingerprints without even thinking about it.

Yuan Anyang also signed and fingerprinted, and each person received one copy.

Father Yuan puffed out his chest slightly, held the agreement and said, "Since you are already married, are you going to make up for the betrothal gift as stipulated in the agreement?"

Jin Yangyao smiled: "I have already bought it, but I just married in with my wife.

I didn’t say who the betrothal gift should be given to above. Don’t parents who love their daughters usually ask their daughters to use a small amount of these as a dowry, and even add some more?

No need to add more, as long as you don't continue to enslave my wife in the future.

My married daughter is throwing water. I don’t welcome people who don’t want to come to my house, lest I have to deal with it with the law again. "

As he spoke, he raised the agreement in his hand.

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother's faces were ashen, okay, they only saw the betrothal gift, but they didn't expect that Jin Yangyao was just talking!

They didn't catch anything, and they were threatened.

Yuan Anyang said lightly: "Speaking of it, your kindness towards my birth was at most three years old. Even before I was three years old, I don't know how I survived. It was probably a meal for hundreds of families.

But over the years, the work I have done for my family and the money I have earned have more than ten times, right?

If you want to say you owe me a debt, it's probably because you gave birth to me but didn't support me. When you gave birth to me, you didn't even ask me if I wanted to be born by you! "

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