Faced with the big guys’ pointing fingers, Father Yuan and Mother Yuan came in angrily and left dejectedly.

Everyone looked at Yuan Anyang with sympathy. They didn't expect that she, who was so beautiful, hard-working and smart, would have such a pair of parents.

The fuss between Yuan's father and Yuan's mother not only prevented people from misunderstanding that Yuan Anyang was an unfilial daughter, but instead made everyone understand what kind of family she had.

Yuan Anyang cried and was hugged by Jin Yangyao's shoulders and left. After leaving the unit.

She wiped away the few tears and asked him with a smile: "Ah Yao, how come you have their recordings?"

Jin Yangyao chuckled: "Because I can imitate people's speech and forged a copy. In fact, there is only this sentence in the tape recorder.

They felt guilty and had no clear memory of the situation at that time. In addition, my imitation was relatively similar and everyone was watching, which put a certain amount of psychological pressure on them, making it impossible for them to calm down and distinguish the authenticity of the recording..."

Yuan Anyang couldn't help but give him a thumbs up: "Ah Yao, you are so awesome, what else can you not do?"

Jin Yangyao smiled and grabbed her hand: "I can't give birth to the baby for you..."

Yuan Anyang blushed, glared at him, got on the car and ran away.

The next day, Anyang went to the designated place to participate in the training. There were many vehicles departing from Kyoto, and there were countless passing vehicles. Each vehicle had their own crew on board.

There are too many people. Even though she has been in the position for more than 20 years, there are still many people she does not recognize, let alone the time went back more than 20 years!

She took a pen and notebook and walked into the large conference room. A familiar colleague smiled and waved to her.

Yuan Anyang stepped forward with a smile. In fact, the relationship between many colleagues is quite good now. As long as it does not involve promotion, they can basically get along harmoniously and happily.

She had already found a way to get along with her colleagues during her long career.

Several people were talking together, and Yuan Anyang looked at them calmly. Today's trains are green trains, usually with eighteen carriages, including dining carriages and luggage carriages. Sixteen of them are used to carry people. These carriages It is divided into hard-seat carriages and soft- and hard-sleeper carriages, carrying a total of more than 1,550 people.

But the station also sells standing tickets and has more passengers.

Crew members are arranged according to service cars and their respective responsibilities.

This month, trains were running on several lines at the same time, and there was an obvious shortage of crew members. This time, one person was responsible for two carriages, and two teams of people worked 12-hour shifts, plus dining car chefs, waiters, mobile salespersons, accompanying mechanics, and train police. , almost thirty-five or six people.

Not long after, a training teacher came over with information. She was also the conductor of their train, Cheng Xinyan, and had rich experience.

Conductor Cheng glanced at everyone indifferently, and the conference room that was noisy just now suddenly became quiet.

"On behalf of Kyoto East Station, I welcome everyone to be assigned to our newly opened train from Kyoto to Haishi... We can become crew members on the same train. We should help each other and serve passengers with all our heart in the future..."

After a simple opening remarks, conductor Cheng began to roll call.

Yuan Anyang matched the names one by one with the people on the list he saw. Sure enough, besides himself, there were some personnel changes, some were added and some were replaced.

The content of the training was very boring. They had to recite various rules and regulations in the morning, and in the afternoon they had to practice with short-distance buses to learn how to serve passengers.

They need to remember the work process and be able to adapt to the needs of passengers, etc.

Yuan Anyang had already ingrained these into her bones, so she performed so well within a week that she was promoted by Conductor Cheng to become one of the deputy conductors!

Although everyone was unwilling to give up, the main reason was that Yuan Anyang's entry time was too short. Including the internship period, which was less than one and a half months, he could become the deputy conductor and his salary would be increased by half.

However, their reluctance only lasted for a moment, considering that Yuan Anyang was one of the few college students in the entire train, even if he was a college student, he was still a college student. She has strong learning ability, strong aura, and ability to handle things, which is even worse than that of Captain Cheng who has more than 20 years of experience.

After getting new work clothes and a sign with the name of deputy train conductor Yuan Anyang, Yuan Anyang had a faint smile on his lips. He really had to choose a different path in this life.

Does this count as a double success for her in career and love?

When he got home, Yuan Anyang made braised pork, stuffed rice, and fried two vegetables.

When Jin Yangyao came back and saw the abundant food on the table, he raised his eyebrows and smiled before going to wash his hands, change into clean clothes, and put the person in his arms for intimacy.

The weather is getting colder, and women put on new sweaters. The clothes are loose, but they are also convenient for men to make trouble. When he is held in his arms, it is so sweet and soft that it makes people feel numb.

No wonder the term "warm and fragrant nephrite" is used. The two have been married for more than a week, and their intimacy every day has made Yuan Anyang's acquiescence to him more and more.

Jin Yangyao couldn't bear it, but buried his head in her fragrant neck in silence, shouting pitifully: "Daughter-in-law... I miss you so much..."

A simple thought made Yuan Anyang's cheeks turn red.

She stretched out her hand and patted his shoulder with a chuckle: "Ah Yao, come and eat quickly, it will be cold later."

Jin Yangyao said dullly: "Anyang, when can you feed me..."

Yuan Anyang felt like he was about to be burned. Who taught him to say such shameful words?

Or is it that he is self-taught?

She pursed her lips and whispered: "But, I made braised pork specially for you. The meat won't taste good when it's cold."

Jin Yangyao sighed slightly, "Yes, I can't live up to my wife's hard work."

The braised pork was fragrant and melted in the mouth. The soup was poured on the rice. Jin Yangyao ate several bowls of rice!

Putting down his chopsticks, he rarely ate until he was full, and patted his belly with satisfaction: "My wife's cooking skills are really good. I look forward to this meal every day."

Yuan Anyang said with a smile: "I got a promotion and a salary increase, so I made braised pork at night.

It’s not good to eat too much meat at night. I’ll make it for you at lunch next time! "

She handed over the work card in her hand.

Jin Yangyao took it with a smile and rubbed his fingers carefully on the badge, "Congratulations, Deputy Conductor Yuan!"

Yuan Anyang stepped forward tentatively with a smile, hugged him, and looked at him seriously: "Ah Yao, thank you for supporting me."

Not long after they got married, she would follow the car and stay away for two or three days.

Jin Yangyao hugged her and said: "But, there is no free lunch in the world for a wife. You can stay with the car for more than two days and rest at home for three days."

The two of us have more time to spend together..."

Yuan Anyang raised his head and kissed his chin.

The man froze and looked at her with burning eyes, "Daughter-in-law, you are lighting a fire!"

Yuan Anyang hugged his neck, pursed his lips and whispered: "I, I'm scared, please be patient..."

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